It is only notes for the Quest.
Which will i make later.
Which will i make later.
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There is no Pirate City Puerto Principe, unless you have created it. The only two towns on Cuba are Havana and Santiago. Punta de Maisi is a beach, not a town, and has no tavern. There is "Smugglers_Fort", a place which looks like a village and is a little way out from Havana, but that's completely empty - there is no tavern here either.@Grey Roger
Ok! Silvers Rayleigh will be on CUPA in the Priate City(Puerto Principe)
in the Tavner on Punta de Maisi.
That can work. If you're playing in the "Golden Age of Piracy" period, Alice Town is English, in which case you can leave Silvers Rayleigh with 'LAi_group_MoveCharacter(ch, "ENGLAND_CITIZENS");'. You'll still want to edit "InternalSettings.h" to make locators visible, go to the tavern, and find the name of a locator where you want him to sit.Or Silvers Rayleigh will sit in the Tavern in Alice Town
How about you do what I suggested:Hm Ok then i must find a maybe a ather place.
Yes, all the islands which were in the original game still use their old names for coding. Also, in the original game, each town had the same name as the island, except for one where there were two towns on the same island.I announce it because if any Island has a other Dateiname!
The model name can be anything you like, it does not have to resemble the name of the model on which it is based. The texture file which goes with it, however, must have exactly the same length file name as the original. So you could call the model "Law.gm", "Trafalgar.gm", "Trafalgar Law.gm" or anything else. But as all "9S" texture files have names 8 characters long, e.g. "9S_Nat_a.tga.tx", yours must also be 8 letters long. It does not need to contain "9S", though that does not do any harm. You could call it "9S_Law_T.tga.tx", "Traf_Law.tga.tx", or anything else 8 characters long. But "9S_Law.tga.tx" will not work.@Pieter Boelen place can you check this:
ch.old.name = "Trafalgar ";
ch.old.lastname = "D. Law";
ch.name = TranslateString("","Trafalgar");
ch.lastname = TranslateString("","D. Law");
ch.id = "Trafalgar D. Law";
ch.model = "9S_Law";
ch.sex = "man";
ch.loyality = 15;
ch.alignment = "SitSit13";
ch.sound_type = "seaman";
GiveItem2Character(ch, "bladeC40");
ch.equip.blade = "bladeC40";
ch.location = "SantJohns_tavern";
ch.location.group = "Sit";
ch.location.locator = "Sit13";
ch.homelocation = "SantJohns_tavern";
ch.homelocation.group = "sit";
ch.homelocation.locator = "sit13";
ch.Dialog.Filename = "Enc_Officer_dialog.c";
ch.greeting = "";
ch.rank = 1;
ch.reputation = "45";
TakeNItems(ch,"medical1", Rand(4)+1);
ch.experience = CalculateExperienceFromRank(1)+ (CalculateExperienceFromRank(1)/10 + rand(500));
ch.skill.Leadership = "5";
ch.skill.Fencing = "5";
ch.skill.Sailing = "4";
ch.skill.Accuracy = "1";
ch.skill.Cannons = "1";
ch.skill.Grappling = "4";
ch.skill.Repair = "3";
ch.skill.Defence = "4";
ch.skill.Commerce = "0";
ch.skill.Sneak = "3";
ch.money = "0";
ch.quest.help = "0";
ch.quest.dialog = "0";
LAi_group_MoveCharacter(ch, "ENGLAND_CITIZENS");
ch.HPBonus = 100; // KevAtl 08-26-2007 to correct for game giving low HP
ch.isOfficer = true;
AddGameCharacter(n, ch);
That can only be "bad" or "good", if I recall.I'm not sure what 'ch.alignment' is supposed to do, but I'd be willing to bet that "SitSit13" is not a useful value for it.
@pirateking: Remember what I said about typos?For the "location" lines, "SantJohns_tavern" does not exist. Check "PROGRAM\Locations\init\Antigua.c" - you'll find that the tavern is "Antigua_Tavern".
Just a thought: add a space in your posts after any line of code.You copied a little too much for the ch.quest.officertype line! Remove the '. from the end.
That looks like a good tutorial! Can you make a thread for that so it doesn't get lost?The texture file is not mentioned in the character definition here. The ch.model line refers to "Trafalgar Law", so in "RESOURCE\MODELS\Characters" there must be file "Trafalgar Law.gm", and in "RESOURCE\MODELS\Heads" must be "h_Trafalgar Law.gm". Use Hex Editor:
http://www.piratesahoy.cloud/repository/Tools/Modeling+Texturing/HEX Editor.zip
Edit both these files to change the texture file name. Here is how Hex Editor will look if "Trafalgar Law.gm" is a copy of "9S_Pir.gm":
View attachment 29398
I've outlined the texture file name - that red rectangle won't appear on the real Hex Editor screen. This is where you change it to use your new texture file name. So here is how it will look after you change the texture file name to "9S_Law_2":
View attachment 29399
And that's why the texture file name must be exactly the right length - it must exactly replace the original name.
Towntable.c and islands.c contain the actual name conversion code, if I recall.@Grey Roger
I need a List of alle Island with Old Name and New Name and City,
but not only whicht have Change.