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Wacky News Stories

DJ condemned for playing Van Halen's Jump as woman leaps from bridge

A Radio DJ has been condemned by mental health charities after he played the song Jump as police were trying to talk down a suicidal woman from a motorway bridge.

Steve Penk received a request from a listener for the hit Van Halen track after four lanes of the M60 were closed while police attempted to deal resolve the situation.

The controversial presenter told listeners on his breakfast show he was playing the song to 'emphathise' with frustrated drivers, but moments later the woman jumped from the 30ft bridge.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1244104/DJ-Steve-Penk-plays-Van-Halens-Jump-woman-leaps-bridge.html#ixzz0dUaoqFdB
ZOMG if this story was set in California, the DJ would be facing a never-ending string of legal actions.

But in the UK, one never knows.
LONDON (Reuters) - International hotel chain Holiday Inn is offering a trial human bed-warming service at three hotels in Britain this month.
[22 Jan 10, 3:49pm]

If requested, a willing staff-member at two of the chain's London hotels and one in the northern English city of Manchester will dress in an all-in-one fleece sleeper suit before slipping between the sheets. "The new Holiday Inn bed warmers service is a bit like having a giant hot water bottle in your bed," Holiday Inn spokeswoman Jane Bednall said in an emailed statement to Reuters.

The bed-warmer is equipped with a thermometer to measure the bed's required temperature of 20 degrees Celsius (68 Fahrenheit).

Holiday Inn said the warmer would be fully dressed and leave the bed before the guest occupied it. They could not confirm if the warmer would shower first, but said hair would be covered.

Florence Eavis, Holiday Inn spokeswoman told Reuters that the "innovative" bed-warming method was a response to Britain's recent cold weather and marked the launch of 3,200 new Holiday Inns worldwide.

She could not explain why the beds were not being warmed by hot water bottles or electric-blankets, but admitted the human method was quirky.

Holiday Inn are promoting the service with the help of sleep-expert Chris Idzikowski, director of the Edinburgh Sleep Center, who said the idea could help people sleep.

"There's plenty of scientific evidence to show that sleep starts at the beginning of the night when body temperature starts to drop," he said. "A warm bed - approximately 20 to 24 Celsius - is a good way to start this process whereas a cold bed would inhibit sleep."
I played some incredibly awesome Russian multiplayer flight sim once and the squadron was on a peaceful dawn patrol over the Russian steppes near Moscow.

Suddenly I yelled enemy contact and began a series of violent evasive maneuvers on full power. Everyone followed suit and amid the swarm of Me-109s scattering all over the sky we tried to look for that pesky little Russian gnat that's sticking on my 7 o'clock position no matter what I did.

Actually, there was no bandit around, it was a speck of dirt on the cockpit glass A.K.A. monitor screen.

That's my own news, of course :p

(And this does happen to real pilots as well, I've heard. Better vigilant, than dead.)
JOPLIN, Mo. - Police routinely attempt to convince suspects to come clean and "cough" to committing a crime. And one man, accused of receiving a stolen diamond ring, did just that — literally.

Pictures of the two-carat diamond ring, worth about $20,000, were sent to jewelers in the Joplin area, Missouri, after it was reported stolen when someone took the owner's purse from her car Thursday.

The Joplin Globe reported that the owner of Newton's Jewelry recognized the ring when a man and woman came to his store a few hours after the theft and said they wanted to sell it.

L.T. Newton and his staff stalled them and called police.

Police said the man swallowed the ring when officers arrived but, while being questioned, he began to cough uncontrollably.

Eventually the ring emerged and the man and woman have since been charged with receiving stolen property.
BERLIN (Reuters) - A 76-year-old German man trying to thaw out his car incinerated it instead when he decided to speed things up by putting a blow heater under the hood.

"He burned the vehicle out completely," said a spokesman for police in the western city of Hildesheim. Police said the man left the heater on next to the frozen windshield washer tank and returned indoors. Shortly afterwards he heard two explosions and returned to find the car ablaze. He alerted fire services, who arrived in time to prevent the flames from destroying his house. Including charring of the building, total damages were estimated at 40,000 euros ($56,240).
Police: Suspect told kids to bite officers

COLORADO SPRINGS, Jan. 28 (UPI) -- Police in Colorado said a drunken man arrested in a McDonald's play area told his young kids to "bite the officers' faces off." Colorado Springs Police said Joshua Algers, 28, was found passed out drunk in a McDonald's play area at about 4 p.m. Wednesday and officers placed him under arrest upon learning there was a warrant out for his arrest, the Colorado Springs Gazette reported Thursday.

Algers became aggressive when police called the mother of his children to come pick them up, and then instructed the kids to "bite the officers' faces off," a police report said.

The suspect resisted the officers and was subdued with a Taser, police said.

He was arrested on suspicion of assaulting a police officer and the original warrant, which officers did not specify.
BERLIN (Reuters) - A 76-year-old German man trying to thaw out his car incinerated it instead when he decided to speed things up by putting a blow heater under the hood.

"He burned the vehicle out completely," said a spokesman for police in the western city of Hildesheim. Police said the man left the heater on next to the frozen windshield washer tank and returned indoors. Shortly afterwards he heard two explosions and returned to find the car ablaze. He alerted fire services, who arrived in time to prevent the flames from destroying his house. Including charring of the building, total damages were estimated at 40,000 euros ($56,240).
almost as good as the yearly news report of the person who tries to dry a poodle in a microwave.

(Yes, they are real)
Fire in Houston blamed on inflatable gorilla

Fri Jan 29, 4:26 pm ET HOUSTON – Fire department officials said an out-of-control inflatable gorilla was blamed for a rooftop blaze at a Houston shopping center. No injuries were reported in the fire early Thursday. The remnants of the inflatable gorilla were seen at the site.

District Chief Fred Hooker said some type of a "blowup doll" was on the roof, the item deflated and landed on some lights, leading to the fire.

Fire authorities said two stores suffered minor water damage. Part of the rooftop also was seen to have suffered fire damage.
Truck driver chokes on chili and crashes into home
Fri Jan 29, 6:29 pm ET LOWELL, Mass. – Police said a Massachusetts lumber truck crashed into a home after the driver was knocked unconscious by a small chili from Wendy's. Lowell police said Eric Gremm reported that he choked on the chili when the truck hit a bump, causing him to pass out as the flatbed truck veered off the road and slammed into the home. The man, 59, said emergency workers at the scene told him that he had passed out, but he could not remember losing consciousness.

Police said the truck hit the foundation of the home, and authorities were worried that the home might collapse when the truck was pulled out.

Gremm was taken by ambulance to a local hospital for treatment of minor injuries.

Police said he could be cited for eating while driving.
Driver missing after truck hits train in Wash.
The keys were in the ignition of a pickup truck that hit a freight train at a Washington state crossing, but there's no sign of the driver or any trauma. Snohomish County sheriff's Lt. John Flood told The Daily Herald he hasn't seen a case like it in 20 years.Railroad workers and emergency responders searched the tracks and dug through the mangled wreckage after the crash early Thursday.

Burlington Northern Santa Fe spokesman Gus Melonas (muh-LOH'-nus) says the 43-car train was traveling about 25 mph when the truck hit a rail car from the rear.

The train dragged the truck for half a mile. An empty tank car derailed.
Cash-strapped San Diego set to sell police horses and tack

The police horses that have patrolled San Diego's Balboa Park are being sold at an online auction.

The Police Department has ended its horse unit, which was organized in 1983, as a money-saving measure. The officers have been transferred to other duties, and their mounts and the tack are being sold.

The auction is set for Feb. 1 through Feb 10 on the website Publicsurplus.com.

The horses -- Wam, Trigger, Major, Junior, Bret, Bandit and Austin -- have long been public favorites, but the city is cash-strapped.

No riding or handling is allowed, but potential bidders can see the horses Feb. 4, 9 a.m. to noon, at the police stables. Check the website.

A third of the city's police dogs are also being laid off.
Attorney William G. Halby, who practiced law for 20 years and specialized in taxation, went all the way to Tax Court. When the members stopped snickering, the Court said no.

Halby’s attempted medical deductions for visits to New York prostitutes and the costs of videos and other pornographic materials were not allowable under the Tax Code.
:wp :wp :wp :wp :wp

Halby should have first gone to a doctor, complaining of a medical problem or condition. Perhaps, no blood in his brain because it had all gone to his extremities, or a stiffness that wouldn’t go away? Had the physician then prescribed a course of treatment that included visits to a licensed sex worker in Nevada, the Tax Court would have had a harder time denying his deduction.
:rofl :walkplank :shoot: :mi :razz :will
PORT BLAIR, India (Reuters) - One of the world's oldest dialects, which traces its origins to tens of thousands of years ago, has become extinct after the last person to speak it died on a remote Indian island
Fri Feb 5, 2010 11:48am EST
Boa Sr, the 85-year-old last speaker of "Bo," was the oldest member of the Great Andamanese tribe, R.C. Kar, deputy director of Tribal Health in Andaman, told Reuters on Friday.

She died last week in Port Blair, the capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, which were hit by a devastating tsunami in 2004.

"With the death of Boa Sr and the extinction of the Bo language, a unique part of human society is now just a memory," said Stephen Corry, director of Survival International, an organization that supports tribes worldwide.

"Boa's loss is a bleak reminder that we must not allow this to happen to the other tribes of the Andaman Islands," he said in a statement.

Kar said Bo was one of the ten dialects used by the Great Andamanese tribe.

According to Survival International, there are now only 52 members surviving members of the tribe, which is thought to have lived on the Andaman Islands for as many as 65,000 years, making them descendants of one of the oldest cultures in the world.

The Great Andamanese had the biggest population of all the island tribes until the early 20th century.

Originally 10 distinct tribes, the Great Andamanese were 5,000-strong when the British colonized the Andaman Islands in 1858. Most were killed or died of diseases brought by the colonizers, Surival International said.

The surviving Great Andamanese depend largely on the Indian government for handouts and alcohol abuse is rife.

The cluster of more than 550 Andaman and Nicobar islands, of which only about three dozen are inhabited, are home to six tribes of Mongoloid and African origin, who have lived there for thousands of years.

The current home of the Great Andamanese is Strait Island, a small island of Middle Andaman Region.
I got a wacky story for ya . I spent 5 days in the hospital . Suffering severe pain ,uncontrollable itching rash , a swollen arse( I couldn't sit down normal for a week because it bit my right hip) And a nasty looking hole in my leg . Can you imagine the cause of all this pain and torture ?? :shrug . A FREAKIN SPIDER BITE !!!! :wacko: The doc said if I'd waited another day to come to the hospital I could have died . All because of one stupid spider . And to think I used to like spiders :rofl From now on I have a " Kill on sight " policy for spiders . :shoot: :shoot:
:shock I thought wacky things like that only lived in tropical climates! xD: Are you going to be alright? :?