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WIP Spanish translation

There are no storylines for Jack Aubrey, he's just a Free Play character that starts as a Navy captain.

Did you check if there was something new in the mission book that wasn't in my files (or vice versa, something that is in my files but may have been removed in newer versions of the mod)? As I said, I made those over two years ago.

I guess this question... is for Grey Roger... :rolleyes:

They may have those missions when you uploaded them ...
I guess this question... is for Grey Roger... :rolleyes:

They may have those missions when you uploaded them ...

Now I am remembering that there are 2 more txt files, outside the QUEST folder, but I have to check it in the afternoon, because I have it on another pc.

That is: I think there are 4 txt files in total and the missions folder
I'm not sure. There are no new questbook files in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\Storyline\JackSparrow\QUESTBOOK" in the update archive, so the latest versions will be in the May 2018 installer. Even there, most of the files are almost the same as those in an earlier version apart from some spelling and grammar corrections, which are specific to English and so will not affect the Spanish translation.

The main things to check are:
  • "Pirate Lord.txt": line "text.t8" should say "#sisland_Battle Rocks#". An earlier version has "#sBattle Rocks#", so the name of the island will not appear in the questbook.
  • "Slaver.txt": the May 2018 version has a new line:
    text.t11=I fought and killed the pirate lord and all of his men. The slaves are now free. I gave Jocard's piece of 8 to their leader - he is now the new Gentleman Jocard, pirate lord of the Atlantic.
  • "The Brotherhood.txt": the May 2018 version has two new lines:
    text.t20=I have to find Nathan Kell, but only Anamaria knows where he is. So first I need to meet her at #sisland_Oxbay# lighthouse.
    text.t21=Anamaria told me that Nathan Kell is somewhere in #sGreenford#. But I must be careful because while I am looking for Nathan Kell, Cutler Beckett is looking for me.
If the translated files have these then the questbooks should be fine.
I guess this question... is for Grey Roger... :rolleyes:
No, that was meant for you, you are the one doing the translation. When I uploaded those files I warned you they were old and that you should check them side by side with the current English files to see if they needed some changes.

I'm not sure. There are no new questbook files in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\Storyline\JackSparrow\QUESTBOOK" in the update archive, so the latest versions will be in the May 2018 installer. Even there, most of the files are almost the same as those in an earlier version apart from some spelling and grammar corrections, which are specific to English and so will not affect the Spanish translation.

The main things to check are:
  • "Pirate Lord.txt": line "text.t8" should say "#sisland_Battle Rocks#". An earlier version has "#sBattle Rocks#", so the name of the island will not appear in the questbook.
  • "Slaver.txt": the May 2018 version has a new line:
    text.t11=I fought and killed the pirate lord and all of his men. The slaves are now free. I gave Jocard's piece of 8 to their leader - he is now the new Gentleman Jocard, pirate lord of the Atlantic.
  • "The Brotherhood.txt": the May 2018 version has two new lines:
    text.t20=I have to find Nathan Kell, but only Anamaria knows where he is. So first I need to meet her at #sisland_Oxbay# lighthouse.
    text.t21=Anamaria told me that Nathan Kell is somewhere in #sGreenford#. But I must be careful because while I am looking for Nathan Kell, Cutler Beckett is looking for me.
If the translated files have these then the questbooks should be fine.
Strangely enough, it seems my Slaver.txt is up to date, but not the other two, which is weird if the change s date from the same build.
No, that was meant for you, you are the one doing the translation. When I uploaded those files I warned you they were old and that you should check them side by side with the current English files to see if they needed some changes.

Strangely enough, it seems my Slaver.txt is up to date, but not the other two, which is weird if the change s date from the same build.

Very good. I will check those files. Thank you
I upload the 2 files: the translation of the Jack Sparrow story and the mission book translated by Homo eructus. I modified what was agreed in the mission book. I checked the beginning of Sparrow's story in Spanish, and it seems that everything works fine. ... and as always: all my gratitude and thanks to Grey Roger for his unconditional support at all times; He encouraged me to contribute to the translation to form a small part of this fantastic mod. To Homo eructus, also all my thanks for getting involved and freeing myself from work, with its spectacular translations that demonstrate an experience in the English language. I do not want to forget JTem, which I take the opportunity to send a cordial greeting. To all, with all my heart, many, many thanks, friends.


  • SPANISH Sparrow.rar
    262.8 KB · Views: 194
    30.6 KB · Views: 196
In "QUESTBOOK SPARROW.rar" is the file "storyline_strings.txt", in which the name "Black Pearl" is not translated. But...
Not bad for Google, but I made a few corrections

I'd advice translating the name of the Black Pearl for Perla Negra (the same with the Flying Dutchman for Holandés Errante). It's not standard practice to translate a ship's proper name, but they were translated in the films (at least in Spain, I don't know about Latin American dubbings) and that's how they will be mostly recognized. That may require some extra work so the name appears translated in the ship menu and not just in the quests and dialogs though. In fact, Dauntless and Interceptor were also translated but Interceptor is spelled the same so it doesn't matter, and the Daunless (translated as Impávido) is much more of a secondary ship so it's not that important.

I translated "Hoist the colours" as "izad la bandera" rather than "izar" because it looks to me more like an order to hoist the coluurs rather than a neutral statement and "Izar" is the infinitive so it would be more like "To hoist the colours"
... I thought the name should be translated. In fact, the version in "QUESTBOOK SPARROW.rar" seems to be obsolete because it also still uses "Izar" instead of "Izad".

Unless there is good reason to do otherwise, I'll keep the version @Homo eructus posted in December.

And on that note, try these versions of "PROGRAM\Storyline\JackSparrow\quests\quests_reaction.c", "PROGRAM\Storyline\JackSparrow\characters\init\TempQuest.c" and "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\common.ini". The "PROGRAM" files now use "TranslateString" on the names of some ships in the storyline, and "common.ini" provides the translations:
; Special ship names
string = Black Pearl,"Perla Negra"
string = Flying Dutchman,"Holandés Errante"
string = Crimson Blood,"Crimson Blood"
"Crimson Blood" is not translated as ship names are normally not translated. But it is included in case you do want to translate it anyway. (This is the ship which you find in the "Sao Feng" sidequest and which you may choose to keep instead of the Black Pearl.)


  • quests_reaction.c
    410.6 KB · Views: 97
  • TempQuest.c
    146.1 KB · Views: 109
  • common.ini
    77.7 KB · Views: 100
You're absolutely right, I'm sorry, it has certainly been a mistake of mine. I have already corrected Izar by "Izad the flag" and the translation of the "Black Pearl".

The 3 files you uploaded ..., are they to consult, modify, or simply to copy and replace in their corresponding path? I suppose it will be the latter.
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I upload these 3 Sparrow dialog files, with minor fixes


  • Storyteller_dialog.h
    3.1 KB · Views: 97
  • Terry Snider_dialog.h
    10.7 KB · Views: 112
  • Thomas the Terror_Dialog.h
    4.8 KB · Views: 124
I upload these 3 Sparrow dialog files, with minor fixes
Have you uploaded the rest of the dialog files? So far I have only those three plus "Tia Dalma_dialog.h".

The 3 files you uploaded ..., are they to consult, modify, or simply to copy and replace in their corresponding path? I suppose it will be the latter.
"PROGRAM\Storyline\JackSparrow\quests\quests_reaction.c" and "PROGRAM\Storyline\JackSparrow\characters\init\TempQuest.c" are to copy into place. They are code files and these versions contain lines to translate the names of Black Pearl and Flying Dutchman. "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\common.ini" can also be copied into place but you may want to check it - this is the text file which provides the translations for a lot of things, including those ships. If you have already downloaded it, please download it again because I have just added two more lines:
string = his1, "su"
string = her1, "su"
These are probably not so important for Spanish, in which possessive pronouns take their gender from the thing being possessed. But the lines are needed for other languages. If different language files such as "common.ini" are different lengths, an error might appear in "system.log". The error is not serious enough to break the game, but it's always worth trying to prevent such messages so that it is easier to spot messages which are more important.
I upload the common.ini file quite corrected. There were many wrong words, usually when they carry accents. In any case, it will be better to make a backup copy of the original.


  • common.ini
    77.7 KB · Views: 89
string =Small Hours,"Pequenas horas" . Doesn't make sense in Spanish. It should be "Madrugada"
string = Morning,"Manana" >Mañana
string = Midday,"Mediodia" >Mediodía

string = st,"st"
string = nd,"nd"
string = rd,"rd"
string = th,"th"
These should be left blank: ""

And both the months and the week days are not capitalized in Spanish

string = SeaBox,"Ship Cofre" > "Cofre del barco"

string = QC_Shore1,"Bahú} Blanca"
string = Oxbay_shore_02,"Bahú} Roca Gris en Oxbay"
string = Falaise_de_fleur_shore,"Bahú} del Pulpo on Falaise de Fleur"
In these 3, it should be "Bahía", but two of them have the fake island names from the stock game, so I doubt they're used anywhere.

string = Turks_shore_01,"Arecifes Blancos en Turks" > Arrecifes

string = flying,"volante" I think This is part of the massage telling you which flag a ship is flying ("flying French colours", for example), so it probably should be something like:
string = flying,"ondeando pabellón"

string = skill_level,"nuevo novel de destreza" > nivel

string = Cashdesk,"dinero de la tripulación" No error here but I remember that sentence being way too long for the UI so I had to shorten it to "Dinero tripu."
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