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Police said a man wearing a ski mask entered the first set of doors at 5:36 p.m. Wednesday with a gun, apparently not realizing the bank was closed.
The second set of doors was locked and police were called but the man left before they arrived.
He said the robber could have planned poorly or possibly had another reason, like getting tied up in traffic.
Budding pirate's voyage scuttled
A budding pirate has had his career scuppered early when his commandeered vessel ran aground before it could reach the high seas off the Bay of Plenty coast.
The 32-year-old man set sail and raised the Jolly Roger flag on 16m yacht Rufus Gutz yesterday, the Bay of Plenty-based website reported.
However, soon afterwards he stranded the yacht on a sandbar at the floodgate to the Maketu Estuary, near the Kaituna River mouth.
When the Coastguard arrived he told his rescuers he had only just bought the steel-hulled yacht.
"We managed to pull him off and get him back to the jetty. When the owner turned up he jumped overboard and started swimming," said Shane Beech from the Maketu Coastguard.
"He swam across the other side and high-tailed it towards Papamoa. He got a few hundred metres down the beach before the policemen got a hold of him."
The yacht's owner, Peter Newton, said he had declined the man's offer to buy the boat the night before. The next he heard was that his boat was stuck on the sandbar with the pirate ensign raised and a wind sock on the boat's mast.
He believed the man was planning to sail down the coast.
"He didn't even get the motor going. He was trying to get it out on the sail, which even a world-class yachtie wouldn't attempt.
"He had no idea at all really. Thank God he didn't get to the bar," Mr Newton said.
The man was apprehended by police and has been referred to psychiatric services.
DUNNELLON, Fla. - A Florida woman has been arrested after allegedly hitting her boyfriend in the head with a raw steak.
Accordingto a Marion County Sheriff's Office report, the man told deputies ElsieEgan repeatedly hit him with the uncooked meat and slapped his faceafter he refused a piece of sliced bread. The man said he wanted abread roll.
Egan, 53, denied hitting the man with the steak but did admit to slapping him, saying she did it "so that he could learn."
The man told deputies that Egan was his live-in girlfriend. He declined medical assistance.
Egan was charged with abuse of a disabled adult.
Accordingto online records, she has been released on $2,500 bond and isscheduled to appear in court in January. It's unclear if she has anattorney.
Man with 'pirate gun' gets 18 years
Peorian sentenced for spring heists with toy gun
A South Peoria man who was caught in April trying to rob a convenience store with a toy "pirate gun" was sentenced Monday to 18 years in prison.
Circuit Judge James Shadid allowed Montel D. Shorty, 24, of 1313 W. Smith St. one final hug with a family member before he was led back to the holding cells in shackles.
Shorty pleaded guilty in Peoria County Circuit Court to two counts of aggravated robbery for March 31 and April 6 heists as his cases were scheduled to go before a jury.
He was one of three people who held up the South Metro Market, 2421 W. Starr St., on April 6. Ernest L. King, 18, and Tyesha Roberson, 23, both of Peoria, are scheduled to appear in court later this week in connection with the robbery. They could plead guilty to similar charges.
But it was Shorty who was tackled by a Metro Market clerk after they got a good look at the gun, which resembles a toy flintlock pistol, complete with an all-wooden handle. At his bond hearing back in April, a prosecutor said Shorty believed the weapon was real.
Authorities believe Roberson was the getaway driver. King allegedly went into the store with Shorty and was to grab the loot while Shorty held the toy gun on the clerks, said Assistant State's Attorney Jeff Manderscheid.
The March 31 heist allegedly involved Shorty and King. Police say Shorty was armed with the toy gun and King had a real handgun as they held up a convenience store, making off with money, cigarettes and some liquor.
In return for Shorty's plea a more serious charge of armed robbery was dropped. While Shorty faced the same six- to 30-year sentencing range because of residential burglary convictions in 2004, he was able to avoid a 21-year minimum had he been convicted of armed robbery.
With credit for time served and day-for-day "good-time" credit, Shorty could get out of prison in about eight years.
Moments later a man came outside and introduced himself as the manager on duty. And then, “I’m sorry but we had to blow up your laptop. “
Microsoft Caught Copying Software Code In China...
from the piracy? dept
Lots of folks have been submitting the story of Microsoft's China operations being caught with its fingers in the cookie jar in directly copying the code from a small company called Plurk. This isn't just the look and feel that was copied, but it appears that some of the code itself was directly copied. Of course, this seems doubly amusing, since Microsoft has, in the past, been at the forefront of complaining about "piracy" in China -- even as the details have long suggested Microsoft benefited greatly from unauthorized copying of its software in China, by building tremendous lock-in and making Microsoft the defacto standard. Of course, when a Microsoft exec recently announced that "piracy" was no longer a threat who knew he meant because Microsoft had decided to go in the other direction and use it to its own advantage?
Of course, I'm joking there. Microsoft continues to insist that piracy is a huge problem, and over in India, Dan alerts us that Microsoft has actually been fined for harassing "pirates" by trying to take them to court in the national capitol, instead of where the "piracy" actually happened:
According to the Court, Microsoft is needlessly abusing its unlimited cash flow as a power tool to financially hurt the defendants, who will have to travel all across the country in order to defend themselves. This abuse of "money power" to "harass" defendants is unacceptable according to the Court.
"When the constitution of India provides equality before law, this equality has to be all pervasive and cannot be allowed to be diluted because of money power or lobbying power," Judge Dhingra commented on the case.
So, it's fine to try to bankrupt "pirates" as you're pirating software yourself? Of course, Microsoft will squirm out of this one just fine. It'll claim it was a mistake, probably throw some money at Plurk (who just got a ton of free PR) and move on, still claiming that "piracy" is bad, bad, bad and must be stopped (especially in China).
Can't you just hear the cat saying . . .A cat named Clyde has been reunited with his owner after a mysterious three-year odyssey in which the long-haired Himalayan strayed 2,400 miles into the Australian outback
Tied himself on the backs of sea turtles.Woohoo a wacky news story out of not only Australia BUT TASMANIA
What I dont understand is how it got over the Bass Strait... ferry or maybe pirates? :?:
The Kingsport Times-News reports that Davis' home is just a couple of feet from a fence enclosing the cows' pasture.