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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

68-91: Yes, those are weapon qualities. I'm not sure what "qual" (line 83) does, but it's probably short for "quality".
96: This line is for when your ship is on fire and you have just pressed "C" to put the fire out. Sails and powder cartridges are very likely to catch fire so you have thrown them overboard.
97: This line is also for when your ship is on fire, you have just pressed "C", but you do not have the "Damage Control" ability. The correct command would be "Fire drill" but your crew do not understand it and repeat it incorrectly. "Fire drill" becomes "firedrawl". Translate it as the Russian for "fire drill" with incorrect spelling, or as something which sounds a bit like the Russian for "fire drill".
156-157: You have attacked someone who was not carrying a weapon. You lose some reputation and those lines will appear on screen.
158-159: The same as 156-157, but you shot the unarmed person instead of hitting him with a sword.
349,378: More like delete. In Russian, what happens to an old ship when it is not wanted any more and is to be broken up?
350-373: These lines are put together when you are in the shipyard and are either berthing ships, relaunching berthed ships, or exchanging active ships and berthed ships. Parentheses are not code, so what is inside them should be translated. The program code which handles berthing will put these lines together depending on what you are doing with the ships. Sometimes the parentheses open on one line and close on another, e.g. lines 353 and 354.

The word "month" should indeed be translated. The end result, when the berthing code has put things together and filled in numbers and ship names, should look something like this:

760: A sewer is an underground tunnel for sewerage - waste. You'll find one in the game as a tunnel connecting Philipsburg and Marigot, on Saint Martin.
765, 826: Casa de Contratacion is Spain's equivalent to the East India Company in the game. It was a big company which handled all trade between Spain and the Caribbean. Don't translate it, just use Russian letters to make the right sounds. (You can look it up on Wikipedia. The Russian version calls it "Каса-де-Контратасьон".)
868, 881: Look for "Amerigo" and "Vieira" in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\characters_names.txt".
1567: Correct, it should now be "Professional Damage Control". Some perks were renamed and the Russian translation may not have been corrected at the time.
914: It's a house belonging to a character. The character is male.
1235: This is a report of a ship being sighted. A direction will be added to it by the program code which uses it, so that you will see something like "Strange sail to the ESE".
1277: The program code should add an island name and some co-ordinates, so that it should look something like "Our position from Cuba: 100, 200".

1949: Not sure. I believe you've just found a hatch which leads to a study but it is locked. This is from the "GoldBug" storyline. @Jack Rackham - any comment on the line "No, it's locked to the Study!"?
2103: If a navy, privateer or pirate ship captured an enemy ship, the officers and crew would be paid a share of its value. Or if pirates captured treasure, the officers and crew would get shares from it. The value of a single share would be calculated. Ordinary crewmembers would each get a single share. Officers would get more - in this case, if three officers have 5 shares then they're getting 5/3 of a share each.
2118: He needs to remove a pole. Or possibly to move one. @Jack Rackham: this is "I need a long tool to remove the pole" from "Woodes Rogers".

2145: You need a pass (a document) to get into the prison on Guadeloupe. One way to get it is from Yedam Kinne, a forger whom you might meet during the sidequest "Help the Church". You pay him, then you have to wait three days, then you get that message to tell you to go to Yedam Kinne and collect the pass.

Item names and descriptions are in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\ItemsDescribe.txt". It is probably incomplete because new items have been added. The newest English version is attached.
Thank you very much for the explanation, I understand everything. I can play the Golden Beetle and Woods Rogers, for that matter, to understand what is there. And also to see the correct translation or not. I'll start fixing everything on Friday, including looking for files #s
@Jack Rackham - any comment on the line "No, it's locked to the Study!"
No it's ok. Legrand has managed to lock himself out from the study. Stuck in the attic.
Hello, you can throw me the latest version of blaze_dialog.h and Chinarestaurant_dialog.h of the Gold Bug line, I found out here that the lines have moved out. Thank you in advance!
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Here you are.
Also, I can't go any further at this point. As I understood, after leaving the mill, a Chinese man should meet me, but nothing happens.


  • save 123.7z
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One other thing you might have noticed is that "The Chinese" is still in English. That, and other names, are in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\GoldBug\characters_names.txt". Some names in that file are already translated, others are left blank. You will find similar files for other storylines. There is also "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\characters_names.txt" (not in any storyline subfolder) which translates the names of various permanent characters such as governors and citizens.
You are carrying two barrels. Are you sure both are filled with gunpowder and not just one of them? (Looks the same on Legrand.)
What are they saying in the dialog where you can't continue?
You are carrying two barrels. Are you sure both are filled with gunpowder and not just one of them? (Looks the same on Legrand.)
What are they saying in the dialog where you can't continue?
I filled two barrels with gunpowder, but I still have one left from somewhere. After that, the passage says exit the mill. Meet with a Chinese, he will give you a new assignment and a recipe for slowly burning gunpowder – 4 saltpeter, 2 sulfur and 2 coal. But no one greets me, if I approach him, he says that he is busy. And I have two barrels in one cell, by the way, I can't take in 2 hands. Maybe I don't have a stable version? Where you can download the Original Corsairs 2, on which you can set new horizons?
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I filled two barrels with gunpowder, but I still have one left from somewhere.
It sounds strange already here.

I played it through and no errors.
1. GP mill: just grind the mixture. 2 filled barrels and find the chinese at the Hornblower table.
2. GP mill: mix 6 + 1 +1. Grind. 2 filled barrels and the chinese will be waiting for you outside the mill. New recipe from him.
3. this does not happen yet for you. Produce. Mix. Grind.

My guess is you have got one empty barrel too much somehow. And filled maybe 2 blade item type barrels. The chinese will not react to that as it's supposed to be
1 blade + 1 gun item type barrel (both filled).

If so, where did that extra barrel come from??? o_O

Maybe you can get it to work if you back a little and be careful when filling up the barrels so you get 1 blade item + 1 gun item type barrel.
It sounds strange already here.

I played it through and no errors.
1. GP mill: just grind the mixture. 2 filled barrels and find the chinese at the Hornblower table.
2. GP mill: mix 6 + 1 +1. Grind. 2 filled barrels and the chinese will be waiting for you outside the mill. New recipe from him.
3. this does not happen yet for you. Produce. Mix. Grind.

My guess is you have got one empty barrel too much somehow. And filled maybe 2 blade item type barrels. The chinese will not react to that as it's supposed to be
1 blade + 1 gun item type barrel (both filled).

If so, where did that extra barrel come from??? o_O

Maybe you can get it to work if you back a little and be careful when filling up the barrels so you get 1 blade item + 1 gun item type barrel.
I understood what the problem was. I put the already filled barrel of gunpowder to fill again. But it's kind of strange because it's already filled. I thought there must be something in the code to prevent this from happening. Thank you!
I put the already filled barrel of gunpowder to fill again.
I can't do that. Neither with a filled pistolbarrel nor with a filled bladebarrel.
Only empty barrels can be placed there. And I can't pull the rope twice for the same barrel either.
To me it seems more like you've filled 2 empty barrels of the same type?
I can't do that. Neither with a filled pistolbarrel nor with a filled bladebarrel.
Only empty barrels can be placed there. And I can't pull the rope twice for the same barrel either.
To me it seems more like you've filled 2 empty barrels of the same type?
The video does not allow you to upload here.
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Copy this into your "PROGRAM" folder. Run the game, load your newest save, then press F12. You should get an on-screen message "Executed Console". If so, post the file "compile.log" here.


  • console.c
    35.4 KB · Views: 84
Copy this into your "PROGRAM" folder. Run the game, load your newest save, then press F12. You should get an on-screen message "Executed Console". If so, post the file "compile.log" here.
Here is a file up to 2 barrels and after and a video in poor quality))


  • compile.log
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  • output(compress-video-online.com).7z
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  • compile1.log
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Near the end of the video, your inventory shows you to have two barrels of the same type.

"compile1.log" shows you to have two "pistolbarrel_gps" and one "bladebarrel_gp0" - that is, two filled pistol barrels and one empty blade barrel. You have equipped the "bladebarrel_gp0" and a "pistolbarrel_gpS".

Look in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\GoldBug\ItemsDescribe.txt" for the item names and descriptions. Item names have been translated, descriptions have not. The descriptions for "bladebarrel_gp0" and "pistolbarrel_gp0" are supposed to be blank; they are blank in the English version too.
I finally understood what happened. It was possible to "refill" an already filled pistolbarrel. (but not a filled bladebarrel)
The code wasn't exactly the same for both type of barrels but is now fixed and tested. line 13913


  • fix.7z
    36.5 KB · Views: 89
Near the end of the video, your inventory shows you to have two barrels of the same type.

"compile1.log" shows you to have two "pistolbarrel_gps" and one "bladebarrel_gp0" - that is, two filled pistol barrels and one empty blade barrel. You have equipped the "bladebarrel_gp0" and a "pistolbarrel_gpS".

Look in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\GoldBug\ItemsDescribe.txt" for the item names and descriptions. Item names have been translated, descriptions have not. The descriptions for "bladebarrel_gp0" and "pistolbarrel_gp0" are supposed to be blank; they are blank in the English version too.
Now everything works as it should !
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I finally understood what happened. It was possible to "refill" an already filled pistolbarrel. (but not a filled bladebarrel)
The code wasn't exactly the same for both type of barrels but is now fixed and tested. line 13913
Thanks, @Jack Rackham - that's going into the next update. :onya

The descriptions for "bladebarrel_gp0" and "pistolbarrel_gp0" are supposed to be blank; they are blank in the English version too.
That means you should not add anything there! Other items still have their descriptions in English, such as "bladebarrel_gpS" and "pistolbarrel_gpS"; you may want to translate those.