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Wacky News Stories

Robbery suspect arrested with bra on head

DAYTON, Ohio, Oct. 19 (UPI) -- Police in Ohiosaid a man suspected of armed robbery with three others wore a blackbra to disguise his face during the crime.

Dayton Police said an officer heard a gunshot while patrolling lateSunday and followed the sound to a man who said a group of men robbedhim of $10 at gunpoint, WHIO-TV, Dayton, reported Monday.

Investigators tracked down the getaway car used in the crime andfour men fled the vehicle on foot. Officers said they apprehended RyanNeal,19, Keanthony Strickland,19, and Gabriel Williams,18. The fourthsuspect evaded capture.

Police said all four were wearing black masks and officersdiscovered a mask worn by one of the arrested suspects, who were heldin connection with the robbery, was a bra wrapped around his head.

The new fleet of 35 cabs in Mexico's colonial city of Puebla are driven exclusively by women and don't stop for men.

Police said all four were wearing black masks and officersdiscovered a mask worn by one of the arrested suspects, who were heldin connection with the robbery, was a bra wrapped around his head.
One recent robbery suspect wore boxer shorts on his head

not realizing that the security camera got a perfect face shot through the leg

while he was peering through the fly
Analysis finds Amelia Earhart 'hair' exhibited by museum in Cleveland is really just thread

CLEVELAND (AP) -- A Cleveland museum has learned that what it thoughtwas a lock of hair from Amelia Earhart is just thread.

Agroup looking for DNA evidence of the pioneer aviator on a Pacificisland recently asked the International Women's Air and Space Museumfor a sample of the "hair" for comparison. Museum executive directorToni Mullee says an analysis determined the specimen was thread thatlooked like hair.

Mullee says the museumacquired the artifact 20 years ago from the Smithsonian Institution,which had gotten it from a Pennsylvania man. The museum has had it onexhibit next to a book with an anecdote about a White House maid whosaved some Earhart hair from a wastebasket.

Mullee says the thread will stay on display, with a full explanation.

Police say gunman prays with clerk for nearly 10 minutes on his knees, then finishes robbery

Oct 20, 9:16 PM EDT

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -- Police said a gunman spent nearly 10 minutes onhis knees praying with the clerk at an Indianapolis check cashingbusiness before fleeing with her cell phone and $20 from the register.Security video from the Advance America branch clearly showed the man'sface during Monday's stickup, and a 23-year-old man surrendered Tuesdayon a preliminary charge of robbery.

Therobbery took an unusual turn after the gunman came around the counteras the clerk told police she began crying and then talked about God.The man said he had a 2-year-old child to support and asked for prayersabout overcoming his hardships.

Sgt. KevinWethington said the clerk's actions "certainly didn't hurt" preventmore troubles in the store on the city's east side near WashingtonSquare Mall.

Police: Detroit-area man bites through neighbor's lips after grabbing football thrown by teens

Oct 20, 9:16 PM EDT

CLINTON TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) -- Police say a Detroit-area man bit through a neighbor's lips after he picked up a football that accidentally had been tossed onto his lawn by some teenagers. The man was accused of confiscating the football Sunday evening and refusing to return it until a 28-year-old parent walked up to him and asked for the ball.

Clinton Township Detective Capt.Richard Maierle said the suspect attacked the man, and "the bite went nearly all the way through his mouth."

The man, 44, was arraigned Monday on a charge of assault with intent to maim. That's a 10-year felony.

He was being held in the Macomb County jail.

Maierle told The Macomb Daily of Mount Clemens the victim was taken to a hospital for treatment of deep lacerations on the upper and lower lips.

Fla. burglar arrested after falling asleep in freezer of shuttered pub

Oct 20, 9:16 PM EDT

RIDGE MANOR, Fla. (AP) -- A Gulf Coast man was arrested after falling asleep in the freezer of a shuttered pub he was trying to rob.Investigators said the man hopped a fence in Ridge Manor and pried open a locked storage shed. He allegedly ate a can of tomatoes, entered the walk-in freezer and took a nap.

A Hernando deputy discovered the 49-year-old on Sunday during a security check of the building. He faces a commercial burglary charge.

Wyoming man charged with counterfeiting money to pay stripper for private dance in motel

Oct 20, 4:08 PM EDT

CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) -- A Wyoming man has been charged with counterfeiting money to pay an exotic dancer for a private performance. Rickey A. Kempter, 50, faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted.

Prosecutors said Kempter hired the exotic dancer for a private dance at the Lariat Motel, and Kempter and the dancer shared a taxi to the location. The taxi driver called police after they arrived, saying Kempter asked him to hold a roll of $50 bills and he noticed that they looked odd and were not cut evenly.

Court documents said Kempter told investigators that he made the bills on a printer in his home, but that he planned to go home and get real money to pay the dancer.

Court House Masturbator Arrested

Policesay a man walked inside the St Landry Parish Courthouse, and waited in the hallway, like dozens of people do every day. But, it's what he did while standing there that landed him behind bars.

Opelousas police say Frank Lahay exposed himself in the public hallway of the St Landry Parish Courthouse, when he then began to perform sexual acts on himself, in full public view.

The surveillance video from inside the courthouse shows the 28 year old man in the hallway.

Officials say the Krotz Springs man is exposed the entire time, using his baggy shirt to cover up when people walk by.

This went on for over an hour, before the secretary realized what the man was up to.

She alerted her supervisor, and the man was arrested.

There were pictures from the blasted courthouse security camera on the news site I got this from. :eww

Cops answering 9-1-1 call are met by a swordsman, whom they subdue

Posted on Tue, Oct. 20, 2009
Mr. Rogers he was not.

Armed with a samurai sword adorned with swastikas and a skull,36-year-old George Rogers attacked an Upper Darby officer who responded to his suicidal 9-1-1 call Sunday, police said.

It was not a beautiful day in Rogers' neighborhood when he called9-1-1 about 12:30 a.m. and said he'd just doused the rowhouse apartment he shares with his mother in gasoline, according to police.

Rogers, who threatened to torch the residence and kill himself with a crossbow while on the phone with police dispatch, was found barricaded in a back room of the apartment on Dayton Road near Cheswold, Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood said.

With Rogers spouting suicidal and homicidal threats, Officer Dan Lanni of the department's special-reaction team armed himself with a"bat shield," which is an oversize Kevlar shield shaped like a bat, and pushed past the barricaded door, Chitwood said.

Lanni was immediately attacked by Rogers, who wielded the sword so forcefully that its blade was bent in the assault, Chitwood said.

The shield protected Lanni from the downward blows, but Chitwood said had the sword gotten past the shield, it would have been "sturdy enough to put in your heart and rip it out."

During the attack, the commanding officer on scene, Lt. Mike Kehrle, used a stun gun on Rogers, causing him to "fall like a sack of potatoes," Chitwood said.

He was transported to the crisis unit of Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital in Darby, where he was evaluated and released within seven hours.

"He was released from the crisis unit before our officers went home," Chitwood said.

Rogers was subsequently charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault and weapons offenses. He was remanded to the Delaware County Prison where he remained last night in lieu of $75,000 bail.

"We dubbed George Rogers the 'Last Samurai' because he's not going to be swinging any more knives or swords trying to kill cops anymore,"Chitwood said.

Police did not find any accelerants, like the gasoline Rogers claimed to have poured over the apartment, but they did find an arsenal of weaponry in his bedroom, including nunchucks, a crossbow, a hunting bow, a large sword and several throwing knives.

"He obviously thought he was a real samurai," Chitwood said. "This guy has issues. He's not dealing with a straight deck."

Rogers, who has several arrests on lesser charges in his criminal background, is covered in tattoos, including one on his neck that reads: "Only God can judge."

"He has more tattoos than grass on a lawn," Chitwood said.
Man found guilty in stomping death of opossum on Danville police ride-along
Published: October 20, 2009

A Vernon Hill man was found guilty Monday of animal cruelty after he stomped an opossum to death while on a June 20 ride-along with a Danville police officer.

Evan Bryce Schuler, 23, appealed the judge's decision, and his case will now move to circuit court.

He appeared in Danville General District Court, where Judge M. Lee Stilwell Jr. reached his decision after hearing two police officers' testimony.

Officer M.A. Gibbs said she and other officers had stopped at thegas pumps off Monument Street at about 6:30 a.m. Schuler was with one of the officers, J.R. McBride.

While there, Schuler got out of the cruiser and chased an opossum as it ran along a fence, Gibbs said.

"He grabbed a hold of the links of the fence and just started stomping," she said.

Schuler then ran back to the police cars.

"He was like, 'I shouldn't have done that,'" McBride said.

Schuler's attorney, James Priest, said that his client was riding with McBride because he was thinking about applying for a job with the police department. But that opportunity evaporated after the animal cruelty charge. Schuler served in the military and does not have a criminal record, he added.

Priest said his client grew up on a farm, where opossums killed more than 50 of his chickens. Schuler acted on "strict, basic instinct,"Priest said.

Robert Adams Jr., senior assistant commonwealth's attorney, said that opossums and other animals act on instinct as well.

"Hopefully, what differentiates us, is that we don't just act on instinct," Adams said.
Man pleads guilty to DWI in motorized La-Z-Boy

DULUTH, Minn. – A Minnesota man has pleaded guilty to driving his motorized La-Z-Boy chair while drunk. A criminal complaint says 62-year-old Dennis LeRoy Anderson told police he left a bar in the northern Minnesota town of Proctor on his chair after drinking eight or nine beers.

Prosecutors say Anderson's blood alcohol content was 0.29, more than three times the legal limit, when he crashed into a parked vehicle in August 2008. He was not seriously injured.

Police said the chair was powered by a converted lawnmower and had a stereo and cup holders.

Sixth Judicial District Judge Heather Sweetland stayed 180 days of jail time Monday and ordered two years of probation for Anderson. His attorney, David Keegan, did not immediately return a call for comment.

Original story here and pic of the offending chair :
Fla. burglar arrested after falling asleep in freezer of shuttered pub

Oct 20, 9:16 PM EDT

RIDGE MANOR, Fla. (AP) -- A Gulf Coast man was arrested after falling asleep in the freezer of a shuttered pub he was trying to rob.Investigators said the man hopped a fence in Ridge Manor and pried open a locked storage shed. He allegedly ate a can of tomatoes, entered the walk-in freezer and took a nap.

A Hernando deputy discovered the 49-year-old on Sunday during a security check of the building. He faces a commercial burglary charge.

But this is obviously a cold case

do they have any forensic evidence linking him to the tomatoes.
Iowa man ordering food at a restaurant called a zombie, then punched twice
IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) -- Iowa City police are investigating an earlymorning assault in which a man accused another of being a zombie, thenpunched him twice. Police said the assault occurred at 1:17 a.m. Sundayat an Iowa City restaurant south of the University of Iowa campus.

Aman was ordering food when he was approached by another man who calledhim a zombie, then hit him in the eye. When the victim tried to callpolice on his cell phone, the man punched him again, breaking his nose.

The man then ran out a back door.

The victim was taken by ambulance to a hospital.
