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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

The reason I asked is that Google translates "starboard arc" as "дуга правого борта". "дуга" is "arc" (according to Google) and appears at the front.
The reason I asked is that Google translates "starboard arc" as "дуга правого борта". "дуга" is "arc" (according to Google) and appears at the front.
Perhaps what I have translated at the moment will not sound very correct. But first you need to add the common.ini file and look at the end result!
In the new version of "interface_strings.txt", a lot of translated place names now have hyphens, e.g. Grand Cayman, La Havana. By comparison, the Russian Wikipedia article on Grand Cayman calls it "Большой Кайман", without a hyphen. Should these hyphens really be there?
Added file SettingsDescribe.txt
In the new version of "interface_strings.txt", a lot of translated place names now have hyphens, e.g. Grand Cayman, La Havana. By comparison, the Russian Wikipedia article on Grand Cayman calls it "Большой Кайман", without a hyphen. Should these hyphens really be there?
As for Cayman, yes, without a hyphen, I will change, but for example, I wrote Fale`de`Fler with hyphens, because the phrase de, and in principle there will be no feeling of an empty space between words. I will also change the Grand Turk...
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"Falaise de Fleur" is French and means "cliff of flowers". You will not normally see it because it is the name of an island and town in the unmodded game. In the mod, the island is Martinique and the town is St. Pierre. I know of only one place where you may see "Falaise de Fleur" and it should not have hyphens because it really is a cliff of flowers.


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A lot of "common.ini" is not translated. Some of it is for gambling, especially poker - look at lines 119 onwards. You can test these by starting a FreePlay and setting your background profession to "Gambler". You can skip the starting quest with the duel and prison escape; when the officer says "Captain, while we are happy to serve under you, we have no ill will towards our previous commander. He is just an unlucky man", you reply "True enough. We'll try to leave without any more trouble. Set sail at once!" Then go to taverns and find people sitting at tables who will gamble. (Sometimes they want to drink rum instead. If you are a gambler then they are more likely to want to gamble.) Eventually one of them will offer a special game - see A girl won in a card game
Only a FreePlay gambler can get to the poker tournament, and some of the untranslated phrases only apply to the tournament.

Lines 525-527 are special ships. Black Pearl and Flying Dutchman should be fully translated into Russian. Crimson Blood should only be converted to Cyrillic alphabet, not translated.

Lines 109-112 are for interface titles, e.g. "PIRATE FLAG":
I didn't work on the translation so much, because yesterday was my birthday, and today I have some things to do. I'm going to start working today tonight!
Happy birthday, one day late! I hope you enjoyed it.

As always, no pressure; you're not being paid for this, so do what you want, when you want to do it.

At some time of your choosing, then, "Malcolm Hatcher_dialog.h" will need a little work. This is because there was a bug. If you ask Malcolm "Can you give me some suggestions about what to do next?", he tells you two types of cargo which are cheap here and suggests where to sell them. The dialog breaks if there is nowhere suitable for the second type of cargo. I fixed this but it needed a slight change to lines 207-209. Here's the new English version of "Malcolm Hatcher_dialog.h".

Old lines 207-209:
". If I were you, I'd buy that here and sail to ",
" - you can fetch a good price for ",
" there. You'll also get a hefty profit for ",

New lines 207-209:
". If I were you, I'd buy #sgood1# here and sail to ",
" - you can fetch a good price for it there.",
" You'll also get a hefty profit for ",
"#sgood1#" is a preprocessed variable and should not be translated; the dialog code will replace it with the type of cargo.


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Happy birthday, one day late! I hope you enjoyed it.

As always, no pressure; you're not being paid for this, so do what you want, when you want to do it.

At some time of your choosing, then, "Malcolm Hatcher_dialog.h" will need a little work. This is because there was a bug. If you ask Malcolm "Can you give me some suggestions about what to do next?", he tells you two types of cargo which are cheap here and suggests where to sell them. The dialog breaks if there is nowhere suitable for the second type of cargo. I fixed this but it needed a slight change to lines 207-209. Here's the new English version of "Malcolm Hatcher_dialog.h".

Old lines 207-209:
". If I were you, I'd buy that here and sail to ",
" - you can fetch a good price for ",
" there. You'll also get a hefty profit for ",

New lines 207-209:
". If I were you, I'd buy #sgood1# here and sail to ",
" - you can fetch a good price for it there.",
" You'll also get a hefty profit for ",
"#sgood1#" is a preprocessed variable and should not be translated; the dialog code will replace it with the type of cargo.

After the correction, I decided to check what happened and in the dialog #sgood1# for some reason is simply skipped as an empty space and appears after line 208, before line 209.
Sorry - I forgot to also include "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\Malcolm Hatcher_dialog.c". It's attached here.

Also attached is "PROGRAM\INTERFACE\kam_shipberthing_miscfunctions.c". I finally fixed a bug which prevents island names from appearing in the ship berthing interface:
Unconfirmed Bug - Some island names do not appear in Ship Berthing
That means several duplicate island name translations which allowed their names to appear in English and Spanish, and which had no effect in Russian, can be removed. So a new version of Russian "common.ini" is also added.


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Testing the fix for ship berthing, I noticed a couple of things. Both can be seen here:

One is that "Martinique" is translated in Russian as the Cyrillic form of "Martinica", with the "a" on the end. A quick check on Russian Wikipedia shows that it calls the island "Мартини́ка" - fair enough. But in "Early Explorers", the island is Spanish and is called "Martinica" in English - and "Martinica" was not translated in "common.ini". So in "Early Explorers", the island name appeared in English. As the Russian name is "Martinica" in all periods, I simply copied the translation of "Martinique" to the entry for "Martinica", and the version of "common.ini" in the previous post has this.

Below the islands is the town name, which can be changed if there are more than one town on the island. Below that is " порт Сен Пьер". This is wrong, it translates as " port St. Pierre". It should say "No ships berthed at St. Pierre". The problem is line 267 of "interface_strings.txt" which translates "no ships berthed at" as " порт".

How should "No ships berthed at St. Pierre" read in Russian grammar? I may need to change program file "kam_shipberthing_updatedisplay.c" to put the Russian version in correct grammar sequence.
How should "No ships berthed at St. Pierre" read in Russian grammar? I may need to change program file "kam_shipberthing_updatedisplay.c" to put the Russian version in correct grammar sequence.
Changed the translation.

One is that "Martinique" is translated in Russian as the Cyrillic form of "Martinica", with the "a" on the end. A quick check on Russian Wikipedia shows that it calls the island "Мартини́ка" - fair enough. But in "Early Explorers", the island is Spanish and is called "Martinica" in English - and "Martinica" was not translated in "common.ini". So in "Early Explorers", the island name appeared in English. As the Russian name is "Martinica" in all periods, I simply copied the translation of "Martinique" to the entry for "Martinica", and the version of "common.ini" in the previous post has this.
At the expense of the fact that the names do not match, I did not understand in which line it is. You can look at the latest loaded common.ini file

Question about lines 292 and 293 of common.ini
They were translated earlier as 292 - Bronze cannons.
293 - Bronze guns.


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Lines 292 and 293 are for ship upgrades

Line 292 is correct if it translates to "bronze cannons". That is how it translates in English and Spanish as well.
Line 293 should be "bronze chasers".

Chasers are the guns in the ship's bows. They are useful for knocking down the mast of an enemy ship which you are chasing. If you upgrade them to bronze chasers, you have a better chance of knocking down a mast.
I've just downloaded your files again, and I've run some of "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\RUSSIAN\tavern.h" through Google translate. Lines 4-11 look odd. For example, Google translates line 4 as "I don't need a Boatman. My team must know a lot about boarding." These are the lines when you ask the tavern keeper for an officer, which means you do need a boatswain. (Of course, Google might have got it wrong!)
I've just downloaded your files again, and I've run some of "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\RUSSIAN\tavern.h" through Google translate. Lines 4-11 look odd. For example, Google translates line 4 as "I don't need a Boatman. My team must know a lot about boarding." These are the lines when you ask the tavern keeper for an officer, which means you do need a boatswain. (Of course, Google might have got it wrong!)
No, everything is fine there. I recently changed this file myself and ruled for all the others! "Боцман" is "Boatswain", the translator sometimes gives out something incomprehensible))) And there is no pretext "don't" , there is only need a Boatman.
If I already wrote, then I want to ask about line 370. Is that a Satanist Military Flute? Or who are Animists?
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It should indeed be Satanist. They are the enemies in the side quest "Strange Things Going On in the Caribbean".

The unmodded game called them Animists. The modded game calls them Satanists but the modders forgot to change it in some places. And I have to apologise because that ship was my design, so the mistake here would also be mine!

I've now corrected it in both the English and Spanish versions of "common.ini".
Lines 525-527 are special ships. Black Pearl and Flying Dutchman should be fully translated into Russian. Crimson Blood should only be converted to Cyrillic alphabet, not translated.
And why do you say that it is inappropriate to translate "Crimson Blood", because it can be translated as "Багровая Кровь" -
in the English version it is Scarlet and Blood
Ship names are not normally translated. But names of some special ships such as Black Pearl and Flying Dutchman are translated. For comparison, in Spanish "common.ini":
string = Black Pearl,"Perla Negra"
string = Flying Dutchman,"Holandés Errante"
string = Crimson Blood,"Crimson Blood"