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Information aboute The New Pirate Age - Update! [WIP]

Donquixote "The Joker" Doflamingo is supposed to be some sort of pirate boss, so the one on Bonaire/Douwesen may be appropriate. There's a pirate settlement elsewhere on the same island.

Another possibility, a bit more complicated, would be to remove Alistair Garcilaso, who is the leader of the Bonaire pirates, and replace him with Doflamingo. When Doflamingo is defeated, be sure to put Garcilaso back, as he is needed for one of the side quests.

Either way...
2. Talk to character #2
Talk to Taverne Owner on ...... ! Ask him about business!
... character #2 could be Mario Figuiera, owner of the tavern in Bonaire pirate settlement.

@all Hm i need help!
I have problem with me GM-View on Windows 7.
I can´t check up the Models in the GM-Viewer the Models has no Texture,
but with the ammo Modles works the GM-Viewer well, the Ammo has Texture!

How can help me with that Problem:
Here a List and the Workpapier with Details:

Basis Model -> New Charakter
James Flint
Jack Throne
Donquixote „The Jocker“ Doflamingo
Red-Hair Shanks
Trafalgar D. WaterLaw
Eustass Kid
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I have problem with me GM-View on Windows 7.
I can´t check up the Models in the GM-Viewer the Models has no Texture,
That is unfortunately a known problem with newer Windows versions.

What you CAN do:
1. Use console.c to give the character models to yourself so you can view them in-game
2. Convert the textures from TGA.TX to TGA and then use the TOOL as viewer instead
There is also Animation View:
http://www.piratesahoy.cloud/repository/Tools/Modeling+Texturing/Animation View.7z
This has the advantage that you do not need to convert the texture files to .tga as it uses the game's own .tga.tx files, but has the disadvantage that it can't read all character models. Most models are simple types which use a single texture file, and Animation View handles those easily. But some have separate texture files for head and main body, and Animation View can't display those, as you'll find if you try to use it on "lizswann", for example. For those types, you will need to use TOOL as @Pieter Boelen suggested.

If you're going to view a character model in-game, whether by giving yourself the model by console.c or by starting a Free Play game using that model, be sure first to edit "InternalSettings.h". Near the bottom, set "FREE_CAMERA" to 1. You can then press Tab to be able to move the viewpoint around, so you can inspect the character from any angle.
Good catch! Forgot about that. :facepalm

If you're going to view a character model in-game, whether by giving yourself the model by console.c or by starting a Free Play game using that model, be sure first to edit "InternalSettings.h". Near the bottom, set "FREE_CAMERA" to 1. You can then press Tab to be able to move the viewpoint around, so you can inspect the character from any angle.
Either that or change the "Door Camera" setting in the game's Options menu, then walk up to a door.
That restores the stock game behaviour where the camera would turn to face you instead.
You get more control over the viewpoint with "FREE_CAMERA". For one thing, you don't need to be next to a door. This can be very useful for getting screenshots to be used for interface pictures - get the angle you want, in the setting you want.
@Grey Roger

I need some Idees for:
New Charakter -> Basis Model
James Flint
Jack Throne
Donquixote „Jocker“ Doflamingo
Red-Hair Shanks
Trafalgar D. Law
Eustass Kid


  • TheNewPirateAge-UpdateV2(Work).pdf
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James Flint: one of the "Corsair" models, possibly "Corsair3_J".
Jack Throne: your document shows that you're already considering "Blaze". Perhaps one of the variants, e.g. "Blaze4", "Blaze5", Blaze6", to make him a little more distinct from the usual "Blaze" who is the player character in the "standard" storyline.
Donquixote "Joker" Doflamingo: you're never going to get the pink thing draped round his shoulders with any existing model, but if you want a big bare-chested guy, perhaps start witn "33_Ronal2".
Bellamy: possibly start with "Beltrop1", then change the face and hair.
Red-Hair Shanks: possibly one of the "9S" models, e.g. "9S_Pir". Again, you probably want to change the face and hair - especially the hair for someone called "Red-Hair"!
Trafalgar D. Law: "hub_spa2", "hub_spa4" or "FrancisDrake" at least have a hat and collar, so may provide a starting point.
Eustass Kid: your document suggests using "Devlin", which is a good idea. The only snag is that "Devlin" is imported from "Age of Pirates", and as that game has none of the "talking heads" which you see whenever you talk to someone in "Pirates of the Caribbean", "Devlin" will not have one either. If you talk to Eustass Kid and he's using the "Devlin" model, you'll just get an empty square where there would normally be the talking head.
That's Jack Aubrey, a naval captain of the Napoleonic period. Use Animation View to look at the model "Aubrey".

Face pictures are not always a good guide to how a model looks, especially models such as Jack Aubrey who are based on characters from films or TV shows. Often the face picture is a photo of the character while the character model is at best an approximation, at worst simply a basic game model who looks very little like the "real" character.

In general, look through "initModels.c". The 'model.FaceId' tells the game which face portrait a character will use, which means if you look for number 199, for example, and find it in such a line, then that's the game model which uses that face number. The 'model.ID' line is the model's name which you can look up in Animation View, TOOL or GM Viewer. As you've found, GM Viewer doesn't display the character but it will tell you which texture file the model uses.

So, in this case, a search of "initModels.c" for "199" shows this:
   model.description =  "I'm feeling like a lucky master and commander today. Do you have anything to suit that?";
   model.id    =  "Aubrey"; // From the Deringer skin pack
   model.FaceId   = 199;
Animation View shows that "aubrey" looks like this:
And GM Viewer, although only showing his shape without any colouring, also shows that he uses texture file "Crowe_Ru77.tga".
Yes then i have seen it donst look like the Pic.

so i first check up the Model with Animation View to look which Model i can use?
So will check your Idee!

Do you have a ather idee for Eustass Kid?
Not off-hand. Go through all the models with Animation View yourself and see if there's one which you think looks suitable.
@all and to @Grey Roger
Here the newst status of the Projekt Work!

New Charakter -> Work Model -> Texture Work
James Flint -> Corsair3_J.gm
Jack Throne -> Blaze7.gm
Donquixote „Jocker“ Doflamingo -> 33_Ronal2.gm -> Top Colore Change to White and Hair Colore Change to Blond!
Bellamy -> "Beltrop1.gm" -> Hair Colore Change to Blond
Red-Hair Shanks -> #_Pir.gm -> Hair Colore Change to Red
Trafalgar D. Law -> 9S_Pir.gm -> Coat Colore Change and some Face Edits.
Eustass Kid -> Devlin.gm -> Hair Colore Change from Blond to Red (but with no Talking Head)

For other model suggestions I gladly accept

The Pirate King
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Another reason why "Devlin" is particularly suitable for Eustass Kid is that in any picture I saw, Eustass is wearing some sort of goggles. "Devlin" has a headband. You should be able to add the goggles to that.

When using TOOL, GM Viewer or Animation Viewer, you can look at files in "RESOURCE\MODELS\Heads". Those are the talking head models. They use the same texture files as the full models in "RESOURCE\MODELS\Characters" so you don't need to change the setting for where the program finds the texture files. Looking at the head model, you can zoom in on the face and get a better view of any changes you've made there; you may spot things which need to be changed and which aren't easy to see when you're looking at the whole character model. (Of course, this won't be possible for "Devlin"!)
No - as @Pieter Boelen said, it fails to display the character. It is still useful, though, because it tells you which texture file is used for the character. For example, if you're planning on using "Blaze7" for Jack Throne, look at that model with GM Viewer. You won't be able to see the model properly but you will see that it uses texture file "Blaz7.tga". So that's the file you'll need to modify to make it look like Jack Throne.