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New Horizons FAQ

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  • Contents

    Pirates of the Caribbean: New Horizons FAQ

    GENERAL GAME (top)

    1. Which game are we talking about? (top)

    This forum is concerned with the 2003 PC game "Pirates of the Caribbean", developed by Akella.
    It is more-or-less a sequel to the original "Sea Dogs".
    Detailed information about the different game versions can be found in this thread: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/information-about-the-game.19509/

    2. Where can I get the game? (top)

    The game seems rather hard-to-find these days. Try Amazon.com, eBay.com or the Yahoo Store

    3. Which operating system(s) does the game work on? (top)

    The game was made only for Windows, and has not been tested on Mac OS or Linux, so we cannot confirm whether it works on those or not.
    It has been confirmed to run properly on all Windows versions, ranging from Windows XP to Windows 10.
    Security measures may make installation difficult, though.

    4. My game doesn't work; now what? (top)

    One possible solution submitted by user Chromide is as follows:
    I had the typical crash after starting a new game on windows 7 and tried every suggestion under the sun. None worked for me until I found a site (http://www.techradar.com/news/computing/pc/how-to-make-old-programs-work-on-windows-7-922313) which provides a link to the "Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.6" (http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=7352).
    I downloaded the "ApplicationCompatibilityToolkitSetup.exe". This includes a program called "Compatability Administrator (32-bit)" which has a list of what appears to be every game in existence, including - surprisingly - Pirates of the Caribbean by Akella. The tool seemed to install a fix and after playing the game and restarting my computer, the game now works.

    The game tends not to work if: (top)

    *Note* If you have an Intel card AND an NVidia card in the same laptop, please see this solution to enable the NVidia card for POTC: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/fix-for-intel-graphics-card-problems-laptop-nvidia-users.19956/

    5. My original game works but the mods don't; now what? (top)

    If you have Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 10, install the original game OUTSIDE of Program Files (e.g. C:\Games\Pirates of the Caribbean).
    The security system doesn't allow changes to files in Program Files.

    If you can't get the game to work and none of these things apply to you, then feel free to post it in PotC Technical.

    6. All the writing in the menus are blurry and can't be read... Can I fix this? (top)

    Yes, load up your config file in the main PotC directory and make sure your graphics level is set to "High".

    7. On Windows 10, the game sometimes slows down significantly, especially in indoor locations. What's going on? (top)

    If you have a relatively powerful PC, you will sometimes experience extremely high framerates in the game, which slows the game to a crawl because it simply can't cope.
    The solution is to use an application such as MSI Afterburner to limit the framerate. See how in this thread: Windows 10: Low Frame Rates Despite (BECAUSE OF!) Good Hardware.

    8. I can't find my saved games in Windows 10. They're not in the "SAVE" folder. Where are they? (top)

    If an application tries to write into a file inside its own installation folder and you are not running it as administrator, the OS may put the file into a virttual store. All reads and writes to the file are redirected by the OS to this virtual store so it's transparent to the application, which is why PoTC still thinks its saved games are in the normal place. This is particularly likely to happen if you installed PoTC into the "Program Files" folder - just one of the reasons why you should install it somewhere else! Try looking in "C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Pirates of the Caribbean\SAVE". Also look at this thread: Windows 10 getting your saves if game installed in Program Files.


    1. What is the Build Mod? (top)

    The "Build Mod" is a modpack developed by this community, improving the original game mentioned above by fixing bugs and adding brand new content and features.
    It has been worked on by many modders since the original game's release back in 2003, and is still going strong to this day!

    2. What is the latest version? (top)

    Check out our ModDB page for the latest news and downloads.
    Since most members here now play the newest version, getting support for this is easier than for the earlier editions.

    3. How do I install the latest version of the Build Mod? (top)

    Please see this link to our ModDB Downloads page: http://www.moddb.com/mods/new-horizons/downloads
    Step 1: Install the original game to any folder outside of Program Files.
    Step 2: Place "Part 1: Installation Wizard" in a folder on your computer
    Step 3: Place "Part 2: Contents Archive" in the SAME folder
    Step 4: Execute the installation wizard, following all instructions carefully.

    5. I installed the Build Mod as per the instructions, but now my game doesn't work (top)

    Post the .log files from your main game folder in Build Technical. If there are no .log files, check if Error Logging is enabled:

    How to enable Error Logging (top)

    1. Open "engine.ini" in your main game folder.
    2. Find the "debuginfo = 0" line and change it to "debuginfo = 1".
    3. Find the "runtimelog = 0" line and change it to "runtimelog = 1".
    4. Find the "tracefilesoff = 1" line and change it to "tracefilesoff = 0".*
    5. Start the game and wait until the error occurs.
    6. Now find compile.log, system.log and the possible error.log in your main game folder.
    7. Upload these files to your forum post by clicking "Upload a File".

    *It should look like this:

    tracefilesoff = 0
    debuginfo = 1
    codefiles = 0
    runtimelog = 1

    Note on editing files (top)

    Changing some values in certain files can cause your game to stop working!
    In particular, InternalSettings.h should be editied with caution, and you should always keep a back-up of the original.
    If you're the type that likes tweaking multiple files, we recommend keeping a clean back-up of the entire PROGRAM and RESOURCE/INI folders.


    1. How do I change the game's settings? (top)

    B14: Use the Options>Advanced Options menu in the game. Advanced options can be found in PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h

    B13: Open BuildSettings.h in your main game folder and make whatever adjustments you want. New game required for some tweaks, but not all.

    2. Is there a cheat mode? (top)

    Yes, there is:
    At the bottom of InternalSettings.h is this line:
    #define ENABLE_CHEATMODE 0
    Change the 0 to 1

    Numpad 0 = Character: God Mode
    Numpad 1 = Scroll Characters LEFT
    Numpad 2 = Select Main Character
    Numpad 3 = Scroll Characters RIGHT
    Numpad 4 = Character: Level-Up
    Numpad 5 = Character: Fake Level Up
    Numpad 6 = Player: + 100000 Gold and + 10000 Wealth
    Numpad 7 = Character: Cycle through reputations (increase/decrease reputation)
    Numpad 8 = Disable worldmap storms and ships chasing you
    Numpad 9 = Trigger enemy attack (cheatmode not required)
    TAB = Shotgun Mode: If you have a shotgun equipped in Fight Mode

    3. How can I use sidestep? A and D do not respond. (top)

    The original game didn't have sidestep, so we added it. We tried to include collision detection, but failed due to game engine limitations.
    Therefore, we have disabled it by default. If you want to use it anyway, set SIDESTEP_ENABLED to 1 at the bottom of PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h .

    4. My reputation is horrible. How can I change what people think about me? (top)

    Firstly, you probably didn't know what caused this. Your reputation goes down when:
    • You failed to pay off a loan from the loan shark "on time".
    • You failed to deliver cargo "on time".
    • You hit or killed civilians or merchants.
    • Your landing party and/or officers hurt or killed a civilian. Note, this can happen even at a distance if your officers use guns.
    • You fired on a friendly or neutral ship.
    • You basically did the evil thing in a certain situation.
    To fix this, do the obvious thing: good deeds. talking to people and helping them, rescuing shipwreck survivors, finishing quests you still have going which give you a reputation bonus, etc.

    5. Why are there two numbers for skills on the character sheet? (top)

    The first is the character's "native" skill; the second is the skill after bonuses and penalties from items AND/OR ship class have been taken into account.

    6. I can't continue to the next boarding deck :modding (top)

    Press F12 whenever you get stuck and it SHOULD allow you to continue.

    7. Since installing the latest modpack, I find that the ships are harder to handle and I have to visit every location for me to fast travel to them, why? (top)

    In all releases since Beta 1, we have enabled Realistic Mode by default. This includes counter rudder and having to visit each place in order to unlock Fast Travel. :yes
    If you want to fix this, go into Realism Settings (in Options menu) before starting the game and swap Realistic Mode with Arcade Mode.

    8. I sometimes get a "using gold" message when opening chests, and I can't open treasure chests; what do I do? (top)

    For some reason, this seems to happen when you have the Ammo Mod disabled in Advanced Options. As a temporary fix, you need to enable the Ammo Mod and start a new game.

    9. I'm playing a quest and something isn't working, so I can't go any further. What should I do? (top)

    It's likely that a quest sequence hasn't been triggered properly, which can sometimes happen at random.
    If this happens, you should try reloading a previous savegame. We recommend saving regularly so that you always have something to fall back on.

    10. After a while of playing the mod, some things are no longer working properly. What should I do? (top)

    If your game has been running just fine until this point, try deleting your "options" file in your main game folder.
    This file can gradually become corrupted after playing the game for a long time, to the point where it eventually interferes with performance.
    You will need to select your in-game options again, so be sure to take note of them BEFORE deleting the "options" file.

    11. Whenever an enemy captain surrenders and I board his ship, I have to fight him and he kills me. How am I supposed to take his ship? (top)

    Enemy captains won't give up their ships to anyone they think is unworthy. If their "Leadership" and "Melee" skills combined are better than yours, or if you do not have the "Professional Fencer" and "Iron Will" abilities and he does, the enemy captain will duel you.
    Even if you have good skills and abilities, if the enemy ship is at least two classes bigger than yours, you'll have to fight the duel. But if the enemy ship is at least two classes smaller than yours, you will never need to fight the duel.
    So you won't be able to capture an enemy ship unless you're worthy, especially if it's much better than the one you're sailing now. Only go for small targets until you have good skills, abilities and equipment!

    12. A character whom I need to meet in a quest is not there. Where is he? (top)

    Probably in bed. Go to the tavern and either rent a room for the night, or ask to use it for a few hours, and wait until 10:00. The character should be awake and in place then.

    BUILD 14-SPECIFIC (top)

    1. How can I play as *this guy* and get *that ship*? (top)

    You can customize nearly everything by clicking on it in the Select Storyline interface. Set ENABLE_CHEATMODE to 1 at the bottom of PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h to be able to choose from ALL ships in the game. During the game you can buy many outfits at a tailor's shop (pirates only appear for purchase on pirate settlements), and put the outfit on through the F2>Character interface.
    To get a unique ship, find Hendrick Vanderdecken in a well known place by getting a well known object from a well known character in another well known place (the ships are highly expensive, though).

    Step 1) Open PROGRAM\Console.c and navigate to this section of code used to give you a ship:

    	// Give ship
    	// ------------------
    	//    GiveShip2Character(pchar,pchar.ship.type,pchar.ship.name,-1,PIRATE,true,true);
    	//    GiveShip2Character(pchar,"NL_Amsterdam","Amsterdam",-1,HOLLAND,true,true);
    	//    GiveShip2Character(pchar,"CursedDutchman","Flying Dutchman",-1,PIRATE,true,true);
    	//    GiveShip2Character(pchar,"QueenAnnesRevenge","Queen Anne's Revenge",-1,PIRATE,true,true);
    	//    GiveShip2Character(pchar,"RN_SteamFrigate","HMS Astrea",-1,ENGLAND,true,true);
    	//    GiveShip2Character(pchar,SHIP_CURSED,"Black Pearl",-1,PIRATE,true,true);
    Step 2) For one of the example lines, change the sections highlighted with asterisks below:
           GiveShip2Character(pchar,"*MODEL ID*","*YOUR CHOSEN NAME*",-1,*NATION*,true,true);
    Where *MODEL ID* is located in PROGRAM\Ships\Ships_init.c , *YOUR CHOSEN NAME* is the in-game name you wish to give the ship, and *NATION* affects the stats of the model, by determining which nation built it (for more details, refer to the top of PROGRAM\Ships\Ships_init.c).
    Step 3) Remove the // from the beginning of the same line.
    Step 4) Navigate to this section of code used to change your character:
    	// Models and Times (for screenshot-making)
    	// ------------------
    	//    GiveModel2Player("Jack",true);
    Step 5) Replace the word "Jack" with the ID of your chosen character, and remove the // from the line.
    Step 6) Save the file, start the game, load a new game OR a save game, and press F12. Upon reloading to another location, you should now have your chosen ship and character.

    IDs for commonly requested PotC movie characters and ships: (top)

    Black Pearl = "CursedPearl" OR "UncursedPearl" OR "BlackPearl" OR SHIP_CURSED (for skeleton crew + fog. Note: NO quotation marks)
    Wicked Wench = "WickedWench"
    HMS Interceptor = "HMS_Interceptor"
    HMS Dauntless = "HMS_Dauntless"
    Flying Dutchman = "CursedDutchman" OR "FlyingDutchman"
    HMS Endeavour = "HMS_Endeavour"
    Empress = "Empress"
    Queen Anne's Revenge = "QueenAnnesRevenge"

    Jack Sparrow = "Jack" OR "depp"
    Davy Jones = "DavyJones"
    Captain Barbossa = "Barbossa"
    Blackbeard = "Blackbeard"
    Cutler Beckett = "Cutler_Beckett"
    Will Turner = "Will"
    Tia Dalma = "TiaDalma"
    Ragetti = "Ragetti"

    2. For no reason at all my crew morale drops at an incredible rate and mutinies against me :( (top)

    If you have too much money your crew becomes jealous and will become unhappy with you and eventually will mutiny...
    To stop this either get rid of/hide your money, pay to raise morale or change the way you're paying your crew, eg. sign articles with them.
    NOTE: Explanatory note added ingame as per Build 14 Beta 2.5
    To turn off this mod go to the bottom of InternalSettings.h, go to the bottom and change the 0 to a 1 on the line:
    #define UNLIMITEDLOOT 0

    3. How finished are the various storylines? (top)

    Please refer to this thread.

    4. I've been playing the stock PotC for a while now and am confused about the new island names (top)

    The island names change over periods now but generally this is how the original islands now are named:


    - The game now contains a "Profiles" system, which groups savegames together per storyline and profile name.
    If you start a new storyline game but already had savegames from a previous time you started that story,
    you can create another profile by clicking the "Player" text and typing in another name.

    - In Select Storyline, you can choose your player type (Merchant, Corsair, Adventurer, etc.)
    This defines which of your skills will increase faster than the others and is indicated with tick marks in F2>Character.

    - Hired officers contribute their skills also if they're not in your "active" officer party.
    Note that they only contribute the skills that are correct for their type.
    In the Passengers interface, you can reassign officers, see their effective skills.
    The total effect of player + officers is shown as the player skills in the Passengers interface

    - Hiring a doctor with a good defence skill and having medicine on board will decrease after-battle casualties.
    Wounded crew are shown as [healthy crew] / [wounded crew] in F2>Ship.

    - You can change the appearance of your sails in F2>Ship>Sails.

    - You can fly other nations' flags through F2>Relations. If it is a false flag, you can be recognized.
    The chance for this increases if you are famous and as you get closer to friendly ships that are of an enemy nation.
    Flying your Personal flag, the sea relations will be the same as your real relations.

    - If you're confused on island names and positions, consult the Archipelago Map in F2>Inventory>Maps.
    You can also buy island maps from the item traders, which will give you town and shore positions and names.

    - If you get stuck in any of the storylines or sidequests, check the walkthroughs on the Wiki:

    - Realistic Sailing Mode

    • Wind direction has a much bigger impact and you can't sail into the wind any more (in Arcade mode, you can)
    • Different rig types have a MUCH bigger impact than in Arcade mode
    • Ships require counter-rudder to stop a turn

    - In Arcade mode, based on what spyglass you've bought, they will show:

    • Nation
    • Ship name
    • Ship type
    • Cannon type of other ship
    • Hull and sail damage
    • Number of crew members
    • Speed
    • Charge type (eg. balls, chainshot or grape)
    There IS an inaccuracy built into these spyglass observations (can be increased or turned off in "Advanced Options"),
    but since a real spyglass cannot give you this information at all, in Realistic mode,
    your spyglass tells you only other ships' name when they're close, but nothing else.
    Spyglasses only enlarge the view (better spyglasses enlarge more) and you have to observe the other ships yourself.
    So you'll have to pay proper attention to the other ship's type, colour scheme and flags to define whether she could be hostile or not.

    - "Fast Travel" ashore is disabled for most locations, until you manually discovered them by walking through town.

    - "Sail To" at sea is disabled for all locationsuntil you've manually discovered them by sailing to them.
    The buy-able maps here also unlock Sail To for that island, so that really helps you to find certain shores.

    - "Sail To" at sea is disabled for all ships that are too close to you (no instant teleports to right next to the enemy ship)
    and also for all ships that, based on your speed relative to the other ship's speed, you cannot overtake.

    - Ashore, when there's enemies around, the red flashing icon and danger music doesn't start until they actually draw their swords.
    This way, you are not pre-warned of any impeding danger.

    - Realistic Game Mode removes 'list of ships' logmessages upon entering 3D sailing mode at an island

    LINKS (top)
