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Wacky News Stories

Anyone seen this? This is just precious...

Woman Sues Cap’n Crunch Because ‘Crunchberries’ Are Not Fruit
by The Crusty Curmudgeon

...Only an idiot would think that “crunchberries” were actually fruit and good for you. Well, today’s idiot comes courtesy of loweringthebar.net. The woman, Janine Sugawara (that name is perfect) says she bought the Cap N’ Crunch with Crunchberries because she thought crunchberries were real fruit. She subsequently learned that the “berries” were actually nothing more than brightly colored cereal balls, and that there wasn’t any damn fruit in the box at all. None. Nada. No fricking fruit!

So disappointed was she that she did what any fruit loving American would do: She sued. She sued ‘em good. So altruistic were her intentions that she sued ‘em for herself and for every other consumer that had been duped into the great crunchberry conspiracy. It seems she – and other unnamed idiots – actually believed there were crunchberry fields scattered across the land where migrant farm worker hand picked the tiny red, purple, green and teal, for crissakes, delicacies until their fingers bled, for less than minimum wage just so she could savor the odd, crunchy, fruit morsels in her box of children’s cereal. As the judge put it: “So far as this Court has been made aware, there is no such fruit growing in the wild or occurring naturally in any part of the world.”

So the idiot was sent packing with nothing for her 4 years of trouble. But here is what is interesting. A very similar case was brought – and dismissed – previously. Against whom? Fruit Loops. And what other attorneys would be so bold as to misuse our justice system in this way? The same ones. The Fruit Loops lawyers are the same as the Crunchberry lawyers. I for one don’t think they should get the chance to “get lucky” on their third try...

Police: Fla. man stole ferret by hiding it in pants

A 17-year-old witness confronted Bolton in the parking lot and was bitten by the animal after the man allegedly shoved it in the teen's face.

That confrontation makes the ferret a "special weapon" under Florida law. So Bolton also faces battery charges for dangerously wielding the animal.

But let us assume that he succeeded in this attempt . . .

How does one fence a hot fettet?
NH woman's car hit by boar that likely escaped from preserve on Interstate 89
Nov 4, 4:13 PM EST

NEW LONDON, N.H. (AP) -- New Hampshire wildlife officials said a boar that ran into the side of a woman's car on Interstate 89 in New London most likely escaped from a private game preserve. Becky Field said she didn't realize her car had been hit by a boar until a state trooper told her after her vehicle was damaged on Sunday night.

Fish and Game Wildlife Chief Steve Weber said boar are not native to New Hampshire, but they are stocked at the 24,000-thousand acre Blue Mountain Forest and Game Preserve, based in Croydon, two towns away from New London.

He said most boar sightings are animals that have escaped from the preserve.

Weber told the Concord Monitor there's little danger the boars will expand into a wild population.

Woman finds frog in bag of greens

GILMER, Texas, Nov. 4 (UPI) -- Wal-Mart has agreed to reimburse a Texas woman who said she discovered a dead frog in the bag of greens she purchased at one of the chain's stores.

Carla Hill of Gilmer said she spotted the frog when she poured the"Glory Foods" greens she purchased at a Wal-Mart in Longview into a pot, KLTV in Tyler reported Wednesday.

"I was putting the greens in the pot -- I'm like, 'Oh my God! I see eyes in my greens! Oh, it's a frog!' I just screamed. I was just hysterical. I hate frogs and I definitely don't want them in my greens," Hill said.

A Wal-Mart spokeswoman said Hill will be reimbursed for the bag of greens.

"Thank you for bringing this to our attention," the spokeswoman told KLTV. "We believe this is an isolated incident and are working directly with the customer to learn more."
Tenn. man says image of Jesus keeps appearing on window of his Isuzu pickup truck
Nov 5, 4:04 PM EST

JOHNSON CITY, Tenn. (AP) -- Jim Stevens said he's not particularly religious and is clueless about why an image resembling Jesus Christ keeps appearing on his pickup. Stevens, of Jonesborough, said nearly every morning, an image that looks to him like the face of Jesus Christ has appeared in the condensation on the driver's side window of his Isuzu truck. A Johnson City Press photo of the truck showed a facial image.

Stevens said when he first saw the image, he figured it would evaporate and not return. But it kept reappearing for two weeks now.

Stevens said folks at the grocery store he goes to were amazed to see the image.

He said he isn't going to wash the truck for a while.


could be a drawing done with a greasy finger, since it would repel water. still done with skill though.
TAMPA, Fla. - The driver and the child in her lap survived when a pickup slammed into a 1,500-gallon aquarium at Tampa International Airport, officials said. The tropical fish were not so lucky.

Airport spokeswoman Brenda Geoghagan said the driver had an unrestrained 6-year-old boy in her lap.

The aquarium was part of a public art program. The airport spent $200,000 on the exhibit, which included the 12-foot tank.

Campuzano-Martine was cited for careless driving. No number was listed for her in public records.
Sounds like she should have let the kid drive! xD:

Ga. officers: Pilot tried to hit them with plane


Wed Nov 11, 11:17 pm ET

GRIFFIN, Ga. – Police say a pilot tried to hit officers with his plane at a small Georgia airport.

Authorities say Dan Wayne Gryder was jailed Wednesday and charged with two counts of aggravated assault.

Griffin police investigator Bryan Clanton tells the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that the 48-year-old Gryder was driving his car across the runway at Griffin-Spalding Airport. Officers tried to issue him tickets, but he boarded the small plane without signing.

Police say he threatened to strike officers with the plane. Police say deputies flooded the area and ordered him to stop but he continued to taxi.

Sgt. John Hayes says Gryder attempted to fly away but didn't have enough fuel and was arrested. The jail said Gryder did not have a lawyer. Griffin is about 40 miles southeast of Atlanta.

Original story here :
Check this out guys. A little dated, but gives new meaning to "landyacht"...literally a desert galleon.


Nice find modernknight! Now that's what I call a party bus!!
