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Information aboute The New Pirate Age - Update! [WIP]

Moreover, that would presumably only happen to random officers, not to quest characters. You do not want a storyline derailed because a key character decided to leave you without the story requiring it! So those lines should never be significant in storyline character definitions.
Actually, it only DOES apply to quest characters.

It is specifically intended for the opposite reason that you suggest:
So that if they DO leave because they're unhappy, you'll be able to rehire them in their "homelocation" and finish their quest anyway.
Nice idea, but since it is virtually impossible for it to happen anyway, it is pretty much completely meaningless. :shrug
@Grey Roger and @Pieter Boelen

Question! Is it possible Donquixote Doflamingo after a dialogue to place on a strand for a fight. The heist that he then from the captain's house away
And then on the beach Palm Beach is waiting.


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Question! Is it possible Donquixote Doflamingo after a dialogue to place on a strand for a fight. The heist that he then from the captain's house away
And then on the beach X (Palm Beach) is waiting.
Pretty much everything that you want is possible, though some things are harder than others.
Keep your ideas for further developments in the back of your head, but focus first on getting the basics working.
For now, there is no need to worry about what comes next; I'm sure that can be sorted later. :yes
Yes first i make the Basis. :)

Now i have to find a New Model for Donquixote Doflamingo Pirate Charakter and for
Officier: Nami and Ronora Zorro!

For Name i have some Idee:
I will use the BeatriceA Model and give her some ather Colhes Texture.
For Ronora Zorro i have also see an Model with Textur there i only change the Face Textur!

But for Donquixote Doflamingo i must start new the Model Checkup. :(
I am allway oben for your Idesa!!
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Don't try to do everything at once. To start with, just copy "Corsair1_2.gm" and rename the copy to something suitable, perhaps "Donquixote.gm", or whatever name you have given to the model in "initModels.c". You'll also want to copy "RESOURCE\MODELS\Heads\h_Corsair1_2.gm" and rename the copy the same way; also copy "RESOURCE\animations\Heads\h_Corsair1_2.ani" and rename it. Without those two files, Donquixote will not have the talking head animation when you talk to him. (Personally I'd use "33_Ronald" as a base model, as that's a big guy with a bare chest and no hat. If you want to do that, replace "Corsair1_2" with "33_Ronald" in all the above filenames.)

That at least gives Donquixote a model to use. It doesn't need to look right for now. But it does mean you can go to Bonaire Pirate Fort and see if he's where you want him to be, and check that his dialog works. Once that is done, save game while you're standing in front of Donquixote. Then you can start work on the new texture file. As well as using Animation View or Tool to check how Donquixote looks with your new texture, you can then also load up that savegame and see how he looks in the actual game.

Wait until you've finished with Donquixote before you start on Nami and Ronora Zorro. Also wait until you have checked that Donquixote Doflamingo appears in the house and that his dialog works, then you can work on what he will do when the dialog finishes.
@Grey Roger and @Pieter Boelen

:( SOS - I need help!

So now i have add Roronoa Zorro(with all Models and Texture) as Playbale Charakter. -> and it Works!
Then i add this into the Officer.c ( Programm/Character/init )
ch.old.name = "Roronoa";
ch.old.lastname = "Zoro";
ch.name = TranslateString("","Roronoa");
ch.lastname = TranslateString("","Zoro");
ch.id = "Zorro";
ch.model = "Zorro";
ch.sex = "man";
ch.loyality = 15;
ch.alignment = "good";
ch.sound_type = "pirate";
GiveItem2Character(ch, "bladeC36");
ch.equip.blade = "bladeC36";
GiveItem2Character(ch, "PiratesPistol");
ch.equip.gun = "PiratesPistol";
ch.location = "QC_Tavern";
ch.location.group = "Sit";
ch.location.locator = "Sit8";
ch.Dialog.Filename = "Enc_Officer_dialog.c";
ch.greeting = "Gr_Officer_m common"
ch.rank = 1;
ch.reputation = "45";
TakeNItems(ch,"medical1", Rand(4)+1);
ch.experience = CalculateExperienceFromRank(1)+ (CalculateExperienceFromRank(1)/10 + rand(500));
ch.skill.Leadership = "3";
ch.skill.Fencing = "4";
ch.skill.Sailing = "3";
ch.skill.Accuracy = "1";
ch.skill.Cannons = "1";
ch.skill.Grappling = "2";
ch.skill.Repair = "2";
ch.skill.Defence = "4";
ch.skill.Commerce = "0";
ch.skill.Sneak = "3";
ch.money = "0";
ch.quest.help = "0";
ch.quest.dialog = "0";
ch.questchar = true;
ch.quest.officertype = OFFIC_TYPE_FIRSTMATE;
LAi_group_MoveCharacter(ch, "ENGLAND_CITIZENS");
ch.HPBonus = 100; // KevAtl 08-26-2007 to correct for game giving low HP
ch.isOfficer = true;
AddGameCharacter(n, ch);

But in the Nevis Pirate Tavern i dont see Roronoa Zorro sitting on this Place.
What is worng?

Pleace help me!

:( SOS - I need help!

So now i have add Roronoa Zorro(with all Models and Texture) as Playbale Charakter. -> and it Works!
Then i add this into the Officer.c ( Programm/Character/init )
But in the Nevis Pirate Tavern i dont see Roronoa Zorro sitting on this Place.
What is worng?
Did you start a New Game after adding this Zorro character?
Additions to the character init files do not immediately take effect on existing savegames.
It is possible to make that work, manually through Console. But starting a New Game is simpler.
Ah ok. No i load a my Savegame.
Where can find this file: "character init"
What did you mean with that: It is possible to make that work, manually through Console. But starting a New Game is simpler.
I make in Console.C switch(2) and in InternalSettings.h (VISIBLE_LOCATORS on 1 )!

Do i need this?
LAi_SetLoginTime(ch, 0.0, 24.0);
LAi_SetHP(ch, 130.0, 130.0);
LAi_SetImmortal(ch, true); // PB

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'LAi_SetLoginTime(ch, 0.0, 24.0);' means the character will be there at all times of the day. Without that, he will only be there during day time. If you do not have that line and you visit the tavern at night, you will not see him.

'LAi_SetHP(ch, 130.0, 130.0);' sets his hit points - how much damage he can survive in melee combat before he dies.

'LAi_SetImmortal(ch, true);' does exactly what it says, it makes the character immortal. He can not take damage and can not be killed. It's sometimes used for special characters so they can't be accidentally killed in a cross-fire, which could break a quest. It's not normally a suitable feature for a character who is going to become an officer.

You have put Zoro on locator "Sit8". As I mentioned earlier, this will cause trouble if you ever do the sidequest "Help The Lady". Armand Delacroix goes to "Sit8" during that quest.

Be careful with your code lines! You have left the ; off the end of the 'ch.greeting' line.

"characters_init.c" is to be found in "PROGRAM\Characters". What do you intend to do with this file?
Where can find this file: "character init"
You already know that file! :razz
I meant all the files in the PROGRAM\Characters\init folder, such as the "Officers.c" you have used.

What did you mean with that: It is possible to make that work, manually through Console. But starting a New Game is simpler.
I meant that "Starting a New Game is simpler", like I said. :rolleyes:

If you want to know how to do it without starting a New Game, you first need to familiarize yourself with the Console, like I suggested you do already several times.
See here: Information aboute The New Pirate Age - Update! [WIP]
Until you do that, I am not going to give you any information to make things more complicated.
So do that first and then we can continue.

LAi_SetLoginTime(ch, 0.0, 24.0);
That line ensures your character stays around at night as well.
Whether your want that or not, is your choice.

LAi_SetHP(ch, 130.0, 130.0);
Not neccesary; gets overridden by the Levelling system anyway.
If you want your character to have extra HP, you need to add "ch.HPbonus = 100;" or whatever number you want to add.

LAi_SetImmortal(ch, true); // PB
Add it if you want your character to be immportal. Leave it out if you want your character to be normal.
Your choice.
@Pieter Boelen
yes i doe that all you told it bevor.
I have make entry in the PROGRAM\Characters\init\Officers.c
and in the initModels.c File

My i must also make Entry in characters_init.c
@Grey Roger

Ok! Thanks!
Hm doe you know any free Place in the QC_Tavern for Zorro?
Edit "InternalSettings.h", set "VISIBLE_LOCATORS" to 1, then go to the tavern and look around.

One problem is that random people may appear in the tavern on any seat. You can prevent this with the following line:
Locations[FindLocation("QC_Tavern")].vcskip = true;
Once you have recruited Zoro, you can use this to restore the tavern to normal operation:
@Pieter Boelen
yes i doe that all you told it bevor.
I have make entry in the PROGRAM\Characters\init\Officers.c
and in the initModels.c File

My i must also make Entry in characters_init.c
No! That is general code for all characters. Nothing specific to any of your characters needs to go in there.

Ah ok with thisCode If i have recruited Zoro the Tavern will be normal agein?
Where have doe this entry?
I'm not sure. If you were writing this as a storyline then it would go in "quests_reaction.c", but then all your character definitions would go into a different file specific to the storyline as well. For that matter, I don't know where you plan to have the code for the fight against Donquixote Doflamingo.
@Grey Roger
Hä what Pleace?

I get Confuse:
I make in Console.C switch 0 to 2 and in InternalSettings.h (VISIBLE_LOCATORS on 1)
I have make this.
1. ) I have chose a Charakter
2.) Add them as Playabel Charakter with all (Files) - Works
3.) Have makin the initModels.c File
4.) I have make entry in the PROGRAM\Characters\init\Officers.c

Ok! Are you sure?

What did i miss?

Where doe i have to make this entry.
Ok! Are you sure?
Do you even need to ask? :facepalm

My i must also make Entry in characters_init.c

I'm not sure. If you were writing this as a storyline then it would go in "quests_reaction.c", but then all your character definitions would go into a different file specific to the storyline as well. For that matter, I don't know where you plan to have the code for the fight against Donquixote Doflamingo.
PROGRAM\QUESTS\quests_side.c? Or otherwise have it only in the Free Play code.
OR his own storyline folder, which could be based on a cleaned out "DevlinOpera".

yes i doe that all
So if you're now familiar(ish) with the Console, this is how you can use it to add new characters to an existing savegame:
Feedback from Ardent playthrough