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Wacky News Stories

Cows lick house

I printed out this article and put it up in my office.



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Stallion? Just what the heck were you up to yesterday??? :woot

Fugitive horses lead Ont. police on wild chase

It took five police cars to corral five horses following a chase through the east end of Brockville, Ont., yesterday.

The horses managed to escape from their pasture around 11 a.m. and took the opportunity to go for a little jaunt about town.

"The latch didn't close properly and I suppose the wind blew open the gate," said owner Eve Mainwaring. "People started calling me saying, 'I think five of your horses are on my front lawn.'"

The five riding horses managed to stay ahead of police officers as they first headed east on a highway before turning back towards Brockville.

The horses were travelling at a good clip, police said, but didn't hurt anyone or damage any property. It took five patrol cars to guide the horses into a parking lot.

"Officers used their vehicles to force the horses off the streets into people's yards, but then one horse would get spooked by a passing vehicle and he'd take off down the road again," said Ontario Provincial Police Sgt. Chuck Kerr.

Original story here :
Did anybody here think to add some smoke bombs to Rupert's stocking? He really needs some for his appearing/disappearing act. xD: Would add some flair.
NYC eatery patron hurt by falling moose head

Tue Dec 29, 11:57 pm ET

NEW YORK – A Web designer says she was struck by the decor at a New York City restaurant — when it fell on her head. Raina Kumra says in a negligence lawsuit filed last week that a 150-pound stuffed moose head with 3-foot-wide antlers plummeted off a wall at the Scandinavian-themed White Slab Palace on Oct. 4 and hit her. She says she suffered a concussion and other injuries.

The owner of the Manhattan restaurant hasn't returned a telephone message left by The Associated Press. Nor has Kumra, who's representing herself in the case.

Original story here :
Least competent criminals

(1) Andre Stoltzfus, 17, was arrested in Saugerties, N.Y., in October after he allegedly counterfeited a $1 bill that a family member later used toward the purchase of a pack of cigarettes.

(2) Bandanna-clad Jason Zacchi, 27, was arrested in Dearborn Heights, Mich., in November after, according to police, pointing a shotgun at a Wendy’s employee at the drive-in window and demanding money. Moments later, the shift manager angrily approached the window and yelled at Zacchi, “What the hell are you doing?” (The manager had recognized Zacchi through his bandanna. Zacchi is her son.)

Original story here :
Police: Unsatisfied customer trashed McD's

Published: Jan. 6, 2010 at 4:39 PM

KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 6 (UPI) -- Police in Missouri said a woman who caused thousands of dollars of damage at a McDonald's was enraged because she did not like her hamburger. Kansas City police said the woman, whose actions were caught on camera Dec. 27, complained about her hamburger and became angry when workers told her they could make a new sandwich but not give a cash refund, The Kansas City (Mo.) Star reported Wednesday.

Police said the woman broke a glass water dispenser by throwing it over the counter and shoved three cash registers from a counter, destroying a touch screen.

Investigators said they are searching for the woman and have released images of her face to the public.
Missing statue repossessed by artist
Published: Jan. 6, 2010 at 6:27 PM

LINDON, Utah, Jan. 6 (UPI) -- Police in Utah said a 4-ton motorcycle sculpture thought stolen from a Harley-Davidson store was found at the home of the creating artist. Lindon Police Chief Cody Cullimore said "Land Speed," the motorcycle statue that disappeared from the Timpanogos Harley-Davidson motorcycle dealership in Lindon during New Year's weekend, was found at the home of artist Jeff Decker, who claimed ownership of the work, The Salt Lake Tribune reported Wednesday.

"The statue has been located. It is in the possession of the artist who created it. This appears to be a civil situation in that the artist has provided us with a 'loan agreement' in which he agrees that Timp Harley can display the statue but that it remained his," Cullimore said.

"The wild card is the granite block that the motorcycle is attached to. I believe that everyone understands it to be the property of Dave Tuomisto, the previous owner of (Timp Harley). It is still, to my knowledge, attached to the statue as the artist tries to figure out how to separate the two without damaging anything," the chief said.

Cullimore said he does not expect prosecutors to file charges.

"This sounds like one for the courts to iron out," he said.
Hunt For 'Peeping Tom' Who Snapped Himself
9:57am UK, Wednesday January 06, 2010

Lulu Sinclair, Sky News Online

Detectives are trying to track down a peeping Tom who put a camera in a unisex changing room - and unwittingly photographed himself doing it.

The balding thirty-something fitted the camera to a light fitting in the changing room at Asda in Warrington's Westbrook Centre at about 5pm on December 19.

He snapped two images of himself which Cheshire Police have released in a bid to trace him.

A police spokesman said: "Police in Warrington are keen to trace a man who placed a small camera in a fitting room at Asda in the Westbrook Centre in Warrington.

"The device was placed in a light fitting and was in place for 30 minutes before being discovered by staff.

"Unfortunately for the man he did not turn off the camera while placing it in situ and forensic examination of the data card shows an image of him while doing this."

Officers described the man as slim, between 30 and 35, balding and smartly dressed with a white circular logo on the left breast of his fleece.

Anyone with any information is asked to contact Detective Constable Julie Cassie on 0845 4580 000.

Geeze, why go to all that trouble, just look it up on the internet like a normal person! xD: