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WIP Spanish translation

"PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\DIALOGS\Javier Balboa_dialog.c": rather than use a switch to change the hardcoded word, a better solution is to put the word into the "dialog.h" files, that's what they're for. ;) The new line, " con ", goes before the group of phrases for "your daughter", "my son", etc., so they all end up one line down, which meant I needed to change their references in "Javier Balboa_dialog.c". And they need to be re-translated because all the "your" lines include "Su Excelencia", which needs to be removed - they should be "your daughter" and "your son", not "your Excellency's daughter" or "your Excellency's son".
"RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\models_descriptions.txt": you added a new word, "recatado", which is not part of a translation of the original. It should be removed.
"RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\Storyline\Ardent\characters_names.txt": you translated "Maria" as "María". Austrian Maria Antonia would not have that accent over the "i".

Thanks for all that work! :cheers


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And they need to be re-translated because all the "your" lines include "Su Excelencia", which needs to be removed - they should be "your daughter" and "your son", not "your Excellency's daughter" or "your Excellency's son".
That's a side effect of the form of address I decided for governors, it has to stay like that or I'd have to rewrite every governor dialog entirely. Forms of address are complicated in Spanish because, depending of the level of formality, we use different 2nd person pronouns that use either 2nd or 3rd person verbs, and they also changed very markedly over the centuries covered by the mod, so I didn't want to choose just one between "vos" (uses verbs in the 2nd person plural, 16th-17th centuries) or "usted" (3rd person singular, 18th-19th centuries), but I also didn't want the governors to be addressed with the more familiar "tú" (2nd person singular) that I use for most other characters, so I went with the respectful "Your Excellency" to substitute the pronouns which is kind of timeless if a little wordy. It's hard to explain but it works.

"RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\models_descriptions.txt": you added a new word, "recatado", which is not part of a translation of the original. It should be removed.
I though I'd give it a little more of a description in case someone used the model in Freeplay, but ok.

"RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\Storyline\Ardent\characters_names.txt": you translated "Maria" as "María". Austrian Maria Antonia would not have that accent over the "i".
Royal names are usually translated to the target language. But you're right that we haven't done that for other kings in the mod, so ok.
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That's a side effect of the form of address I decided for governors, it has to stay like that or I'd have to rewrite every governor dialog entirely. Forms of address are complicated in Spanish because, depending of the level of formality, we use different 2nd person pronouns that use either 2nd or 3rd person verbs, and they also changed very markedly over the centuries covered by the mod, so I didn't want to choose just one between "vos" (uses verbs in the 2nd person plural, 16th-17th centuries) or "usted" (3rd person singular, 18th-19th centuries), but I also didn't want the governors to be addresses with the more familiar "tú" (2nd person singular) that I use for most other characters, so I went with the respectful "Your Excellency" to substitute the pronouns which is kind of timeless if a little wordy. It's hard to explain but it works.
You would not need to do the same for all references to governors, except perhaps if you've done something similar in "Tales of a Sea Hawk". "Robert Christopher Silehard_dialog.h" explains it:
Robert Christopher Silehard said:
Good, Nathaniel, but don't forget to address me properly.
Nathaniel Hawk said:
We freebooters aren't used to such formalities...
Ardent is similarly informal.

Royal names are usually translated to the target language. But you're right that we haven't done that for other kings in the mod, so ok.
On the other hand, I've just looked up Maria Antonia on Wikipedia, then went to the Spanish version, which does indeed use the accent. So it's going back in for the game version of the character.
This thread...
Introducing Myself
... is about a rather interesting looking story being developed for a completely different game. The character looks so much like PoTC's "towngirl5" that it was an easy retexture job to import her into PoTC as a FreePlay character.

The attached file contains English versions of files with new lines to support this character:
. PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\ENGLISH\Robert Fletcher_dialog.h - five new lines added to the end
. RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\models_description.txt - one new line added to the end
. RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\Storyline\storyline_strings.txt - new lines 563-566
. RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\Storyline\FreePlay\characters_names.txt - new lines 42-43

@Homo eructus, could you translate these into Spanish, please? @AkrimalS, could you translate them into Russian? (For the moment, I've added the untranslated English lines into Spanish and Russian "Robert Fletcher_dialog.h" so that FreePlay dialog doesn't break completely.)


  • Purpure.zip
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Considering the late setting, I'm assuming the "Squire of the Sea" isn't a knightly squire, but a member of the landed gentry. Which in Spanish would be roughly equivalent to Hidalgo/a. So welcome "La hidalga de los mares" (it's funny to me because "El hidalgo de los mares" is the Spanish title of the film "Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N.", so everything kind of comes full circle).
"Hidalgo" is also used to mean gallant, brave, honourable, gentlemanly.. everything a hidalgo was supposed to be.


  • PurpureSPA.zip
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Spanish interface_strings and Woodes Rogers characters_names updated from the Russian thread


  • characters_names.txt
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  • interface_strings.txt
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The Spanish version of Woodes Rogers' "ItemsDescribe.txt" is out of date, with several entries still blank and some missing entirely. Here's the current English version.

@Jack Rackham: should there be descriptions for alchemy books "book71_14", "book71_20", "book71_21" and "book71_23"? In this version, they are blank. Possibly I've missed a more complete version?


  • ItemsDescribe.txt
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That is still missing the translations for several of the books which do have descriptions in English.
True. I overlooked them because I was looking for missing lines, and these weren't missing, only empty.

I think this is all


  • ItemsDescribe.txt
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@Homo eructus: Try using this "PROGRAM\console.c" to give yourself all those books, then see if they translate correctly in the interface. You can change the lines or add more to give yourself other books to test.


  • console.c
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In the last update zip, there are four questbook files in the wrong folder in INI\TEXTS\SPANISH \Storyline\Ardent. Two of them (Imprisoned and Vilain Hunt) are older version of files that are already in the right questbook folder and can be deleted but the other two are up to date files that are misplaced and should be moved to the questbook folder. Probably my bad when I packaged my files to send.
INI\TEXTS\SPANISH \Storyline\Hornblower\characters_names and INI\TEXTS\SPANISH \QUESTBOOK\Blacques (the latter is only a typo) aren't up to date in the zip


  • characters_names.txt
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  • Blacques.txt
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@Homo eructus: Try using this "PROGRAM\console.c" to give yourself all those books, then see if they translate correctly in the interface. You can change the lines or add more to give yourself other books to test.
They seem to work fine, except one that I missed ad was still in English


  • ItemsDescribe.txt
    79.6 KB · Views: 94
INI\TEXTS\SPANISH \Storyline\Hornblower\characters_names and INI\TEXTS\SPANISH \QUESTBOOK\Blacques (the latter is only a typo) aren't up to date in the zip
In "characters_names.txt", "Captain" should be left in English. It's used in two places. The first is for the French captain of the Téméraire, who should probably be "Capitaine" instead, but it doesn't matter because you're never going to meet him - that ship can't be boarded. The other is for Captain Murray, a soldier, whose rank should not be translated. Which means I'll probably need to change it to "Captain1" so that it can be "translated" back to "Captain". Otherwise it's going to be translated anyway because "Captain" is in "common.ini", and that's the first place 'TranslateString' checks.

Other rank names should not be translated - a British Lieutenant would be addressed in Spanish as "Lieutenant", not "Teniente", and likewise a Spanish Teniente would not be addressed in English as "Lieutenant". For that reason, the actual ranks in "common.ini" are not translated.

"Black Charlie" is the character's name and should also not be translated, especially since it will be combined with his surname. "Black Charlie Hammond" is not quite the same as "Charlie el Negro Hammond".
Other rank names should not be translated - a British Lieutenant would be addressed in Spanish as "Lieutenant", not "Teniente", and likewise a Spanish Teniente would not be addressed in English as "Lieutenant". For that reason, the actual ranks in "common.ini" are not translated.

"Black Charlie" is the character's name and should also not be translated, especially since it will be combined with his surname. "Black Charlie Hammond" is not quite the same as "Charlie el Negro Hammond".
In regular usage, foreign military ranks are definitely always translated in Spanish. It sounds extremely weird and awkward otherwise. If it was up to me, I probably would have translated all the player ranks for this reason, but I concede that having them in the original language gives some variety, even if it sounds weird in dialogue or texts. But fo other instances of ranks, incliding character names, I think it's better to translate them.

As I understand it, the Black in Black Charlie is a surname, not part of his real name, so I feel it should be translated. Much like "Lucky" Jack Aubrey, which is always translated in the Spanish editions of the Aubrey books.
In regular usage, foreign military ranks are definitely always translated in Spanish. It sounds extremely weird and awkward otherwise. If it was up to me, I probably would have translated all the player ranks for this reason, but I concede that having them in the original language gives some variety, even if it sounds weird in dialogue or texts. But fo other instances of ranks, incliding character names, I think it's better to translate them.
Then you will also need to translate "Capitaine" and "de Corvette". If English ranks should be translated, so should French ranks.

For "Captain", change the key to "CaptainA" and move it up to the end of the section for "Story.c". That way it can be handled differently if needed. There is no point in translating "Captain" - as I said, that's already in "common.ini", so 'TranslateString' won't see an entry for "Captain" here. Meanwhile, I've changed "Story.c" so that the definition for Captain Murray now has this:
SetRankTitle(ch, TranslateString("","CaptainA"));
If it makes any difference, this is a captain of the army, not a naval captain.

As I understand it, the Black in Black Charlie is a surname, not part of his real name, so I feel it should be translated. Much like "Lucky" Jack Aubrey, which is always translated in the Spanish editions of the Aubrey books.
Fair enough.
Then you will also need to translate "Capitaine" and "de Corvette". If English ranks should be translated, so should French ranks.
If it's still foreign from the point of view of the speaker/listener and it's only one character, I feel it has a pass, so it can stay for the sake of variety or change, either way would be fine. My main concern was with the characters using foreign words (even if they are from their real original language) for the ranks of their own nation in the middle of a Spanish text (in-universe, they would be speaking English all the time but in the translation Spanish stands in for English, so the sudden change for one word is unnecessary and jarring).

Here's with CaptainA in place


  • characters_names.txt
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