Some of the questbooks are dated 2018. A check with Winmerge shows that most of the changes are simple spelling or grammar corrections but a few files have significant changes.
- "Pirate Lord.txt": in text.t8, replace "#sBattle Rocks#" with "#sisland_Battle Rocks#", otherwise the island's name will not show up
- "Slaver.txt": an extra line at the end
- "The Brotherhood.txt": extra lines at the end
Also, in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\Storyline\JackSparrow", both "characters_names.txt" and "storyline_strings.txt" need to be translated. Some of the lines in "characters_names.txt" are descriptive, e.g. "Helmsman". "storyline_strings.txt" contains the title and description of the story. These also need to be translated for other storylines, except "Hornblower" which has already been done.