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WIP Spanish translation

In "engine.ini" are:
So, after:
dir = resource\textures\tips\
... you could try adding a Spanish line.

If that doesn't work, we're probably stuck. Load images are handled by moddable game code but tips seem to be handled by the engine. In "PROGRAM\Locations\locations.c":
native void SetReloadNextTipsImage();
The stock game has this in interface.c, but not the mod


string g_sTipsPath;
ref procGetTipsPath()
    string sLngID = LanguageGetLanguage();
    if(sLngID=="")    g_sTipsPath = "tips";
    else g_sTipsPath = "tips\" + sLngID;
    return &g_sTipsPath;
See what happens if you put that back.
tips seem to be handled by the engine
It's possible it was an unfinished feature in the stock game. My copy has the Tips folder but it's empty and looking at some videos from the stock game, it doesn't seem to have any tips at all in the loading screens.
Progress! Sort of. Putting that code back in interface.c does indeed make it recognize the Spanish tips... but not the background loading screen.
Oh, I think that may be on my editing software, actually. I think the transparent background the image is supposed to have is not being picked up by the engine. I'll try some different settings
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Possibly you used the wrong setting on TX Convertor to convert it back to .tga.tx, losing the alpha channel.
That's half the job done. :onya Now see what happens if you put this into "RESOURCE\Textures\Loading\Spanish" and go back into that house.


  • Inside_mh8.tga.tx.zip
    516.3 KB · Views: 81
As a side effect, now the tips don't show up when playing in English. I guess the English images will have to go in an ENGLISH folder too
That's half the job done. :onya Now see what happens if you put this into "RESOURCE\Textures\Loading\Spanish" and go back into that house.
Thanks! I started with the tips because they actually give useful information, while translating the loading screen themselves is mostly cosmetic and a lower priority. But I plan to get there eventually!
For the moment, change this:
if(sLngID=="")    g_sTipsPath = "tips";
... into this:
if(sLngID != "SPANISH")    g_sTipsPath = "tips";
Otherwise it's going to prevent tips from showing up when playing in Russian too.

Thanks! I started with the tips because they actually give useful information, while translating the loading screen themselves is mostly cosmetic and a lower priority. But I plan to get there eventually!
I'm the exact opposite. I've set "engine.ini" to disable tips entirely because they get in the way of the nice loading screens. xD I haven't tried to translate all of them, but I needed to do some Russian ones. Since that meant I had them open in Photoshop with a blank scroll to erase the English text, it wasn't much more effort to do Spanish versions at the same time.

The font used for existing screens is Dolphin. If you're using Photoshop, look for "Blending Options". "Bevel and Emboss", "Color Overlay", "Pattern Overlay", "Outer Glow" and "Drop Shadow" should be enabled. You can find some templates here:
For the moment, change this:
if(sLngID=="")    g_sTipsPath = "tips";
... into this:
if(sLngID != "SPANISH")    g_sTipsPath = "tips";
Otherwise it's going to prevent tips from showing up when playing in Russian too.

I'm the exact opposite. I've set "engine.ini" to disable tips entirely because they get in the way of the nice loading screens. xD I haven't tried to translate all of them, but I needed to do some Russian ones. Since that meant I had them open in Photoshop with a blank scroll to erase the English text, it wasn't much more effort to do Spanish versions at the same time.

The font used for existing screens is Dolphin. If you're using Photoshop, look for "Blending Options". "Bevel and Emboss", "Color Overlay", "Pattern Overlay", "Outer Glow" and "Drop Shadow" should be enabled. You can find some templates here:
I use paint.net, which doesn't have that many text options but I'm sure there's a plugin somewhere that adds more
GIMP is a free program with some of the ability of Photoshop, including the ability to read Photoshop files, though I don't know if it can do "Blending Options". It should at least be able to load those template loading screens, which you can copy, resize and modify into translated versions of existing loading images.
Paint.net can handle psd too, and there are a lot of community-made plugins, many of them to replicate Photoshop features. We'll see.

Yesterday I finished 30 out of 77 tips so it shouldn't take me much longer.
This is the approximate timing of the phrases in the films for the Hornblower plot. In case someone from the Spanish community wants to make them.

Archie02 - Hornblower The Frogs and the Lobsters (09:00)
Pellew02 - Hornblower The Frogs and the Lobsters (11:43)
Edrington1 - Hornblower The Frogs and the Lobsters (15:15)
Edrington2 - Hornblower The Frogs and the Lobsters (30:10)
Edrington3 - Hornblower The Frogs and the Lobsters (50:20)
Edrington4 - Hornblower The Frogs and the Lobsters (51:10)

Foster01; Foster02;Foster03;Hammond01;Hammond02;Hammond03 - Hornblower The Examination For Lieutenant (1:24:20)
GeneralAlarm - Hornblower The Examination For Lieutenant (1:26:08)
Foster04;Foster05;Foster06;Foster07;Foster08;Foster09;Hammond04;Hammond05;Hammond06;Hammond07;Hammond08;Hammond09;Pellew05;Pellew06;Pellew07 - Hornblower The Examination For Lieutenant (1:34:00)

Sawyer01 - Hornblower Mutiny (5:20)
Bush01 - Hornblower Mutiny (9:40)
Sawyer02;Sawyer03;Sawyer04;Sawyer05;Bush02 - Hornblower Mutiny (11:00)

Pellew08;Pellew09;Pellew01 - Hornblower The Duchess And The Devil (6:50;8:22)
Hornblwr01;Pellew03;Pellew04 - Hornblower The Duchess And The Devil (7:20)
Wharf03 - Hornblower The Duchess And The Devil (10:51)
Wharf02 - Hornblower The Duchess And The Devil (11:15)
Wharf01 - Hornblower The Duchess And The Devil (17:24)
Don02;Don03 - Hornblower The Duchess And The Devil (58:00)
Wharf04;Don01;Etienne01 - Hornblower The Duchess And The Devil (58:45)
Etienne02 - Hornblower The Duchess And The Devil (1:01:48)
Hornblwr02;Wharf05 - Hornblower The Duchess And The Devil (1:04:40)

Keene01 - Hornblower The Even Chance (8:00)
simpson01 - Hornblower The Even Chance (23:05)
Clayton01 - Hornblower The Even Chance (31:40)
Keene02;Keene03 - Hornblower The Even Chance (34:30)

Buckland01 - Hornblower Retribution (40:15)
Archie01 - Hornblower Retribution (47:52)
Buckland03;Buckland04 - Hornblower Retribution (1:20:30)

Sharpe05;Sharpe01;Well01;Well02 - Sharpe's Rifles (4:55)
Well03 - Sharpe's Rifles (9:40)
Sharpe06 - Sharpe's Rifles (38:30)
Sharpe02;Sharpe03 - Sharpe's Rifles (1:27:35)
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Neither Sharpe nor Hornblower were released in Spain or Latin America, so Spanish voices for them simply don't exist.
Here come the tips and more:

-RESOURCE\Textures\Tips\SPANISH with all 77 tips files translated
-PROGRAM\INTERFACE\interface.c with the changes to support tips localization.
-More general dialogs, some new some corrected.
-Small corrections to several RESOURCE/INI/TEXTS/SPANISH files.


  • SPAfiles2June.zip
    1.7 MB · Views: 71
For the benefit of Jean de la Croix and other rogues, "interface_strings.txt" needs an extra line. Can you tell me how to translate "Smuggler Ship"?
More general dialogs, including .c files with translated nation_desc preprocessor for storekeepers


  • DIALOGS.zip
    142.3 KB · Views: 67
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