Thanks everything is working, I'm sorry for wasting your time...
You are not wasting my time! Though I don't speak Russian myself, I know some players do, so I want the Russian translation to make progress and I am happy to help you.
Fixed lines 19; 78; 86; 115; 169 (there are small doubts about this line, we need to test it)
Translated the name and the name of the ship
On line 169, "#spronoun2#" will be replaced by "him" or "her" depending on whether you are playing as male or female. "#sPronoun3_upper#" will be replaced by "His" or "Her". The complete sentence should then read:
"All right, all right, please! Don't be so unruly. Of course I'll answer all your questions... Just sheath your sword, Danielle, please contain him! His look makes me nervous."
Or, if you are playing a female character then your companion will be Nathaniel, and that sentence will be:
"All right, all right, please! Don't be so unruly. Of course I'll answer all your questions... Just sheath your sword, Nathaniel, please contain her! Her look makes me nervous."
What worries me now is that you have translated "Danielle" on line 168, and also lines 159, 165 and 175. Also translated are:
"Ewan Glover" (lines 109, 110, 112, 147, 148);
"counterspy" (lines 119, 133, 145);
"Raoul Rheims" (lines 184, 242, 248, 260, 271, 272, 276);
"Greenford Prison Commendant" (lines 208, 209);
"Alistair Garcilaso" (lines 232, 233);
"Isenbrandt Jurcksen" (lines 257, 258)
These lines are not used directly by the dialog. They are used in "Robert Christopher Silehard_dialog.c" as references to character definitions. They must not be translated or the dialog will not work as it will not find the characters. The character names are translated in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\standard\characters_names.txt".
The attached file should be the same as your latest version but with all those lines put back. It should be possible to test some of them fairly quickly by playing the early part of the story. Your first mission for Silehard is to go to Speightstown, find out about the ammunition ship, go to St. Pierre, meet the captain, then sink the ship and return to Silehard. Your second mission is the one to escort Ewan Glover to Bridgetown, then meet Tobias. "Counterspy" is Tobias. When Silehard tells you about this mission, watch for these names.