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Information aboute The New Pirate Age - Update! [WIP]

@Grey Roger a question?

Do you have some Time for a littel Textre work?
You better in this work as i! It would be nice!

All the the Work can you read in the PDF which is in the Zip File.



  • Texture Work.7z
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@pirateking: I've said it before and I'll say it again:
You MUST be prepared to do at least 90% of the work yourself!

You cannot expect @Grey Roger to make 8+ new textures for you!
At the very least you first need to make a real attempt to do some serious work yourself.
So far, I have not seen you do that.
The Coding is the work that i will try, because it looks not so
hard work.

But in Graifkwork im not so good. :(
:( I am not so good in Texture work.
Neither am I. I'm not much good at drawing up an entirely new texture. What I can do is copy and paste pieces from one texture to another, or change the colours of an area of a texture - and so can you, it's not that hard, at least if you are copying between two similar models.

I suggest you start with James Flint and Jack Throne, as they should be the easiest.
Looking at your PDF, Jack Throne has darker clothes than Blaze7. Changing that should be easy and a good introduction to what you need to do. Then you can try Shanks - change the hair colour and maybe give him more of a bare chest, which you can probably copy from another character texture file. For Silvers Rayleigh, I would suggest using the "Researcher" model, as that already has the white hair and glasses. And for Trafalgar D. Law, perhaps use "huber_spa2" or "huber_spa4". The hat isn't quite the right style but it will do; and you can't get rid of the beard because it's part of the model shape, but pictures I've seen of Trafalgar D. Law show him having a small beard, so that will work.
:( Sorry no it is fix all that Model that you see in the PDF that i will use it.
Hm maby i copy the glasses from me Silvers Rayleigh Model!


  • Texture Work.7z
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@Grey Roger and @Pieter Boelen

I have some Codeing Question:
Is it Possiblel to make this with a Code and Dialog:

Is it possible with a code to fix the particular officer to appear first when
you ask for specicellas officer on Nevis in the tavern (First Mate, Navigator, Gunner, Surgeon, Boatswain, Carpenter, Quartermaster)
for Exampel:
First Mate - > Lorenor Zorro
Navigator -> Nami
Gunner -> Lysop
Surgeon -> Toni Chopper
Carpenter -> Franky
Quartermaster -> Nico Robin
@pirateking: (Almost) everything is possible, but you should start AS SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE.
Until you do what I suggested in post #55 on the previous page, I will not help you making things more complicated. :no

Doing that will teach you at least the basics of the basics, which is a good place to start. ;)
Ok! Then I will try to make Silvers Rayleigh Siting in the Tavern off Cupa (Like it does Mr. Gibbs on Tortuga)!
Ok! Then I will try to make Silvers Rayleigh Siting in the Tavern off Cupa (Like it does Mr. Gibbs on Tortuga)!
Sounds like a good idea! :onya

For sitting, you'll need to replace this line from my example:
With this:

Also, maybe @pedrwyth's "candles" trick is needed at some point...

P.S.: Walking is simpler. ;)
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@Pieter Boelen Look at this:

ch.old.name = "Silvers";
ch.old.lastname = "Rayleigh";
ch.name = TranslateString("","Silvers");
ch.lastname = TranslateString("","Rayleigh");
ch.id = "Silvers Rayleigh";
ch.model = "";
ch.sex = "man";
ch.loyality = 50;
ch.alignment = "good";
ch.sound_type = "seaman";
GiveItem2Character(ch, "blade10");
ch.equip.blade = "blade10";
ch.location = "#";
ch.location.group = "goto";
ch.location.locator = "cityzen_1";
ch.Dialog.Filename = "Enc_Officer_dialog.c";
ch.greeting = "Gr_Silvers_Rayleighm";
ch.rank = 8;
ch.reputation = "45";
TakeNItems(ch,"medical1", Rand(4)+1);
ch.experience = CalculateExperienceFromRank(1)+ (CalculateExperienceFromRank(1)/10 + rand(500));
ch.skill.Leadership = "4";
ch.skill.Fencing = "4";
ch.skill.Sailing = "0";
ch.skill.Accuracy = "1";
ch.skill.Cannons = "1";
ch.skill.Grappling = "5";
ch.skill.Repair = "3";
ch.skill.Defence = "4";
ch.skill.Commerce = "0";
ch.skill.Sneak = "3";
ch.money = "0";
ch.quest.help = "0";
ch.quest.dialog = "0";
LAi_group_MoveCharacter(ch, "ENGLAND_CITIZENS");
ch.HPBonus = 100; // KevAtl 08-26-2007 to correct for game giving low HP
ch.isOfficer = true;
AddGameCharacter(n, ch);
Looks like a good start, @pirateking!

Of course you'll still need to update 'ch.location', but Console will help you to figure that one out.

ch.greeting = "Gr_Silvers_Rayleighm";
Since you didn't define a custom greeting for him, better use an existing one there.
Also, that "m" at the end looks like a typo. This is computer code, so be VERY CAREFUL to avoid typos!
They can cause a lot of headaches that you'll probably want to avoid. :cheeky
@Pieter Boelen
Ok fine. Have some to add the Silvers Rayleigh is a Boatswain Officer?

Yes i know. It will be the Tavern on Cuba in Punta de Maisi
Yes will use the Existing one!

What have to the make for:
I will replace Alistair Garcilaso with Donquixote "The Jocker" Doflamingo, but if
Donquixote "The Jocker" Doflamingo is killed Alistair Garcilaso comes back to the
Captin House!

Look at me Quest Notize:


  • Gold Rogers Lokbook Quest.txt
    2.7 KB · Views: 133
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The file you really need is PROGRAM\Characters\init\Officers.c
If you're writing your own storyline, a better place to put your officers would be "PROGRAM\Storyline\One Piece\Story.c". The definition of the officers is exactly the same, but putting them there means they won't appear when you play any other storyline. (Replace "One Piece" with whatever name you have given your storyline folder.)

As for your definition of "Silvers Rayleigh":
'ch.model' is the model the character will use. Perhaps make that ch.model = "researcher", at least until you have created a new character model for him; then change that line to use your new model.

'ch.greeting' refers to an entry in "RESOURCE\INI\ALIASES\Greetings_alias.ini". Unless you have edited that file to define "Gr_Silvers_Rayleighm", the line won't work. The greetings defined in that file are just lists of sound files which you'll find in "RESOURCE\Sounds\VOICE\ENGLISH". You can either play some of the files from there, decide which ones are suitable for Silvers Rayleigh, and edit "Greetings_alias.ini" to create his greeting definition; or you can pick one of the existing greetings and use that.

'LAi_group_MoveCharacter(ch, "ENGLAND_CITIZENS");' makes him behave as though he's a resident of an English town. If you're starting him off in a tavern in Cuba (either Santiago or Havana), you may want to change that to 'LAi_group_MoveCharacter(ch, "SPAIN_CITIZENS");'.

To put Silvers Rayleigh in one of the taverns on Cuba, you'll want to set his location. For Havana:
ch.location = "Havana_tavern";
For Santiago:
ch.location = "Santiago_Tavern";
You will also need to know the group and locator names for where you want him to sit. One good way to do this is to edit "PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h", go down to the bottom, edit the line '#define VISIBLE_LOCATORS 0' and change it to 1. This makes all locator names visible in the game. Start a FreePlay game, set yourself up as a Spanish Corsair, then you'll start the game at San Juan. Sail to either Havana or Santiago, go into the tavern, look at the seats, pick one, and note what is written there - that's the seat's locator. Now you can fill in the correct values for 'ch.location.group' and 'ch.location.locator'. When you've finished, edit "InternalSettings.h" again and set "VISIBLE_LOCATORS" back to 0, so that you don't keep seeing locator names all over the place.
@Pieter Boelen
Ok fine. Have some to add the Silvers Rayleigh is a Boatswain Officer?
In his character definition, add this line:
ch.quest.officertype = OFFIC_TYPE_BOATSWAIN;
You can find other officer types in "PROGRAM\Characters\officers.c". Your other characters can be assigned their correct officer types the same way - just pick the "OFFIC_TYPE_..." you want.

Yes i know. It will be the Tavern on Cuba in Punta de Maisi
Yes will use the Existing one!
That's going to be a good trick. Punta de Maisi is a beach. It has no tavern. ;)

Look in "PROGRAM\Locations\init\cuba.c". That defines all the locations on Cuba. Search for "tavern" and you'll find the valid names of the taverns on the island on any line which starts with 'Locations[n].id' and ends with "tavern".

What have to the make for:
I will replace Alistair Garcilaso with Donquixote "The Jocker" Doflamingo, but if
Donquixote "The Jocker" Doflamingo is killed Alistair Garcilaso comes back to the
Captin House!
That should be straightforward enough. Somewhere near the start of your story code, or in your "StartStoryline.c", this will make Alistair Garcilaso disappear:
ChangeCharacterAddress(characterFromID("Alistair Garcilaso"), "None", "");
When you want to put him back:
ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(characterfromID("Alistair Garcilaso"), "Douwesen_Pirate_Residence", "sit", "sit1");
@Grey Roger
Ok! Silvers Rayleigh will be on CUPA in the Priate City(Puerto Principe)
in the Tavner on Punta de Maisi.

Or Silvers Rayleigh will sit in the Tavern in Alice Town
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