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WIP Spanish translation

If it's still foreign from the point of view of the speaker/listener and it's only one character, I feel it has a pass, so it can stay for the sake of variety or change, either way would be fine. My main concern was with the characters using foreign words (even if they are from their real original language) for the ranks of their own nation in the middle of a Spanish text (in-universe, they would be speaking English all the time but in the translation Spanish stands in for English, so the sudden change for one word is unnecessary and jarring).
Looking at the code, characters in "Hornblower" generally get their ranks from lines in their definitions like:
SetRank(ch, ENGLAND, 4);
So they'll get their ranks from the normal system - the rank is defined in "nations_init.c" and translated by "common.ini". Lt. William Bush, for example, should show up in Spanish as Senior Lieutenant Bush because rank 4 is Senior Lieutenant and that is left in English.

The lines "Lt. William" and "Lt." in "characters_names.txt" are for cut scenes when you become Lt. William Bush and Lt. Chadd. It's going to look odd if real William Bush has his English rank while you as Lt. William Bush have a Spanish rank! It might also look a bit odd if all naval officers show ranks in English but army officers show ranks in Spanish.
All of them being always in English looks odd anyway, I'll take the small mercy of seeing them in Spanish once in a while. Besides, when ranks are mentioned using plain text, which is quite often if I recall, they are also translated, so it's all over the place anyway.
If it's still foreign from the point of view of the speaker/listener and it's only one character, I feel it has a pass, so it can stay for the sake of variety or change, either way would be fine. My main concern was with the characters using foreign words (even if they are from their real original language) for the ranks of their own nation in the middle of a Spanish text (in-universe, they would be speaking English all the time but in the translation Spanish stands in for English, so the sudden change for one word is unnecessary and jarring).

Here's with CaptainA in place
I forgot to save changes before sending it:oops:


  • characters_names.txt
    2.2 KB · Views: 84
Very well, I'll include that file as it is in the next update. Which will be very soon as there were some other things missing as well.
In the last update zip, there are four questbook files in the wrong folder in INI\TEXTS\SPANISH \Storyline\Ardent. Two of them (Imprisoned and Vilain Hunt) are older version of files that are already in the right questbook folder and can be deleted but the other two are up to date files that are misplaced and should be moved to the questbook folder. Probably my bad when I packaged my files to send.
This is still the case in the last zip

I'm updating the files and I have a few JackSparrow dialogs in the oven, but I'm short on time.
This is still the case in the last zip
But it will be corrected in the next one - thanks for reminding me!

Here. Updated files and some Jack Sparrow and other assorted dialogs
"JackSparrow\characters_names.txt" should actually be "standard\characters_names.txt" - Danielle Greene, Ralph Fawn etc. aren't in "Hoist the Colours", they're in "Tales of a Sea Hawk".

Your file has old versions of English "common.ini" and "interface_strings.txt", so the Spanish versions might also be wrong. Here are the current English files.


  • common.ini
    82.4 KB · Views: 62
  • interface_strings.txt
    141.4 KB · Views: 76
I'd swear I updated them with the last zip. I'll check again

Oh, I know what happened. Those English files were leftovers from an earlier upload and I forgot to delete them from my "ready to upload" folder. They shouldn't be there at all.

The Spanish files are up to date.
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