In "SPAfiles12Jun", one of your changes is to "Robert Fletcher_dialog.h", removing the name "Robert" from a couple of lines. If the dialog for rebels is to be made more general, a lot more will need to be done. It was originally intended for "Brave Black Flag", at that time a near duplicate of the "Tales of a Sea Hawk" storyline with all the story removed, setting the player up as mutineer Julian McAllister with a specific group of officers. "Brave Black Flag" was massively expanded to become FreePlay, with the original start remaining as the default. At some time I'll probably need to modify the rebel start to replace officer names, then change the dialog to use preprocessed variables for the names of Robert Fletcher and all other characters. Until that happens, the dialog refers to captain Champers, against whom you are mutinying; and fellow officers Sullivan and Kildare. Even your own modified dialog still calls the officer to whom you're talking "Fletcher". So there's little point in removing "Robert".
The rest looks fine, including the changes to Rys Bloom's dialog.
@AkrimalS, perhaps you'd like to download "Rys" and modify Russian "Rys Bloom_dialog.h" to match?