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Information aboute The New Pirate Age - Update! [WIP]

@Grey Roger

If i have found all Work Models with the Textures for me Pirate Charakter
maybe i need some Littel Texture Work support from you.
:( Because i not so good in Grafik Texture Work!

A Question: is there any empty Charakrer Interface File?
Look in "RESOURCE\Textures\INTERFACE\PORTRAITS\256". See if the file "face_blank.psd" is there.

That's the blank frame for a 256x256 character interface picture. Resize and crop the picture so that whatever you want to see in the picture is in a square 254x254, paste it into a new layer below the top layer of that file, and you should end up with your picture inside the frame. Flatten the image and save it as TARGA (.tga) format, then convert it to .tga.tx with TX Convertor.

There are similar files in the "128" and "64" folders for the frames of those sizes.

You will need to save the file as "face_568" or a higher number. Any lower number has either already been used, or is likely to be used by either @Jack Rackham or myself. You will also need to edit "RESOURCE\INI\INTERFACES\". Go down to this bit:
sTextureName   = portraits\128\face_567.tga
wTextureWidth   = 128
wTextureHeight   = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
Add a similar block for "face_568" or whichever other face number you're using.
@Grey Roger and @Pieter Boelen
Thanks for the Information!

Newst Update Info:
New Charakter -> Work Model -> Texture Work
James Flint -> Corsair4_J.gm
Jack Throne -> Blaze7.gm
Donquixote „Jocker“ Doflamingo -> 33_Ronal2.gm or a other Corsair Model -> Top Colore Change to White and Hair Colore Change to Blond!
Bellamy -> "Beltrop1.gm" -> Hair Colore Change to Blond
Red-Hair Shanks -> 9S_Nat.gm -> Hair Colore Change to Red
Trafalgar D. Law -> 9S_Pir.gm -> Coat Colore Change and some Face Edits.
Eustass Kid -> Devlin.gm -> Hair Colore Change from Blond to Red (but with no Talking Head)


  • TheNewPirateAge-UpdateV2(Work).pdf
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If you want to see what happens if a character is missing these files, go to Port au Prince on Hispaniola. Find a character walking around the town area in a white suit, named John Dorian. Talk to him. You'll see a blank square in the top left of the screen. If you talk to anyone else, you'll see their head there. John Dorian has no talking head because, like "Devlin", his character model is from "Age of Pirates" and has no such files.
@Grey Roger And @Pieter Boelen
I have a question: I am planing to but a Officer on a Island into a Tavern, like you doe it with Gibbs on Trutga?

I will need for the that some Code and Texture Help.
First I will finsh the other work.

Cu Pk
I am planing to but a Officer on a Island into a Tavern, like you doe it with Gibbs on Trutga?
DON'T do it the way I did Mr. Gibbs.
For your purposes, that particular method is needlessly complicated. ;)

The file you really need is PROGRAM\Characters\init\Officers.c; all you need to do is to add a new entry like the ones already there:
    ch.old.name = "Rys";
    ch.old.lastname = "Bloom";
    ch.name = TranslateString("","Rys");
    ch.lastname = TranslateString("","Bloom");
    ch.id        = "Rys Bloom";
    ch.model    = "Chameleon";
    ch.sex = "man";
    ch.loyality = 15;
    ch.alignment = "good";
    ch.sound_type = "seaman";
    GiveItem2Character(ch, "blade6");
    ch.equip.blade = "blade6";
    ch.location    = "Redmond_port";
    ch.location.group = "goto";
    ch.location.locator = "cityzen_1";
    ch.Dialog.Filename = "Rys Bloom_dialog.c";
    ch.greeting = "Gr_Rys Bloom";
    ch.rank     = 1;
    ch.reputation = "45";
    TakeNItems(ch,"medical1", Rand(4)+1);
    ch.experience = CalculateExperienceFromRank(1)+ (CalculateExperienceFromRank(1)/10 + rand(500));
    ch.skill.Leadership = "1";
    ch.skill.Fencing = "1";
    ch.skill.Sailing = "0";
    ch.skill.Accuracy = "1";
    ch.skill.Cannons = "1";
    ch.skill.Grappling = "1";
    ch.skill.Repair = "1";
    ch.skill.Defence = "0";
    ch.skill.Commerce = "0";
    ch.skill.Sneak = "0";
    ch.money = "0";
    ch.quest.help = "0";
    ch.quest.dialog = "0";
    LAi_group_MoveCharacter(ch, "ENGLAND_CITIZENS");
    ch.HPBonus = 100;        // KevAtl 08-26-2007 to correct for game giving low HP
    ch.isOfficer = true;
    AddGameCharacter(n, ch);
MOST important is to change the "id" to something that isn't already used.
Other than that, you can tweak whatever you feel like changing there.

To figure out the location where to put your character (ch.location), use console switch(2) then go to the tavern where you want to place your officer.
Press F12 and the game will show the needed location ID on your screen.

Also, at the bottom of PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h, set VISIBLE_LOCATORS to 1.
This will show a bunch of "spheres" in the game; use these to set "ch.location.group" and "ch.location.locator" .

Use also this:
ch.Dialog.Filename = "Enc_Officer_dialog.c";
That saves you the trouble of writing a dialog for the character for now as he'll just get the regular "hire officer" dialog, which should be fine for now.
I plan: that my Father Officer is siting in a Tavern on Island X!
He has no quest item he lives on island x and whaits for hire!
I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say there.
My previous post tells you pretty much everything you need to know to do what you want.
It's up to you to do it now.
Oh there is a mistake.
I mean. My Officer will be sitting in the Tavern only on Island "x". And he can be hired as a Officer.

He has no special Quest Items.
Oh there is a mistake.
I mean. My Officer will be sitting in the Tavern only on Island "x". And he can be hired as a Officer.

He has no special Quest Items.
What's your point?
What I said two posts earlier allows you to do exactly that.
So go ahead and do it. You've got all the information necessary to make it happen.
Hello Guys!
Here the new Status of me Update Projekt:

1.) The model Check up is finsish so i know which Model i will use!

Position - New Charakter -> Work Model -> Texture Work
C - James Flint -> Corsair4_J.gm
C- Jack Throne -> Blaze7.gm
C- Donquixote „Jocker“ Doflamingo -> Corsair1_2.gm -> Hair Colore Change to Blond!
C- Bellamy -> "Beltrop1.gm" -> Hair Colore Change to Blond
C/O - Red-Hair Shanks -> 9S_Nav.gm -> Hair Colore Change to Red
C/O - Trafalgar D. Law -> 9S_Pir.gm -> Coat Colore Change and some Face Edits.
C/O - Eustass Kid -> Devlin.gm -> Hair Colore Change from Blond to Red (but with no Talking Head)

* New Officier Charakter:
O - Silvers Rayleigh
-> Pirtt7.gm -> Green bandanna Colore Chamge to Grey, Adding a Goggles (Like it Pic in the Top!)

Legend: C = Only Playabel Charakter, C/O =Playabel Charakter[ and Hireabel Officer Charakter, O = Only Hireabel Officer Charakter!

2.) The following Charakter will be planed to find for Hire on:
Red-Hair Shanks -> Loacation: Barbabos, City: Brigdetown / Taverne
Trafalgar D. Law -> Loacation: Cayman, City: Grand Cayman / Taverne
Silvers Rayleigh -> Loacation: Cuba, City: Punta de Maisi / Taverne

Donquixote „Jocker“ Doflamingo will bin in the Captin House on Bonaire,
he must be defeat.

More Details can you see here: Dropbox - TheNewPirateAge-UpdateV2(Work Details).pdf

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