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Wacky News Stories

ZURICH (Reuters) - A millionaire motorist clocked up a record fine of 299,000 Swiss francs ($290,000) after Swiss police caught him racing through a village at 100 km per hour in his red Ferrari Testarossa, Swiss media reported on Thursday.

A court in the northeastern Swiss canton of St Gallen gave the millionaire the hefty penalty, which outstripped the previous record of 111,000 francs handed a Porsche driver in 2008 in Zurich, after a string of previous traffic offences. "The accused ignored elementary traffic rules with a powerful vehicle out of a pure desire for speed," the court said in its judgment of the motorist, who clocked speeds of up to 137 km per hour on country roads, said daily Blick.

The St Gallen Cantonal Court ordered the man to dip into his 23.3 million franc fortune, which included a villa with a garage containing five luxury cars.

Court officials said they could not immediately confirm details of the case.

In October, St Gallen police pulled over another speeding motorist after he committed 15 traffic offences in 10 minutes, including driving on the hard shoulder, jumping a red light and failing to stop for police.
Snowdrift saves Chinese woman who fell from 18th floor
08:5708/01/2010A Chinese housewife escaped with her life after falling from the balcony of her 18th floor Beijing flat when she landed in a snowdrift, national media said on Friday.

The woman was hanging out laundry when she slipped and plunged 60 meters to the ground below.

Her fall was softened by a large snowdrift and bushes planted around the residential building.

Reports say the woman suffered multiple fractures of the spine.

BEIJING, January 8 (RIA Novosti)
Not sure if this was posted before or not, I am way to lazy to go back through and look. xD:

But I just ran across this from back in May:

Russian man survives two five-floor falls

A young man from Russia has survived two falls from a 5th-floor window, he was trying to kill himself after drinking three bottles of vodka.

After surviving these, his says he will give up drinking.

Astonishingly Mr Roskov, 22, survived and managed to stagger back upstairs with barely a scratch after the 50ft fall.

But while his wife called for an ambulance and began to scold him, he jumped again.

Amazed medics treated Mr Roskov for minor cuts and bruises before releasing him.

Original story here :
In October, St Gallen police pulled over another speeding motorist after he committed 15 traffic offences in 10 minutes, including driving on the hard shoulder, jumping a red light and failing to stop for police.

That sounds strangely like my driving. That's pretty much common fare in the great Asian traffic jams.

MOSCOW - Drivers in downtown Moscow squinted in disbelief as an electronic highway billboard blazed a two-minute pornographic video instead of its regular advertising clips.

The screen's owner, 3 Stars, told the AP that a hacker attack was likely to blame. Police were investigating the incident.
Hire those hackers for Washington/New York

ASAP :dance
Darn! You beat me to it!

As a Weight Watchers group gathered for a routine weigh-in, the dieters got an idea of how far they still had to go: The floor underneath them collapsed, a Swedish newspaper reports.

"We suddenly heard a huge thud; we almost thought it was an earthquake and everything flew up in the air," one of about 20 group members said to the Smalandsposten newspaper. "The floor collapsed in one corner of the room and along the walls."

After the initial collapse on Wednesday evening, the floor started to cave in other parts of the room, and the stench of sewage crept into the clinic, which is in Vaxjo, a city in south central Sweden. The group is looking for an alternate location for future meetings, Weight Watchers consultant Therese Levin told the Swedish paper.

No one was injured, and the cause of the collapse is still under investigation.

Afterward, the participants moved the scales to a hallway to have a real weigh-in. That time, the floor held.
Man Bites Off Cop's Nipple

Off-duty cop may have lost a nipple

Updated 10:16 AM CST, Tue, Jan 19, 2010

Some situations are nail-biters. This one's a nipple-biter. An off-duty cop was all allegely bitten in the chest outside a Gold Coast bar Sunday night, police said.

At about 9:30 p.m., Fernando Cooper, 31, and an off-duty officer got into a physical confrontation outside Gibson's Bar and Steakhouse, the Sun Times reports.

Police who witnessed the event say the officer identified himself, but the other man didn't back down and continued to assault the cop.

Along with several punches that caused cuts to the officer's eye, the man also "severely" bit the cop's nipple. Both the suspect and the cop were treated for cuts and bruising to their faces. However, a doctor said that the bite on the officer's chest was so severe, the cop "lost a body part," according to the report.

Cooper has been charged with attempting to disarm a peace officer and aggravated battery to a peace officer, both felonies.

Talk about getting something off your chest.
once upon a time . . .

they forced police officers into retirement for losing one of something :mm

Permanent disability??

No more late nites on muscle beach . . .
Along with several punches that caused cuts to the officer's eye, the man also "severely" bit the cop's nipple.


Cooper has been charged with attempting to disarm a peace officer and aggravated battery to a peace officer, both felonies.
Attempting to disarm a peace officer by biting off his nipple? Just what sort of weapons are the police carrying these days? :shock

BERLIN - Officials in Germany say eight teenagers were hospitalized after a test of courage in which they drank chili sauce more than 200 times hotter than typical Tabasco sauce.

The Red Cross in the southern city of Augsburg says that 10 boys, aged 13 and 14, year drank the sauce Wednesday morning, apparently in school.

The German news agency DAPD quoted the Red Cross as saying the boys complained of feeling sick, and eight were taken to a hospital. They were to be kept in overnight for observation.

The Red Cross said that on the Scoville scale, which measures the hotness of sauce, the sauce measured 535,000 — compared to 2,500 for normal Tabasco sauce.
Future Olympic finalists for the Darwin Award.

Hope they followed it up with a little bit of lime :rofl
xD: Scary to think that generation will eventually inherit the planet. Somebody needs to issue an involuntary recall.
Students demand beer pipeline

Published: Jan. 20, 2010 at 4:22 PM

FALKENBERG, Sweden, Jan. 20 (UPI) -- Students from Sweden's Chalmers University marched on a Falkenberg brewery to protest the decades-long lack of progress on a beer pipeline to the student union.

The students said Tuesday's occupation of the Carlsberg Brewery was part of an only partially-serious tradition stretching back to 1959, when the student union purchased a single share in the company that owned the brewery until 2000, The Local reported Wednesday.

The students pushed for a 62-mile long beer pipeline to provide the beverage to the union headquarters, but construction halted in 1968, after only 6 1/2 feet of the pipe was put in place.

Workers at the brewery welcomed Tuesday's march, which included several members of student performing arts groups. Officials agreed to meet with the students and the occupation ended with an announcement from Carlsberg spokesman Goran Orre.

"We've listened and accepted their demand. We'll soon start construction on one meter (3.2 feet) of pipeline," he said.

That, folks, is democracy in action. ;)