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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

If you capture a ship, it is either a pirated ship or a legal prize. It is legal if you have a Letter of Marque or you are a naval officer, and the ship was captured from an enemy. If you have no Letter of Marque and are not a naval officer, or you captured the wrong ship, it is an act of piracy.

When you sell the ship, you will see "Auction Prize Ship" if you captured the ship legally, or "Sell Pirated Ship" if you captured it illegally, or "Sell Owned Ship" if you bought the ship or if it is the ship you had at the start of the game.
If you capture a ship, it is either a pirated ship or a legal prize. It is legal if you have a Letter of Marque or you are a naval officer, and the ship was captured from an enemy. If you have no Letter of Marque and are not a naval officer, or you captured the wrong ship, it is an act of piracy.

When you sell the ship, you will see "Auction Prize Ship" if you captured the ship legally, or "Sell Pirated Ship" if you captured it illegally, or "Sell Owned Ship" if you bought the ship or if it is the ship you had at the start of the game.
After some translation, the text gets on the picture. Can this be fixed somehow?


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Try this. It should make the text box slightly larger and move the text up a little.


  • ship_trade.zip
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Hello, finished the file, a few questions left:
Line 109 and 112 where to meet them? 110 and 111 I found.
Lines 456 and 457 have the same ship name, is that how it should be?
Line 801 - Assign captured team?
Line 1288 - not affecting perk or not participating
Lines 1569-1570 - how to translate?
Lines1633-1637 where to check?
P.S Archive with the interface fixed the problem with overlapping words on the icon
Line 109, 112: Select either "Tales of a Sea Hawk" or "FreePlay" as the storyline. For 109, click the flag to choose your starting nation. For 112, click the background profession. In "Tales of a Sea Hawk" the background professions is "Merchant" unless you changes it; in "FreePlay", it is "Rebel" unless you change it.

Lines 456 and 457: probably should be the same, though it does not matter at the moment because I don't think line 456 is used.

Line 801: "Assign prize crew" - the prize crew is the crew you will put aboard a ship which you have just captured.

Line 1288: "NON CONTRIBUTING PERKS" - look for this in the display of perks/abilities for an officer. Officers contribute their perks to the ship, but only those perks which apply to their jobs. If the gunner has the perk "Fast reload" then your guns will load faster. If the navigator has the perk "Fast reload" then it has no effect because the navigator has nothing to do with guns - he does not contribute this perk and it will appear further down the list under "NON CONTRIBUTING PERKS".

Lines 1569, 1570: these are to help you! They are male and female possessive pronouns. "He owns a sword; that is his sword." It is particularly important for females because in English, "her" can also be the objective pronoun. Line 1566 is objective, e.g. "you talk to her". Line 1570 is possessive, e.g. "that is her pistol". "his1" and "her1" appear in the function 'GetMyPronounPossessive' which is used to add the correct pronoun in dialogs and questbooks.

Lines 1633-1637: look on the storyline selection screen. For "Navy Assignment", change your background profession to "Naval Officer". You should then see "Navy Assignment" under the ship. Naval officers do not choose their ships; your ship is given to you by the navy and you will get a new ship when you are promoted.
"RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\characters_names.txt", lines 33, 36, 99: these are specifically for female Indians. In English, "Arawak Indian" is the same whether the person is male or female. In Spanish, the translation for "Indian" is different for male and female, which is why "IndianF" was added. Does Russian have different words for male and female Indians?

Go to Aruba, land on the beach, and try to find the Arawak village. You'll find some Indians walking around there, including one female, and you'll see these words when you talk to them.
"RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\characters_names.txt", lines 33, 36, 99: these are specifically for female Indians. In English, "Arawak Indian" is the same whether the person is male or female. In Spanish, the translation for "Indian" is different for male and female, which is why "IndianF" was added. Does Russian have different words for male and female Indians?

Go to Aruba, land on the beach, and try to find the Arawak village. You'll find some Indians walking around there, including one female, and you'll see these words when you talk to them.
Yes, there is a female name in Russian, I changed the lines. After arriving, I found that the men are all right with the translation, and the woman has such a problem
File translated and uploaded shipslog_strings.txt . Корсары 2 Новые горизонты (перевод AkrimalS)


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Next problem. Here is how the "Colonies" interface looks:

In "common.ini", "Trader_desc" is translated as "Магазин", which is too long as it overlaps onto the price which you will see for contraband goods if you have the "Trustworthy" perk. "Smuggler_desc" is translated as "Контрабандист", again too long as it overlaps onto the price you get from smugglers on the beach.

The Spanish translation had the same problem, which is how I found out about it. Can you translate "Trader_desc" into something shorter which means either "store" or "shop"? For "Smuggler_desc", "Контрабанда" ("Smuggling") should work as it's slightly shorter than "Контрабандист", just short enough to fit in.

You'll also need the attached files as they shift the prices slightly to the right to make more room for "Trader_desc" and "Smuggler_desc". In "PROGRAM\INTERFACE\TradeBook.c", this has been added:
        case "Russian":
            cont_store_price_x = 418;
            cont_smug_price_x = 552;
        case "Spanish":
            cont_store_price_x = 418;
            cont_smug_price_x = 552;
        cont_store_price_x = 412;
        cont_smug_price_x = 540;
You can try changing the Russian version of 'cont_store_price_x' and 'cont_smug_price_x', and also try different things for "Trader_desc" and "Smuggler_desc". Because 'cont_store_price_x' and 'cont_smug_price_x' are set depending on language, you won't affect how the display looks in English or Spanish.


  • tradebook_fix.zip
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Next problem. Here is how the "Colonies" interface looks:
View attachment 41770

In "common.ini", "Trader_desc" is translated as "Магазин", which is too long as it overlaps onto the price which you will see for contraband goods if you have the "Trustworthy" perk. "Smuggler_desc" is translated as "Контрабандист", again too long as it overlaps onto the price you get from smugglers on the beach.

The Spanish translation had the same problem, which is how I found out about it. Can you translate "Trader_desc" into something shorter which means either "store" or "shop"? For "Smuggler_desc", "Контрабанда" ("Smuggling") should work as it's slightly shorter than "Контрабандист", just short enough to fit in.

You'll also need the attached files as they shift the prices slightly to the right to make more room for "Trader_desc" and "Smuggler_desc". In "PROGRAM\INTERFACE\TradeBook.c", this has been added:
        case "Russian":
            cont_store_price_x = 418;
            cont_smug_price_x = 552;
        case "Spanish":
            cont_store_price_x = 418;
            cont_smug_price_x = 552;
        cont_store_price_x = 412;
        cont_smug_price_x = 540;
You can try changing the Russian version of 'cont_store_price_x' and 'cont_smug_price_x', and also try different things for "Trader_desc" and "Smuggler_desc". Because 'cont_store_price_x' and 'cont_smug_price_x' are set depending on language, you won't affect how the display looks in English or Spanish.
For cont_store_price_x = 430 - acceptable value. But how can I translate the word Smuggling?


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It does not matter how you translate "Smuggler_desc", whether it's "Контрабандист", "Контрабанда" or "K". The store price is overlapping the left letter.

So the word has to move to the right as well. Try this version of "TradeBook.c". This adds another variable, 'cont_smug_desc_x', which sets the position of that word. Since you set 'cont_store_price_x' to 430, which is 12 higher than for Spanish, I've add 12 to both 'cont_smug_desc_x' and 'cont_smug_price_x' to shift both "Контрабанда" and the smuggler price by 12 as well. See how that looks, try changing variables if it doesn't look right, then let me know how you set all three variables.


  • TradeBook.c
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It does not matter how you translate "Smuggler_desc", whether it's "Контрабандист", "Контрабанда" or "K". The store price is overlapping the left letter.

So the word has to move to the right as well. Try this version of "TradeBook.c". This adds another variable, 'cont_smug_desc_x', which sets the position of that word. Since you set 'cont_store_price_x' to 430, which is 12 higher than for Spanish, I've add 12 to both 'cont_smug_desc_x' and 'cont_smug_price_x' to shift both "Контрабанда" and the smuggler price by 12 as well. See how that looks, try changing variables if it doesn't look right, then let me know how you set all three variables.
case "Russian":
cont_store_price_x = 430;
cont_smug_desc_x = 485;
cont_smug_price_x = 572;
I've just downloaded your files again. Now included is "models_description.txt", which is missing some entries as it is probably based on an earlier English version. The newest English version is attached.

New lines:
A low-cut, dark red dress capped with a dark bonnet.
A long black coat over a dark red shirt, like Will Turner on the Flying Dutchman.
A black coat and grey shirt, like Bootstrap Bill without the fishy bits.
A blue dress with red trimmings and a bonnet - but why is Helen Ardent wearing it?
A big African warrior with a face full of tattoos.


  • models_description.txt
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I've just downloaded your files again. Now included is "models_description.txt", which is missing some entries as it is probably based on an earlier English version. The newest English version is attached.

New lines:
A low-cut, dark red dress capped with a dark bonnet.
A long black coat over a dark red shirt, like Will Turner on the Flying Dutchman.
A black coat and grey shirt, like Bootstrap Bill without the fishy bits.
A blue dress with red trimmings and a bonnet - but why is Helen Ardent wearing it?
A big African warrior with a face full of tattoos.

The translation of the ShipModels_descriptions.txt file has been uploaded, it may not be accurate because the old translation was used, with the addition of new lines. I'll take a look now, maybe I'll change something

P.S Rechecked the file and edited
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"ShipModels_descriptions.txt" is still missing some entries. Here is the current English version.


  • ShipModels_descriptions.txt
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The initial version of the plot translation by DevlinOpera has been uploaded, in the future, when all the plots are translated, there may be changes, since I did not try to play with this translation.
PROGRAM\Storyline\DevlinOpera\dialogs\RUSSIAN - the path to translation.
Hornblower plot translation uploaded.
in file Lt. Wiliam Bush_dialog.h 158 lines Hornblower says that the provisions will last for 2 months, although the movie says 6 months, is this somehow related to the game mechanics or a banal mistake?
It's game mechanics. You get some free food and rum. The amount that can fit into the hold probably won't last for 6 months but should last for at least 2 months.

A lot of the storyline is based on the "Hornblower" TV series which is based on the books by C. S. Forester. Some is based on the "Sharpe" TV series which is based on books by Bernard Cornwell. Any such parts had to be modified to fit into the game. Hornblower and Sharpe never met in their books, none of Hornblower's adventures in the TV series (or the old film) happened in the Caribbean, and Sharpe never went to the Caribbean at all.

You'll probably want to translate the questbooks at some time, too. Most are in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\Storyline\Hornblower". The one for "The Natividad Incident" is in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\QUESTBOOK\Natividad.txt" because that quest can also be played if you chose Hornblower as your character in "FreePlay". For the same reason, look in "PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\DIALOGS\ENGLISH" for slightly different versions of "Lady Barbara Wellesley_dialog.h" and "Lt. William Bush_dialog.h", as well as "Sir Edward Pellew_freeplay_dialog.h".
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