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WIP Spanish translation

Neither Sharpe nor Hornblower were released in Spain or Latin America, so Spanish voices for them simply don't exist.
I suspect the Russian files were produced by someone recording them while watching the English version - I can clearly hear the original English in the background to at least some of them. You could do something similar - for preference, get a couple of friends to do some of the recordings so that all officers do not sound the same.
Here come the tips and more:

-RESOURCE\Textures\Tips\SPANISH with all 77 tips files translated
-PROGRAM\INTERFACE\interface.c with the changes to support tips localization.
There's a problem with that. If I try to continue an existing game, it crashes when I try to save game. I can start a new game and then save without apparent trouble.

What worries me now is that 'procGetTipsPath()' might have been removed for a reason and that putting it back might cause more trouble in the future.

@Pieter Boelen: do you remember why this code to detect language-specific versions of loading tips was removed from the mod?
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I suspect the Russian files were produced by someone recording them while watching the English version - I can clearly hear the original English in the background to at least some of them. You could do something similar - for preference, get a couple of friends to do some of the recordings so that all officers do not sound the same.
Many Russian dubs usually are like that, the Russian voice recorded over the original, almost like documentary narrations or news broadcasts.

What worries me now is that 'procGetTipsPath()' might have been removed for a reason and that putting it back might cause more trouble in the future.
Oh dear. I feared that could be the case.
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Anyway, added "Monk" to Spanish characters_names for the New Cloister monks, the code was already in place but the translation was missing.


  • characters_names.txt
    23.2 KB · Views: 96
Thanks! I've added it to the English and Russian versions as well. (I can't type Cyrillic letters but I was able to copy and paste from another line which included the word "Monk".)
There's a problem with that. If I try to continue an existing game, it crashes when I try to save game. I can start a new game and then save without apparent trouble.

What worries me now is that 'procGetTipsPath()' might have been removed for a reason and that putting it back might cause more trouble in the future.

@Pieter Boelen: do you remember why this code to detect language-specific versions of loading tips was removed from the mod?
I'll keep it in my version and see if any more problems arise with new games. If the worst that happens is that the feature is not compatible with older saved games but it's fine otherwise, maybe it could be considered for future releases.
When I've finished my current play through "Hornblower", I'll start a new game and reactivate your code, then I can also check for side effects. Assuming there are none, I can include it in a future update and change the version number so that you have to start a new game - changing the version number prevents the game from recognising old savegames. Ideally I'd like to wait until some other mod requires a new game, or even until @AkrimalS creates Russian loading tip textures. Incidentally, I had a look at the stock game. It might have the code to allow language-specific tips but it doesn't have any tips at all! It has a "RESOURCE\Textures\tips" folder, which is empty, and "engine.ini" has "numoftips" set to 0. "Build Info.txt" indicates that tips were first added in Build 14 Beta 2.3.
How would you translate "Village church"? This is for location "Village_church" on Hispaniola. You've translated the village itself as "Aldea". Possibly "Iglesia de la Aldea"?
There's a mistake in "PROGRAM\sulan_shipslog.c", line 42:
if(GetStringDate(GetDataYear(), GetDataMonth(), GetDataDay()) != pchar.shiplog.Date.log0) newLog += XI_ConvertString(GetDayName(GetWeekday(GetDataDay()), GetDataMonth(), GetDataYear()))+", "+GetHumanDate(GetDataYear(), GetDataMonth(), GetDataDay())+": ";
The bracket after "GetDataDay()" should be at the end of the entire "GetDayName" section:
if(GetStringDate(GetDataYear(), GetDataMonth(), GetDataDay()) != pchar.shiplog.Date.log0) newLog += XI_ConvertString(GetDayName(GetWeekday(GetDataDay(), GetDataMonth(), GetDataYear())))+", "+GetHumanDate(GetDataYear(), GetDataMonth(), GetDataDay())+": ";

The error caused messages in "error.log" about "calendar.c" and also meant that dates related to logs in the "Ship" category either didn't appear at all or were wrong - for example, I had a log dated Sunday 8th May, but 8th May was Wednesday. That's because 'GetDayName' defaults to "Sunday" if it gets an invalid weekday number.

Attached is a corrected version.


  • sulan_shipslog.c
    5.5 KB · Views: 75
@Homo eructus: attached is "PROGRAM\Storyline\Assassin\dialogs\SPANISH\Divers_dialog.h". @AkrimalS found some hard-coded lines for jump starts in "Divers_dialog.c" and transferred them to "Divers_dialog.h" so that they can be translated. They're now the last five lines of the attached file.

Also attached is "Divers_dialog.c" modified to use the new lines from "Divers_dialog.h" in place of the hard-coded lines. Enable cheatmode, start "Assassin", then you can test them.


  • Divers_dialog.h
    5.5 KB · Views: 73
  • Divers_dialog.c
    11.5 KB · Views: 75
A few more dialogs, questbook and assorted text files (mostly fixed typos)

Also, translation code added to smuggling.c for the smuggling hours and updated interface_strings (only for the "between" as "and" is already in common.ini) and Smuggler Agent_dialog.c for the location.


  • SPAfiles7June.zip
    264.9 KB · Views: 75
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A few more dialogs, questbook and assorted text files (mostly fixed typos)

Also, translation code added to smuggling.c for the smuggling hours and updated interface_strings (only for the "between" as "and" is already in common.ini) and Smuggler Agent_dialog.c for the location.
Thanks! However, since "and" is in "common.ini" (and so is "smuggling"), I've moved "between" there as well. Here are my Spanish versions of "interface_strings.txt" and "common.ini".


  • common.ini
    86.1 KB · Views: 73
  • interface_strings.txt
    141 KB · Views: 72
I considered it, but I put it in interface_strings because it's single use rather than common. Although I suppose, it's a rather common word that could be used for other things in the future.

quests_common.c also needed the code for the smuggling location for the questbook


  • quests_common.c
    279 KB · Views: 69
I've noticed that the files PROGRAM\DIALOGS\ENGLISH\quest_sapper.h and quest_sailor_tmp.h are in Russian. I thought they may have been misplaced during the translation but they have dates from 2010 and are still in Russian in the previous version. What's up with that?
The authors of the original game intended to give you the choice to play as Nathaniel or Danielle. They did not get very far with Danielle's path. Those two files, and a few others which are in English, are the only traces of Danielle's story. Some, such as these two, are never used. Others, such as "PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\DIALOGS\ENGLISH\danielle.h", contain lines which are never used. And if you have a look at "quest_sapper.c" and "quest_sailor_tmp.c", you'll find 'AddDialogExitQuest' lines trying to trigger quest cases which don't exist.

If you want to see what "quest_sapper.h" and "quest_sailor_tmp.h" say, run them through Google Translate. It might not get everything exactly right but it should give some idea of what the characters were supposed to say.