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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation


There's a slight change to the end of "PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\DIALOGS\ENGLISH\villain_dialog.h" - the new version is attached here. This is because I'd written the new dialog line before I had decided exactly how to fit it into the story code. After I'd added the code, the line needed to be changed and an answer for the player to be added. The new version has been tested and works in English.

I'll not be able to play the whole story in Russian, but a recent playthrough has left me with saved games at various key places, so I can at least see if dialogs at those places look like Russian letters...
Hello. I made changes and replaced the file from the link above. :checklist
That seems to have worked. After switching to Russian, I first started up a game of "Tales of a Sea Hawk" and went as far as talking to Silehard:

Then I started "Ardent" in Russian:

Finally I tried loading a few saves from an older game, e.g.:
Character names are in English because permanent characters such as quest characters and town residents have their names set at the beginning of the game. I started this game in English, so all permanent character names will be in English. The actual dialog text looks Russian, though.
That seems to have worked. After switching to Russian, I first started up a game of "Tales of a Sea Hawk" and went as far as talking to Silehard:
View attachment 41612

Then I started "Ardent" in Russian:
View attachment 41608

Finally I tried loading a few saves from an older game, e.g.:
View attachment 41609
Character names are in English because permanent characters such as quest characters and town residents have their names set at the beginning of the game. I started this game in English, so all permanent character names will be in English. The actual dialog text looks Russian, though.
Can create a branch where it will be possible to write translation errors, bugs that I will fix. For example , here or in discord ?
Here, please. I don't use Discord.

You may want to take a look at "interface_strings.txt". A lot of the Russian version has not yet been translated. You may have noticed, for example, that there is text on the screen showing the wind direction when you are in port, still in English, because that text is in "interface_strings.txt" and not translated. In case you want to do it, the attached file is the newest version.


  • interface_strings.txt
    124 KB · Views: 111
Here, please. I don't use Discord.

You may want to take a look at "interface_strings.txt". A lot of the Russian version has not yet been translated. You may have noticed, for example, that there is text on the screen showing the wind direction when you are in port, still in English, because that text is in "interface_strings.txt" and not translated. In case you want to do it, the attached file is the newest version.
Okay, I'll take a look, in 2 hours, now there is no possibility.
I looked at this document and translated 300 of the 2000 lines. Shall I continue? The previous translation is of course ridiculous :D
If you like. You're not being paid, so do as much as you want, when you want.

Perhaps concentrate on the lines which aren't translated at all, unless you feel that a bad translation is worse than no translation at all. ;) The one which I really noticed during my tests was the section on wind which you'll see when you're in port. In English it will say something like "Wind is from the ESE". In Russian it's been reversed, presumably to fit in with Russian grammar, but it hasn't been translated, so what you'll see is "ESE Wind is from the". It makes no sense in English or Russian and you'll see it frequently.
I'll try to finish it over the weekend. Now there is not much time on weekdays, sorry if that.
No problem - there's no rush and it's not a paid job, so you can work on it whenever you want.

But there are a couple of problems with the translation so far. One is that ship names aren't translated, e.g. "Siroco" in "PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\DIALOGS\RUSSIAN\crew_dialog.h" and "Spanish_Captain2_dialog.h". They don't need to be translated into different words - Victory, Admiral Nelson's ship, would not be translated into the Russian word for "Victory" for example, but would be converted into Russian letters which make the same sounds.

The other problem is in "Spanish_Captain3_dialog.h":
Ardent has just told the captain that the tavern is giving free drinks. The captain tells one of his men to check this, then says that if it is true, his crew will beat Ardent's crew in a drinking game. Ardent's reply is supposed to be "Now we're talking! That's the sort of battle which everyone wins!" The line shown here does not look like a translation of that reply. ;)
No problem - there's no rush and it's not a paid job, so you can work on it whenever you want.

But there are a couple of problems with the translation so far. One is that ship names aren't translated, e.g. "Siroco" in "PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\DIALOGS\RUSSIAN\crew_dialog.h" and "Spanish_Captain2_dialog.h". They don't need to be translated into different words - Victory, Admiral Nelson's ship, would not be translated into the Russian word for "Victory" for example, but would be converted into Russian letters which make the same sounds.

The other problem is in "Spanish_Captain3_dialog.h":
View attachment 41615
Ardent has just told the captain that the tavern is giving free drinks. The captain tells one of his men to check this, then says that if it is true, his crew will beat Ardent's crew in a drinking game. Ardent's reply is supposed to be "Now we're talking! That's the sort of battle which everyone wins!" The line shown here does not look like a translation of that reply. ;)
At the expense of ships, I did not translate them, because I thought that the names should be original and it would not be difficult to translate them to anyone. I can translate if necessary. At the expense of Ardent, I took some transfer from the old 2017. I don't quite understand the phrase "Now we're talking ", text becomes meaningless in Russian in the full phrase. We write it as "Теперь мы разговариваем! Это та битва, в которой выигрывают все!". Maybe "Now we're talking" It means that "we know"?
For ships, some names are already translated. In "guard_dialog.c", lines 4 to 16 are where Ardent is trying to steal a ship and is challenged by a soldier. The soldier asks the ship's name and the player has the choice of "Fortune" or "Tonina". These are lines 11 and 12, and are translated. The names are the same, but with Russian letters.

For the line "Now we're talking! That's the sort of battle which everyone wins", the first part is Ardent accepting the challenge enthusiastically. You could replace it with something like "You're on!", or "That's more like it!", or "Challenge accepted!"

There's also a problem with "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\RUSSIAN\blaze_dialog.h". It's incomplete - the current English version has another 10 lines on the end for the "Devlin Opera" storyline. Here's the newest English version.


  • blaze_dialog.h
    27 KB · Views: 66
For ships, some names are already translated. In "guard_dialog.c", lines 4 to 16 are where Ardent is trying to steal a ship and is challenged by a soldier. The soldier asks the ship's name and the player has the choice of "Fortune" or "Tonina". These are lines 11 and 12, and are translated. The names are the same, but with Russian letters.

For the line "Now we're talking! That's the sort of battle which everyone wins", the first part is Ardent accepting the challenge enthusiastically. You could replace it with something like "You're on!", or "That's more like it!", or "Challenge accepted!"

There's also a problem with "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\RUSSIAN\blaze_dialog.h". It's incomplete - the current English version has another 10 lines on the end for the "Devlin Opera" storyline. Here's the newest English version.
Okay, I got it, thanks for the answer. I'll do it tomorrow.
For ships, some names are already translated. In "guard_dialog.c", lines 4 to 16 are where Ardent is trying to steal a ship and is challenged by a soldier. The soldier asks the ship's name and the player has the choice of "Fortune" or "Tonina". These are lines 11 and 12, and are translated. The names are the same, but with Russian letters.

For the line "Now we're talking! That's the sort of battle which everyone wins", the first part is Ardent accepting the challenge enthusiastically. You could replace it with something like "You're on!", or "That's more like it!", or "Challenge accepted!"

There's also a problem with "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\RUSSIAN\blaze_dialog.h". It's incomplete - the current English version has another 10 lines on the end for the "Devlin Opera" storyline. Here's the newest English version.
Hello, I made changes to the Spanish_Captain3_dialog.h file and replaced Корсары 2 Новые горизонты (перевод AkrimalS)

About the file blaze_dialog.h . Could you explain to me the correct translation.
Line 384 The second part - (Just as the party was getting more exciting, that crazy lady with the rug beater had to show up!)
Line 386 - (I hope I could help that young man) He hopes he can help this young man. What tense is used (future or present)
Line 388 - He says if I'm a "whipping boy," then you're a Chico scabbard. (if another translation of the word "scabbard", more understandable)
I apologize for such questions, I want the translation to be correct.
384: "Just as the party was getting more exciting, that crazy lady with the rug beater had to show up!"
A rug beater is something you'd use to hit a rug or carpet to clean it. The context is that you are playing a woman, Beatrice Devlin, and are at a party to celebrate a future wedding. You go into a bedroom and find the groom. While you're sharing wine with him, the bride walks in, finds you together, and is angry! She is about to attack you with the rug beater.

386: "I hope I could help that young man."
Again you are playing Beatrice Devlin, are at the party, and go into the bedroom. You choose not to drink with the groom but to talk to him and advise him. Then you leave. This line is when you have left. You hope your advice helped him. So you probably want past tense.

388: "Well, I may be the punching bag, but you, Chico, you're the scabbard!"
A scabbard is a sheath for a sword. The context is that you are playing as Blaze Devlin and you had to lose a boxing match to earn money. One of your opponents was Chico. Later you meet him again and he calls you a punching bag (something you would hit while training for boxing). You and he fight with swords and you kill him. He used you as a punching bag because you let him hit you in the boxing. You have just used him as a scabbard (or sheath) because you stuck your sword into him.

Don't apologise for asking! I'd like the translation to be correct too and will help if I can. Thanks for the correction to "Spanish_Captain3_dialog.h".

You're putting your files for "Ardent" in "PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\RUSSIAN". They should be in "PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\DIALOGS\RUSSIAN". The translations for other storylines are correctly in "DIALOGS\RUSSIAN", it's only "Ardent" which is wrong. I've been moving them into the correct folder when I copy them.
Last edited:
384: "Just as the party was getting more exciting, that crazy lady with the rug beater had to show up!"
A rug beater is something you'd use to hit a rug or carpet to clean it. The context is that you are playing a woman, Beatrice Devlin, and are at a party to celebrate a future wedding. You go into a bedroom and find the groom. While you're sharing wine with him, the bride walks in, finds you together, and is angry! She is about to attack you with the rug beater.

386: "I hope I could help that young man."
Again you are playing Beatrice Devlin, are at the party, and go into the bedroom. You choose not to drink with the groom but to talk to him and advise him. Then you leave. This line is when you have left. You hope your advice helped him. So you probably want past tense.

388: "Well, I may be the punching bag, but you, Chico, you're the scabbard!"
A scabbard is a sheath for a sword. The context is that you are playing as Blaze Devlin and you had to lose a boxing match to earn money. One of your opponents was Chico. Later you meet him again and he calls you a punching bag (something you would hit while training for boxing). You and he fight with swords and you kill him. He used you as a punching bag because you let him hit you in the boxing. You have just used him as a scabbard (or sheath) because you stuck your sword into him.

Don't apologise for asking! I'd like the translation to be correct too and will help if I can. Thanks for the correction to "Spanish_Captain3_dialog.h".

You're putting your files for "Ardent" in "PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\RUSSIAN". They should be in "PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\DIALOGS\RUSSIAN". The translations for other storylines are correctly in "DIALOGS\RUSSIAN", it's only "Ardent" which is wrong. I've been moving them into the correct folder when I copy them.
Added a folder DIALOGS to Ardent.
Added translation blaze_dialog.h in DIALOGS - RUSSIAN
In any case, I have not yet translated the plot of DevlinOpera and this must be done in the game itself, so that there are no moments where a man speaks on behalf of a woman, etc. So this will probably be edited. Well, it's better to have at least some kind of translation than not to have one.
Added a folder DIALOGS to Ardent.
Added translation blaze_dialog.h in DIALOGS - RUSSIAN

In any case, I have not yet translated the plot of DevlinOpera and this must be done in the game itself, so that there are no moments where a man speaks on behalf of a woman, etc.
That should not be a problem. You play most of this story as a woman, Beatrice Devlin. There are two places in which you are given a choice of three characters to play - Beatrice, Bonnie or Blaze. Only Blaze is a man. The story has completely different code for each of the three choices. At the first choice, if you play as Beatrice then you have to search the town for a poetry book and you ask a lot of people about it. If you play as Blaze then you go to the boxing match. If you play as Bonnie then you go to the party. Different pieces of dialog will be used for each choice.

In other story dialog, or in dialog for sidequests, you may find variables which will be filled in by the dialog code. Some of these are for pronouns. The correct pronoun will be filled in for a man or woman. For example, in "Antoine Lebretton_dialog.h":
"You're a true #snoble#. A rare thing around here. My name is ",
". What brings you here?",
#snoble# will be filled in as either "gentleman" or "lady" depending on whether you're a man or woman, and the character's name is inserted between the lines. So, if you're playing as a man, you will see:
You're a true gentleman. A rare thing around here. My name is Antoine Lebretton. What brings you here?
But if you're playing as a woman, he will say "You're a true lady" instead.

Looking at your translation of "Antoine Lebretton_dialog.h", I do not see that variable. Look for it in the English version on line 8. Also look for #ssir# on line 129 in the English version. That will be filled in as either "Monsieur" or "Mademoiselle" depending on whether you're a man or woman.

And all those words - "gentleman", "lady", "Monsieur", "Mademoiselle" - are already translated in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\common.ini". So if you put the variables back, Antoine Lebretton should say the right things to both a man and a woman.

That should not be a problem. You play most of this story as a woman, Beatrice Devlin. There are two places in which you are given a choice of three characters to play - Beatrice, Bonnie or Blaze. Only Blaze is a man. The story has completely different code for each of the three choices. At the first choice, if you play as Beatrice then you have to search the town for a poetry book and you ask a lot of people about it. If you play as Blaze then you go to the boxing match. If you play as Bonnie then you go to the party. Different pieces of dialog will be used for each choice.

In other story dialog, or in dialog for sidequests, you may find variables which will be filled in by the dialog code. Some of these are for pronouns. The correct pronoun will be filled in for a man or woman. For example, in "Antoine Lebretton_dialog.h":
"You're a true #snoble#. A rare thing around here. My name is ",
". What brings you here?",
#snoble# will be filled in as either "gentleman" or "lady" depending on whether you're a man or woman, and the character's name is inserted between the lines. So, if you're playing as a man, you will see:But if you're playing as a woman, he will say "You're a true lady" instead.

Looking at your translation of "Antoine Lebretton_dialog.h", I do not see that variable. Look for it in the English version on line 8. Also look for #ssir# on line 129 in the English version. That will be filled in as either "Monsieur" or "Mademoiselle" depending on whether you're a man or woman.

And all those words - "gentleman", "lady", "Monsieur", "Mademoiselle" - are already translated in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\common.ini". So if you put the variables back, Antoine Lebretton should say the right things to both a man and a woman.
Added #snoble# and #ssir# functions to Antoine Lebretton_dialog.h file
Added translated interface file ( interface_strings.txt ). Корсары 2 Новые горизонты (перевод AkrimalS)
I will have questions on some lines that I will ask tomorrow. I'm already going to sleep. But it seems that this was translated with the correction of past errors.
Added #snoble# and #ssir# functions to Antoine Lebretton_dialog.h file
That wasn't the only one. You'll need to check all the English "dialog.h" files, look for anything beginning with "#s", and make sure the same variables are in the Russian versions. "Arnaud Matton_dialog.h" is another one, for a start - look for:
. "#sSabine#" on line 122
. "#snationR#" and "#snationF#" on lines 178 and 316
. "#snation_desc#" on line 189
. "#squantity#" and "#scargo#" on line 324
. "#snation#" on lines 326 and 327

"#snation_desc#", "#squantity#" and "#scargo#" will also show up in the dialog files for other storekeepers.

If the variables are not in place, the dialogs may be wrong if you're playing a female character. They may also be wrong if the town belongs to a different nation. That can happen either because of a storyline, because you captured the town yourself, or because some towns change nation depending on the period in which you're playing.

Added translated interface file ( interface_strings.txt ). Корсары 2 Новые горизонты (перевод AkrimalS)
I will have questions on some lines that I will ask tomorrow. I'm already going to sleep. But it seems that this was translated with the correction of past errors.
Thanks! Yes, there were probably errors in past translations. And some lines weren't translated at all, either because the previous translator didn't bother, or because they were added later. I've added several myself. I can't translate into Russian so I just left the lines in English to show future translators that these lines exist and need to be translated.
68-91 line - Quality of the weapon? If so, it may need to be corrected.
96 line - explain the translation
156-159 line - explain the translation
349,378 line - Meaning 'Scrap Ship' (delete or refuse?)
351 line - (currently active) should I translate what is in parentheses or is it a code element
354,366 line - / month . Similarly with the previous one. Should I write in Russian for a month?
760 line - explain the translation
765, 826 line - explain the translation
868,881 line - House of Amérigo Vieira (Amérigo - the letter é in the Russian language interface was a douga. Should I replace the code as in the English version?) In the 1567 line I changed the value to Professional Damage Control ( was Professional Damage Defence )
914 line - Is it a character's name or a women's house )) I understood that the character.
1235 line - explain the translation
1277 line - meaning our relationship with ?
1949 line - explain the translation
2103 line - what is meant by shares
2118 line - he says he needs a long tool to remove (what exactly: A board?)
2145 line - explain the translation
I would also like to ask about the items in the inventory. Where is their translation located, because many things are not translated and sometimes have the names of id items.
Or should I continue translating the ruler DevlinOpera?
68-91: Yes, those are weapon qualities. I'm not sure what "qual" (line 83) does, but it's probably short for "quality".
96: This line is for when your ship is on fire and you have just pressed "C" to put the fire out. Sails and powder cartridges are very likely to catch fire so you have thrown them overboard.
97: This line is also for when your ship is on fire, you have just pressed "C", but you do not have the "Damage Control" ability. The correct command would be "Fire drill" but your crew do not understand it and repeat it incorrectly. "Fire drill" becomes "firedrawl". Translate it as the Russian for "fire drill" with incorrect spelling, or as something which sounds a bit like the Russian for "fire drill".
156-157: You have attacked someone who was not carrying a weapon. You lose some reputation and those lines will appear on screen.
158-159: The same as 156-157, but you shot the unarmed person instead of hitting him with a sword.
349,378: More like delete. In Russian, what happens to an old ship when it is not wanted any more and is to be broken up?
350-373: These lines are put together when you are in the shipyard and are either berthing ships, relaunching berthed ships, or exchanging active ships and berthed ships. Parentheses are not code, so what is inside them should be translated. The program code which handles berthing will put these lines together depending on what you are doing with the ships. Sometimes the parentheses open on one line and close on another, e.g. lines 353 and 354.

The word "month" should indeed be translated. The end result, when the berthing code has put things together and filled in numbers and ship names, should look something like this:
You have selected to put the 'Black Pearl' (currently active) on shore leave, and relaunch the 'Interceptor' (currently on shore leave). This action is completely reversible; nothing will be lost or stripped from either ship. Note however that berthing charges for the 'Black Pearl' will be high (10000 / month) and you will continue to have to pay the crew, captain and any officers that captain has, albeit at a reduced rate (2000 / month). Click OK to go ahead with this.

760: A sewer is an underground tunnel for sewerage - waste. You'll find one in the game as a tunnel connecting Philipsburg and Marigot, on Saint Martin.
765, 826: Casa de Contratacion is Spain's equivalent to the East India Company in the game. It was a big company which handled all trade between Spain and the Caribbean. Don't translate it, just use Russian letters to make the right sounds. (You can look it up on Wikipedia. The Russian version calls it "Каса-де-Контратасьон".)
868, 881: Look for "Amerigo" and "Vieira" in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\characters_names.txt".
1567: Correct, it should now be "Professional Damage Control". Some perks were renamed and the Russian translation may not have been corrected at the time.
914: It's a house belonging to a character. The character is male.
1235: This is a report of a ship being sighted. A direction will be added to it by the program code which uses it, so that you will see something like "Strange sail to the ESE".
1277: The program code should add an island name and some co-ordinates, so that it should look something like "Our position from Cuba: 100, 200".

1949: Not sure. I believe you've just found a hatch which leads to a study but it is locked. This is from the "GoldBug" storyline. @Jack Rackham - any comment on the line "No, it's locked to the Study!"?
2103: If a navy, privateer or pirate ship captured an enemy ship, the officers and crew would be paid a share of its value. Or if pirates captured treasure, the officers and crew would get shares from it. The value of a single share would be calculated. Ordinary crewmembers would each get a single share. Officers would get more - in this case, if three officers have 5 shares then they're getting 5/3 of a share each.
2118: He needs to remove a pole. Or possibly to move one. @Jack Rackham: this is "I need a long tool to remove the pole" from "Woodes Rogers".

2145: You need a pass (a document) to get into the prison on Guadeloupe. One way to get it is from Yedam Kinne, a forger whom you might meet during the sidequest "Help the Church". You pay him, then you have to wait three days, then you get that message to tell you to go to Yedam Kinne and collect the pass.

Item names and descriptions are in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\ItemsDescribe.txt". It is probably incomplete because new items have been added. The newest English version is attached.


  • ItemsDescribe.txt
    67.5 KB · Views: 75