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WIP Spanish translation

Each line contains two parts. For example, in the English version of "storyline_strings.txt":
Hoist the Colours{Hoist the Colours}
The first part must be left untranslated. This is what will appear somewhere in the game code.

The second part is between the {}. That is the part which you translate.

So the game wants to show "Hoist the Colours" as the title for the story. You have chosen to play in Spanish. The game looks for "Hoist the Colours" in the Spanish version of "storyline_strings.txt", then displays whatever it finds in the {}.

Look at "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\Storyline\Hornblower". The files there have already been translated into Spanish. That is why, when you play in Spanish, you will see the title and description of the story in Spanish. If you're playing the storyline, you will eventually meet the Earl of Edrington, which in Spanish should appear as "El Conde de Edrington".

Not bad for Google, but I made a few corrections

I'd advice translating the name of the Black Pearl for Perla Negra (the same with the Flying Dutchman for Holandés Errante). It's not standard practice to translate a ship's proper name, but they were translated in the films (at least in Spain, I don't know about Latin American dubbings) and that's how they will be mostly recognized. That may require some extra work so the name appears translated in the ship menu and not just in the quests and dialogs though. In fact, Dauntless and Interceptor were also translated but Interceptor is spelled the same so it doesn't matter, and the Daunless (translated as Impávido) is much more of a secondary ship so it's not that important.

I translated "Hoist the colours" as "izad la bandera" rather than "izar" because it looks to me more like an order to hoist the coluurs rather than a neutral statement and "Izar" is the infinitive so it would be more like "To hoist the colours"


  • storyline_strings.txt
    878 bytes · Views: 165
  • rumour_strings.txt
    671 bytes · Views: 144
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I'd advice translating the name of the Black Pearl for Perla Negra (the same with the Flying Dutchman for Holandés Errante). It's not standard practice to translate a ship's proper name, but they were translated in the films (at least in Spain, I don't know about Latin American dubbings) and that's how they will be mostly recognized. That may require some extra work so the name appears translated in the ship menu and not just in the quests and dialogs though.
Yep, the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman where also translated in the Greek subtitles. :yes
So it's very probable, that the same was done in every translation.
I am trying to improve the translation, as an example, of the file fred_bob.txt, in the secondary mission "Help to the master", which I have active in FreePlay, however, once the translation is improved, the improvement does not appear and continues as it was previously . Should I start a new game for changes to be seen? I just want to know what I face for later missions translations
When a quest starts and the questbook opens, the entire book is read into the game. Changes to the questbook will not be shown in that game.

If you have a savegame from before you talked to Orable Caron, load that, then talk to him to start "Help the Boatswain".

Otherwise, start a new FreePlay game. If your current game is also FreePlay, start the new game with different profile name, then you can keep the older game too. Start as a French corsair or merchant, then you will start at St. Pierre. Most of the "Named" French characters start there too. Then it is easy to talk to Milon Blacque, then Orable Caron.
When a quest starts and the questbook opens, the entire book is read into the game. Changes to the questbook will not be shown in that game.

If you have a savegame from before you talked to Orable Caron, load that, then talk to him to start "Help the Boatswain".

Otherwise, start a new FreePlay game. If your current game is also FreePlay, start the new game with different profile name, then you can keep the older game too. Start as a French corsair or merchant, then you will start at St. Pierre. Most of the "Named" French characters start there too. Then it is easy to talk to Milon Blacque, then Orable Caron.

I could use the help of Homo eructus, to translate this file if it is so kind. I have translated it but I am sure he has enough mistakes because of Aunt Dalma's dialogue. I upload the file in English and my translated file


  • Tia Dalma_dialog.h
    4.9 KB · Views: 129
  • Tia Dalma_dialogSPANISH.h
    5 KB · Views: 176
I have the original game and it is also officially translated into Spanish. I wonder: would those original translated files help me to translate Jack Sparrow, or any other story?
It is that in the story of Jack Sparrow, especially in the archive of blaze_dialog.h, it reminds me of the original story of the Nathaniel Hawk game
I have the original game and it is also officially translated into Spanish. I wonder: would those original translated files help me to translate Jack Sparrow, or any other story?
They would certainly help you with the Tales of a Sea Hawk storyline and some side quests that where in the stock game.

It is that in the story of Jack Sparrow, especially in the archive of blaze_dialog.h, it reminds me of the original story of the Nathaniel Hawk game
I believe this is for the Tales of a Sea Hawk storyline, which is the original story of the game.

By the way in case you didn't know, Nathaniel Hawk is referred to as Blaze in the code.
I have the original game and it is also officially translated into Spanish. I wonder: would those original translated files help me to translate Jack Sparrow, or any other story?
As @The Nameless Pirate says, they can serve as a guideline for Tales of a Sea Hawk, for some sidequests, and also for quests in other sorylines that are based on those, but even in Tales of Sea Hawk, which is the closest to the original because it is the original story, there are many little differences added by the mod, like new preprocessors to accomodate female player characters and things like that. And the official translation wasn't the best either so it would be wise to take it like the pirate's code... more like guidelines than actual rules:p.

I'll take a look at those files as soon as I can. I just arrived home after a long trip.
As @The Nameless Pirate says, they can serve as a guideline for Tales of a Sea Hawk, for some sidequests, and also for quests in other sorylines that are based on those, but even in Tale sof Sea Hawk, which is the closest to the original because it is the original story, there are many little differences, like new preprocessors to accomodate female player characters and things like that. And the official translation wasn't the best either so it would be wise to take it like the pirate's code... more like guidelines than actual rules:p.
True, I don't know about the quality of the original translation, but I can vouch for the first bit.

I'll take a look at those files as soon as I can. I just arrived home after a long trip.
Welcome back then! :cheers