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WIP Spanish translation

If you mean, can you make any character appear there, then no. If cheatmode is enabled then C.S. Forester appears there; if cheatmode is not enabled, he does not. Other characters will appear when the story needs them to appear. What C.S. Forester allows you to do is skip ahead to whichever part of the story you want to test.
The file of Freb Bob translated by Homo eructus does not work, the empty dialog box comes out, due to some small errors at the end of some lines: characters like (") (,) are missing and in another line there were double (", " ,), are small mistakes that prevent dialogue.

In the end I corrected all that and now the dialogue is phenomenal.

The translation of Homo eructus remains intact, of course.

I attach the corrected file


  • Fred Bob_dialog.h
    19.9 KB · Views: 114
Last edited:
If you mean the questbooks, they're still in English although there are copies in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\Storyline\JackSparrow\QUESTBOOK". In fact, all of "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\Storyline\JackSparrow" is still in English.

Meanwhile, all your recent work is in the update which I've just uploaded:
Mod Release - Build 14 Beta [Last Update:20th December 2019]
That includes your "Fred Bob_dialog.h".
Some of the questbooks are dated 2018. A check with Winmerge shows that most of the changes are simple spelling or grammar corrections but a few files have significant changes.
  • "Pirate Lord.txt": in text.t8, replace "#sBattle Rocks#" with "#sisland_Battle Rocks#", otherwise the island's name will not show up
  • "Slaver.txt": an extra line at the end
  • "The Brotherhood.txt": extra lines at the end
Also, in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\Storyline\JackSparrow", both "characters_names.txt" and "storyline_strings.txt" need to be translated. Some of the lines in "characters_names.txt" are descriptive, e.g. "Helmsman". "storyline_strings.txt" contains the title and description of the story. These also need to be translated for other storylines, except "Hornblower" which has already been done.
Some of the questbooks are dated 2018. A check with Winmerge shows that most of the changes are simple spelling or grammar corrections but a few files have significant changes.
  • "Pirate Lord.txt": in text.t8, replace "#sBattle Rocks#" with "#sisland_Battle Rocks#", otherwise the island's name will not show up
  • "Slaver.txt": an extra line at the end
  • "The Brotherhood.txt": extra lines at the end
Also, in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\Storyline\JackSparrow", both "characters_names.txt" and "storyline_strings.txt" need to be translated. Some of the lines in "characters_names.txt" are descriptive, e.g. "Helmsman". "storyline_strings.txt" contains the title and description of the story. These also need to be translated for other storylines, except "Hornblower" which has already been done.

In that case, it would be easy enough to compare and update my old files. I've done some spellchecking of my own, the rest is up to @Perro Negro


  • JackSparrow.zip
    31.1 KB · Views: 320
These are the newer English versions of "characters_names.txt" and "storyline_strings.txt".


  • characters_names.txt
    3.8 KB · Views: 154
  • storyline_strings.txt
    834 bytes · Views: 156
You do not need to replace them. Those files are already in the 2nd September update.

Here is my attempt to translate "storyline_strings.txt" using Google. You can probably do better!


  • storyline_strings.txt
    869 bytes · Views: 151
You do not need to replace them. Those files are already in the 2nd September update.

Here is my attempt to translate "storyline_strings.txt" using Google. You can probably do better!

So, could you also translate the rumour_strings.txt file?
In any case, I ignore the pattern determined to translate that kind of txt files, because characters like} {
You do not need to replace them. Those files are already in the 2nd September update.

Here is my attempt to translate "storyline_strings.txt" using Google. You can probably do better!

I forgot I already downloaded your file and apparently it's pretty well translated into Spanish. What worries me is where I have to translate any other txt file. Is it from the character { and even the character }?
So, could you also translate the rumour_strings.txt file?
That file contains only one line, which is a slightly different version of a line in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\rumour_strings.txt". That is a rumour about the missing children in Kralendijk and points to the "Strange Things Going on in the Archipelago" sidequest.

"Hoist The Colours" has its own versions of several sidequests, including this one. In the storyline, you are looking for Sao Feng's bodyguards instead of missing children. So the storyline version of that line is almost the same except that it mentions the bodyguards instead of the children, and does not mention the island name.

All the parts which are the same in both files in English are simply copied from the Spanish version of "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\rumour_strings.txt". The part about Sao Feng is translated by Google.


  • rumour_strings.txt
    667 bytes · Views: 149
I forgot that I already downloaded your file and it is apparently quite well translated into Spanish. What worries me is where I have to translate any other txt file. Is it within { }?
I forgot I already downloaded your file and apparently it's pretty well translated into Spanish. What worries me is where I have to translate any other txt file. Is it from the character { and even the character }?
Each line contains two parts. For example, in the English version of "storyline_strings.txt":
Hoist the Colours{Hoist the Colours}
The first part must be left untranslated. This is what will appear somewhere in the game code.

The second part is between the {}. That is the part which you translate.

So the game wants to show "Hoist the Colours" as the title for the story. You have chosen to play in Spanish. The game looks for "Hoist the Colours" in the Spanish version of "storyline_strings.txt", then displays whatever it finds in the {}.

Look at "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\Storyline\Hornblower". The files there have already been translated into Spanish. That is why, when you play in Spanish, you will see the title and description of the story in Spanish. If you're playing the storyline, you will eventually meet the Earl of Edrington, which in Spanish should appear as "El Conde de Edrington".