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WIP Spanish translation


No. Keep the existing Alpha 1 channel, fill it with black, then draw white translucent around the text on that.

When you save the file as .tga (Targa), make sure you save it 32 bits/pixel. That is 8 bits for each of red, green, blue and alpha. If you save it 24 bits/pixel, you lose the alpha channel.
View attachment 42827

In TX Convertor, check how the original file is saved:
View attachment 42830
This file is saved as A4R4G4B4. Therefore, when you want to convert your file, use the same:
View attachment 42831
Well, with the cards everything turned out. Not so much with hints. I'm sure it's very easy to do, but I don't get it.
Here is the text that should be in
tips_0000 - Наличие высокого навыка Лидерства уменьшит цену зарплаты вашей команды. Это также снизит цену найма новых членов экипажа в тавернах.
tips_0001 - Ваши шансы на успешный абордаж со способностью Абордаж по Выбору зависят от ваших очков умений Абордаж и Удача.
Try these. I've included both the .tga files and the converted .tga.tx files.

I tried using blender options -> external glow and could not get a decent result. In the end I resorted to setting the rectangular marquee to feather 5. I then used it to put boxes around each line of text, with additional boxes for individual letters which extend above or below the rest, such as "б" or "д". Then I went to channel Alpha 1 and filled the combined box with white. You'll see what I mean if you look at the alpha channel on the .tga files.


  • Russian.zip
    82.5 KB · Views: 86
Try these. I've included both the .tga files and the converted .tga.tx files.

I tried using blender options -> external glow and could not get a decent result. In the end I resorted to setting the rectangular marquee to feather 5. I then used it to put boxes around each line of text, with additional boxes for individual letters which extend above or below the rest, such as "б" or "д". Then I went to channel Alpha 1 and filled the combined box with white. You'll see what I mean if you look at the alpha channel on the .tga files.
As I understand it, you wrote the text on a black background and merged these layers. Then somehow selected the text and created an alpha channel for it. On the Alpha channel tab, you made the shadow semi-transparent with white paint. What font did you use? I used the one on the loading screens...
I used basic Arial, set to Narrow and to size 20 pt. It supports Cyrillic and it seems to be the font used in the English tip screens, or at least near enough.

I tried various things selecting the actual text, none of which worked. So I drew selection boxes around the text using the rectangular selection tool, set to feather 5:

Then I filled that selection with white in the alpha channel:

The layout is different from yours; I probably have a different version of Photoshop. But the same tools should be there - I'm not using any of the advanced features from new versions.
And here's the result:

I changed "engine.ini" to 'numoftips =2' because there are currently only 2 Russian tip files. You'll also need the attached version of "PROGRAM\INTERFACE\interface.c" to look for language-specific tip files in the correct sub-folder of "RESOURCE\Textures\tips" - put the Russian files in "RESOURCE\Textures\tips\Russian". And you'll need to start a new game because if you try to load an existing savegame, it will crash next time you try to save. So when these files go into a future update, it will need to force everyone else to start new games as well.


  • interface.c
    62.8 KB · Views: 85
I'm adding Spanish subtitles to the videos in the Hornblower storyline. It took a while to figure it out but now I have the first, the rest shouldn't take that long.
In "quests_reaction.c", you're now checking language for videos like this:
            if(LanguageGetLanguage() == "RUSSIAN") PostVideoAndQuest("Hornblower\RUSSIAN\Declaration of War",100, "");
            if(LanguageGetLanguage() == "SPANISH") PostVideoAndQuest("Hornblower\SPANISH\Declaration of War",100, "");
            else PostVideoAndQuest("Hornblower\Declaration of War",100, "");
That will work in Spanish and English but will break Russian. The first 'if' will show the Russian video; the second 'if' will fail and drop to the 'else', which will then try to show the English video as well.

Try this version, which replaces the 'if' with 'switch', e.g.:
                case "RUSSIAN": PostVideoAndQuest("Hornblower\RUSSIAN\Declaration of War",100, ""); break;
                case "SPANISH": PostVideoAndQuest("Hornblower\SPANISH\Declaration of War",100, ""); break;
                PostVideoAndQuest("Hornblower\Declaration of War",100, "");
Additionally, this "quests_reaction.c" makes all ship names translatable - the attached "storyline_strings.txt" contains the names. Most names such as "Indefatigable" should remain the same in Spanish, though you may want to translate "Jolly Boat", "Fire Ship", "Rescue" and possibly "Happy Times".


  • quests_reaction.c
    852.1 KB · Views: 74
  • storyline_strings.txt
    1.3 KB · Views: 77
Drive link updated with correct quests_reaction and a typo fixed in one of the videos (good thing I kept the subtitle file)

Also, ships translated in storyline_strings and a couple of typos in Hornblower dialogs I just found.


  • Arthur Wellesley_Dialog.h
    8.3 KB · Views: 71
  • storyline_strings.txt
    1.3 KB · Views: 90
  • Archie Kennedy_dialog.h
    5.9 KB · Views: 95
The entry in "interface_strings.txt" is for "Sewer". But the location ID is "#stown_name# Sewer". See what happens if you add an entry for that into "interface_strings.txt".
How did you translate "#stown_name# Sewer", and what does it show now? And what does the store in Philipsburg show?
I translated it first as "Cloacas de #stown_name#" but the game showed only "Cloacas de " so I changed it io simply "Cloacas", as originally it was only "Sewer".

The store shows correctly as "Tienda de Philipsburg"
You can put "Cloacas de #stown_name#" back, but it will only work with the attached version of "PROGRAM\Locations\init\SaintMartin.c", and then only when you start a new game. The game fills in "#stown_name#" with the "townsack" attribute of the location, and "Philipsburg_Dungeon" doesn't have it. It's added in this version.

Also, ever noticed that when you are about to start a new game, the storyline selection screen has the month name entirely in lower case? That's because you've translated all the month names into all lower case in "common.ini" so that they'll appear correct in a full date. The attached "PROGRAM\INTERFACE\select_storyline.c" should capitalise the month names in the storyline selection screen.


  • SaintMartin.c
    84.2 KB · Views: 99
  • select_storyline.c
    132.6 KB · Views: 80
In "SPAfiles4july", file "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\Storyline\Hornblower\QUESTBOOK\Old Friends - New Enemies.txt", line text.t19 changes "fragata" to "corbeta". Atropos is a 6th rate frigate. Also, according to the Wikipedia article on Corvette:
The British Navy did not adopt the term until the 1830s, long after the Napoleonic Wars, to describe a small sixth-rate vessel somewhat larger than a sloop.
Since the questbook line is written from Hornblower's point of view ("Me han asignado el mando de..."), and Hornblower would never describe a ship as a corvette, I'd recommend leaving it as "fragata". (If he did use the word "corbeta", it would probably be for the previous ship, the sloop of war Hotspur.)
As far as I know, in the Spanish classification, a 22-gun (or less) three-masted ship like the Atropos would normally be considered a corbeta and not a fragata (especially in this later period), that's why I named the ship model as such. Having the ship named corbeta and the questbook refering to it as fragata would be confusing. Hornblower wouldn't be speaking Spanish in the first place, but this is a localization for Spanish-speaking players, so I'm happy using the Spanish equivalent.

To be honest, the distinction is blurry, so it's not a hill I would die on, but I'd rather not mess with the ship names and changing the questbook would require that for consistency's sake. And then what of all the other 22gun ships htat I've classed as corbetas. Should I change them too? It's just a can of worms that I'd prefer not to open.
Last edited:
In "common.ini", change "Greyhound" to "Fragata de sexta orden", perhaps. That would take care of the "Postillionen" 6th rate frigates at the same time because they're set in "Ships_init.c" to use "Greyhound" as their "SName" attribute.

"SloopWar" translates to "Corbeta ligera", which is fine - that's used for the pirate sloop of war and also the "Neptunus" types, the sorts of ship which could have been classed as corvettes. "Volage" translates to "Corbeta pesada", again fine - that's a heavy sloop of war, not a frigate. As I said, if Hornblower were to use the word "corvette", that's the ship for which he'd use it. Pellew's dialog describes Hotspur as "corbeta de 24 cañones", though the line where he describes Atropos could change to "fragata" to be consistent. (If you play Hornblower as FreePlay, he gets the sloop of war/corvette Hotspur at rank Senior Lieutenant, and the 6th rate frigate Atropos at rank Commander - not much of an upgrade if he goes from "Corbeta pesada" down to plain "Corbeta"!)
Well, the Hostspur ingame does have more cannons (24) of the same caliber and more crew, so the Atropos is not that much of an upgrade anyway. I don't know why she would be classed higher.