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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

Everything down to line 16 should be translated. Lines 17 and beyond should be converted to Russian alphabet but not translated into Russian language.
Everything down to line 16 should be translated. Lines 17 and beyond should be converted to Russian alphabet but not translated into Russian language.

Everything works. I also have a question about what I managed to do at the expense of line 377 (ItemsDescribe.txt ), is the Falchion from the shell translated there?
I also have a question about what I managed to do at the expense of line 377 (ItemsDescribe.txt ), is the Falchion from the shell translated there?
Yes. That section is:
itmname_bladeC18    {Shellcup Falchion}
This heavy sword is mostly used by strong men, who have enough man power to cut their opponents in tiny pieces!
"itmname_bladeC18" and "itmdescr_bladeC18" are code and must not change at all.

"Shellcup Falchion" and "This heavy sword is mostly used by strong men, who have enough man power to cut their opponents in tiny pieces!" are in brackets and should be translated. They are what you will see in your inventory if you have this sword. It will also have a quality - "broken", "worn", "average", "good", "fine", "excellent". These are all translated in "common.ini".

This is what the sword looks like:
The type of sword is falchion. The word "shellcup" refers to the piece shaped like a shell on the side of the handle.
Yes. That section is:
itmname_bladeC18    {Shellcup Falchion}
This heavy sword is mostly used by strong men, who have enough man power to cut their opponents in tiny pieces!
"itmname_bladeC18" and "itmdescr_bladeC18" are code and must not change at all.

"Shellcup Falchion" and "This heavy sword is mostly used by strong men, who have enough man power to cut their opponents in tiny pieces!" are in brackets and should be translated. They are what you will see in your inventory if you have this sword. It will also have a quality - "broken", "worn", "average", "good", "fine", "excellent". These are all translated in "common.ini".

This is what the sword looks like:
View attachment 41684
The type of sword is falchion. The word "shellcup" refers to the piece shaped like a shell on the side of the handle.
I uploaded ItemsDescribe.txt
Questions arose with the lines :
693, 699 - Here are the same names of pistols. The first I called a short pistol, and the second just a pistol.
735, 741 - Here are the same names of pistols. The first one I called Double-barreled Pistol, and the second Double-barreled Pistol Falcon
837 line refers to 855 if you wear a telescope? As I understand it from the postscript, the rest are correct for the same BT, and not HT
969, 975, 981 - Same titles. The first one I called the Knife-Bayonet Musket (Close), the second the Bayonet Musket (Ranged), the third the Bayonet Musket (Close).
1504, 1511 - I translated as lucky 10 cents.
1844 - I translated as lightweight ropes. But the picture shows a hook.

I also wanted to ask if it is possible to somehow check these items and give them to yourself?
693, 699: both should be "Short pistol". They'll appear during different periods. "Pistol1" is a relatively modern type which should not appear during "Early Explorers" and "Spanish Main" periods. "Pistol1a" appears during those periods but not in later periods.

735,741: They are different weapons but are both double barrel pistols. "Double-barreled Pistol Falcon" isn't too bad as the handle is indeed shaped like a falcon.

837: This is a special rifle with a telescope sight which you will only see during the "Bartolomeu" storyline. It has no version without a telescope. The name and description should be the same as line 825 and 849 ("itmname_LongRifle_CT" and "itmname_LongRifle_WT"). All these are fantasy weapons; no rifles with telescope sights existed at this time. Line 855 is for "LongRifle_H", which is a real rifle used by the British army in the 19th century. It has no version with a telescope.

969, 975, 981: should all have the same description. 947 is "itmname_pistolmket" which is an older type of musket. After you fire it, you plug a bayonet into the barrel and it can not be reloaded and fired again. 969 is "blademketK", which is the musket with the blade plugged in.

975 is a later musket with a bayonet that fits onto the side of the barrel. It does not plug into the barrel and is always there. So 975 is "pistolmketB" which is when you use it to shoot and 981 is "blademketB" which is when you use it for melee. So I can understand why you give them different names, but they should really all be the same.

1504, 1511: a dime is indeed 10 cents, but it's the name of an American coin. Russian Wikipedia calls it "Дайм".

1844: The picture shows a hook to make it clearer. It's really a long rope with a hook on the end. If you want to board an enemy ship, your crew would throw ropes with hooks on the end to pull your ship and the enemy ship together. This one has the rope made of silk.

You can give yourself items using "console.c". After the line 'int limit;' and before the line 'switch(0)', add lines like this:
GiveItem2Character(PChar, "pistolmket");
GiveItem2Character(PChar, "blade_mKnife");
You'll also want ammunition:
TakeNItems(PChar, "gunpowder",  6);
TakeNItems(PChar, "musketbullets",  3);
In the game, press F12 to activate "console". You should see a message on screen, "Executed Console".

The quickest way to check the "Lucky Dime" is to start a game as Piet Hein. The item is just for him and he receives it at the start of his game.
Thanks! :onya I've just downloaded the latest version of your files.

Comparing them to a previous version, there are a few things I noticed in "interface_strings.txt":
Line 404: "from the" is not translated. In English, it is combined with one of the phrases from lines 397 to 403, plus one of the directions from lines 424 to 439, to produce something like "There is a moderate breeze from the ENE". If Russian grammar would create that sentence differently, it might be necessary to do something special for Russian in "PROGRAM\Weather\WhrWeather." I can probably do the programming if you can tell me how the sentence should look.

Line 405: "Wind is from the" is now translated to one word instead of two.

Lines 868, 881; the Russian version has "House of Amerigo Vieira". It should be "House of Amérigo Vieira" - note the accented "é" in "Amérigo". This is the part which is being translated and must be correct otherwise it will not be recognised and translated in the game. You'll find the place in Sao Jorge on La Grenade. It's to the right of the governor's house, upstairs. It's defined in "PROGRAM\Locations\init\SideQuestLocations.c".

Line 2103: the English version has 28, in "Add to that the 28 shares for the sailors." The Russian version has 29.
Lines 868, 881
Initially, in the Russian folder it was like in 1 screenshot. But the fact is that when I copy your character, I get it without an accent, I don’t know what this is connected with.

Comparing them to a previous version, there are a few things I noticed in "interface_strings.txt":
Line 404: "from the" is not translated. In English, it is combined with one of the phrases from lines 397 to 403, plus one of the directions from lines 424 to 439, to produce something like "There is a moderate breeze from the ENE". If Russian grammar would create that sentence differently, it might be necessary to do something special for Russian in "PROGRAM\Weather\WhrWeather." I can probably do the programming if you can tell me how the sentence should look.

Line 405: "Wind is from the" is now translated to one word instead of two.
This needs to be looked at. Yes, I apparently missed, or canceled the action with the combination ctr + z
Line 2103: the English version has 28, in "Add to that the 28 shares for the sailors." The Russian version has 29.
did you mean like this? It's just that there are 29 of them in the English version and I apparently made a mistake when I translated.

I'm also not entirely sure about lines 1949 and 2118, I left them for later to correct. But I haven't gone through this yet.

Here is a screenshot of lines 413 on it, then 405,406,407 goes
What does ESE mean wind around 13 knots.
It would be more correct if it were: ESE wind blowing about 13 knots. And in Russian, the word "blow" should be ahead of ESE
How to call lines 396-403, 404?


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Initially, in the Russian folder it was like in 1 screenshot. But the fact is that when I copy your character, I get it without an accent, I don’t know what this is connected with.View attachment 41698
Strange. However, I can correct it easily enough. "House of Amérigo Vieira" is used for the sidequest "Hard Labours of an Assassin". The name seems not to be consistent - sometimes it has the accent, sometimes it doesn't. The important thing here is that the location has the accent in "PROGRAM\Locations\init\SideQuestLocations.c", therefore the text being translated in "interface_strings.txt" must have it too. The translation does not need to have it. But if the text being translated does not match the line in "SideQuestLocations.c" then it will not be recognised and you will see the name in English when you visit the place.

This needs to be looked at. Yes, I apparently missed, or canceled the action with the combination ctr + z

did you mean like this? It's just that there are 29 of them in the English version and I apparently made a mistake when I translated.
You're right! It's also 29 in the "Woodes Rogers" story code. So it is the 28 which needs to be corrected.

I'm also not entirely sure about lines 1949 and 2118, I left them for later to correct. But I haven't gone through this yet.
1949: If it helps, the Spanish version translates back to English as "No, the way back to the study is blocked!" This is probably correct. It tells you that a way to return to the study is locked (or blocked).
2118: "I need a long tool to remove the pole." I'm not sure what sort of pole is meant. If I put that line into Google Translate, it says "Мне нужен длинный инструмент, чтобы снять шест." Does that make sense in real Russian?

Here is a screenshot of lines 413 on it, then 405,406,407 goes
What does ESE mean wind around 13 knots.
It would be more correct if it were: ESE wind blowing about 13 knots. But in Russian, wind should be in front of ESE
How to call lines 396-403, 404?
The message depends on what sort of compass you have:
If you have no compass, the wind report will simply be one of the lines 396-403, e.g. "There is a light breeze" (line 398)
If you have a cheap compass, the report will add a direction, e.g. "There is a light breeze from the ESE" (lines 398, 404, 429)
If you have a better compass, the report gives speed and direction, e.g. "Wind is from the ESE at 13 kts" (lines 405, 429, 406, wind speed, line 407)

How would those reports read if they were English words using Russian grammar? If I read that screenshot correctly, it is "ESE wind blowing around 13 knots". Should that be "Wind ESE blowing around 13 knots"?
Should that be "Wind ESE blowing around 13 knots"?
Yes, it would be more correct if the line 405 went first, then 413,406,407. Or blowing ESE Wind around 13 knots - that's probably more correct!
You're right! It's also 29 in the "Woodes Rogers" story code. So it is the 28 which needs to be corrected.
Should I change the code in the Russian version to 29 as in the English one, or is the version I sent correct?

This is what a cheap, normal and improved compass looks like


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Yes, it would be more correct if the line 405 went first, then 413,406,407
Try putting the attached file into "PROGRAM\Weather". Make a safe copy of the existing file first! I may have made a mistake in which case it might not work properly, or may even crash the game. If it doesn't work, put the original back.

You could use "console.c" to give yourself each of "compass1", "compass2" and "compass3", then see how the wind report looks with each type equipped.

Should I change the code in the Russian version to 29 as in the English one, or is the version I sent correct?
Yes, the text outside the brackets - the text which has not been translated - should say 29.


  • WhrWeather.c
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Try putting the attached file into "PROGRAM\Weather". Make a safe copy of the existing file first! I may have made a mistake in which case it might not work properly, or may even crash the game. If it doesn't work, put the original back.

You could use "console.c" to give yourself each of "compass1", "compass2" and "compass3", then see how the wind report looks with each type equipped.

Yes, the text outside the brackets - the text which has not been translated - should say 29.

Here 401, 411 is used and for some reason 56 lines. And it should be according to the idea 404,blowing,411,401. from the blowing ENE There is a fresh breeze.

P.s You forgot to add break; in the code, I added it and after that it started
But now line 416 is not translated. It should turn out like this: Дует "Ю" ветер около 26 узлов (This is how I present it). You can do this Add to translation lines 408-424 the word blowing in front. Then add after 416 - 405 line. Lines 425-439 what do they refer to, where do they appear?

I took the old version file and added the word blowing in front, this is how it looks on the improved compass. The normal compass shows the same as the improved one.

This is a cheap compass. Here, instead of line 56, you need to rearrange line 402 to this place to get : Дует "ЮВ" Сильный ветер с дождём.
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I also missed out a bracket on two lines. :oops: Try this one.

The reason line 56 appears is that both 56 and 404 translate "from the". So the game searches through "interface_strings.txt" for "from the", finds it on line 56, and doesn't get to line 404. (Line 56 is for when the shipyard sees that you have too much cargo. For example:
"Too little room! Your purser makes an emergency sale of 5 units of medicines from the 'Sea Horse' for a total of 700"

Change line 404 so that the part before the brackets is "wind_from_the". The attached version of "WhrWeather.c" now uses this instead of "from the".

How exactly should that line read if you use English words in Russian order? I can probably make "WhrWeather.c" check for language and put the words in different order if you are playing in Russian; I just need to know the correct order.


  • WhrWeather.c
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1949: If it helps, the Spanish version translates back to English as "No, the way back to the study is blocked!" This is probably correct. It tells you that a way to return to the study is locked (or blocked).
Yes, it helped, but the second one is also incomprehensibly translated...
Yes, the text outside the brackets - the text which has not been translated - should say 29.
How exactly should that line read if you use English words in Russian order? I can probably make "WhrWeather.c" check for language and put the words in different order if you are playing in Russian; I just need to know the correct order.
Taking into account your file (again you forgot break; in two lines 352,353)
For a cheap compass, you need to rearrange the lines :
404 - the very first! Next come lines 408-423! Then 405 ! At the end of line 369-403 !

For improved compass and ordinary compass:
404 - the very first! Next come lines 408-423! Then 405 ! 406 ! (Next comes the number of nodes in numbers, for example 8) and line 407!
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Yes, it helped, but the second one is also incomprehensibly translated...
Can you translate "I need a long tool to remove the pole."?

Taking into account your file (again you forgot break; in two lines 352,353)
For a cheap compass, you need to rearrange the lines :
404 - the very first! Next come lines 408-423! Then 405 ! At the end of line 369-403 !
Line 405 is not used for the cheap compass. 404, 408, 397 would be "From the N there are light airs". Is that acceptable?

For improved compass and ordinary compass:
404 - the very first! Next come lines 408-423! Then 405 ! 406 ! (Next comes the number of nodes in numbers, for example 8) and line 407!
That sequence would produce "From the N blowing wind at 8 kts". (I believe you've translated line 405, "Wind is from the", as "blowing wind".) Is that acceptable?

If both of those are acceptable, I can make "WhrWeather.c" check for language and use those sequences if you're playing in Russian.

If you want the word "Blowing" in front, you'll need to add it as a new line in "interface_strings.txt", with a code name so it can't be confused with any possible other references to "blowing":

Lines 425-439 what do they refer to, where do they appear?
Those are versions of directions used by function "GetCompassDirFromHeading16" because the original lines 408-423 could cause confusion. "common.ini" translates "S" into lower case "s" in English and Spanish, and as "common.ini" is checked before "interface_strings.txt", it meant the direction always showed up in lower case. Russian "common.ini" is even worse, it translates "S" as "", which would mean if the wind was from the south then you wouldn't see a direction at all! "Dir_S" is not used anywhere else so it can not be confused.
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Line 405 is not used for the cheap compass. 404, 408, 397 would be "From the N there are light airs". Is that acceptable?
Yes, I forgot that in lines 369-403 there are words that fit instead of 405; 404, 408, 397 - what you need!
That sequence would produce "From the N blowing wind at 8 kts". (I believe you've translated line 405, "Wind is from the", as "blowing wind".) Is that acceptable?
Yes, I translated it as simply "wind", because the meaning in Russian was like this
If you want the word "Blowing" in front, you'll need to add it as a new line in "interface_strings.txt", with a code name so it can't be confused with any possible other references to "blowing":
I made it so that nothing changes.
404 - the very first! Next come lines 408-423! Then 405 ! 406 ! (Next comes the number of nodes in numbers, for example 8) and line 407!
So this sequence is correct for now
Here's another version of "WhrWeather.c" which should have all the required "break" lines. ;) It also has additional switches for each compass type, with different arrangements for Russian. See if that does what you need.


  • WhrWeather.c
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Here's another version of "WhrWeather.c" which should have all the required "break" lines. ;) It also has additional switches for each compass type, with different arrangements for Russian. See if that does what you need.
Yes everything works !
And another question is how can I check lines 68-81.
Now the translation of the quality of weapons in the game is normal, I need to align this with the interface_strings.txt lines
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Once again, "console.c" is your friend:
GiveItem2Character(PChar, "blade1-2");
GiveItem2Character(PChar, "blade1-1");
GiveItem2Character(PChar, "blade1");
GiveItem2Character(PChar, "blade1+1");
GiveItem2Character(PChar, "blade1+2");
GiveItem2Character(PChar, "blade1+3");

I'm not sure lines 68-81 do anything. In the English version, there is "Exellent". That is wrong, it should be "Excellent". I've never seen it wrong in the game, and the reason is that weapon qualities are probably now translated in "common.ini", lines 628-634. (But don't change "Exellent" to "Excellent" in Russian "interface_strings.txt" lines 73 and 80. If those lines are used, they won't work if you change the word outside the brackets.)

Lines 85-91 of "interface_strings.txt" may be used when you equip weapons.
I started to deal with the file AbilityDescribe.txt and noticed that there is not enough in interface_strings.txt lines with ImproveAiming {Expert Marksman} (66 lines)
All other perks for pistols are :
60 -1560 Gunman \ 86 - 1558 GunFighter \ 76 - 1559 GunProfessional