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WIP Spanish translation

In models_description.txt
I have a somewhat black mood today, have you something that compliment that?.
That last "." shouldn't be there, it was preventing the string from displaying in the character selection (it also should be "compliments"). I've fixed it in the Spanish version.

Edit. Nevermind, it was only in the Spanish version. The English version is good.
If you correct "compliment" to "compliments" in the part outside the brackets, it won't work unless you also correct "PROGRAM\Models\initModels.c". The part outside the brackets must match the original text; the part inside brackets is what you see on screen.

Can you also add a translation of this line onto the end of Spanish "models_description.txt"?
A Dutch admiral and privateer for the Dutch Republic during the Eighty Years' War. The first and the last to capture a large part of a Spanish treasure fleet from America.{A Dutch admiral and privateer for the Dutch Republic during the Eighty Years' War. The first and the last to capture a large part of a Spanish treasure fleet from America.}

Also please add a translation of this into "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\SPANISH\Storyline\storyline_strings.txt", preferably between the entries for Laurens de Graaf and Francis Drake:
The Silver Fleet{The Silver Fleet}
'We have quite the journey ahead of us. We are going to get salt. From Africa.' That is Piet's first introduction to the sea and the tough life of seafarers. Years later Piet Hein gets his own ship. What will he do? Discover new lands? Trading? Or... Conquering the Spanish Silver Fleet?{'We have quite the journey ahead of us. We are going to get salt. From Africa.' That is Piet's first introduction to the sea and the tough life of seafarers. Years later Piet Hein gets his own ship. What will he do? Discover new lands? Trading? Or... Conquering the Spanish Silver Fleet?}

These are for a new character model added by @Pieter Boelen which will be going into the next update. If you can update both these files, Spanish players can try out the new character as well.
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Here's a zip of files for the "Ardent" storyline. It contains all the newest dialog files, now modified where necessary so that "the son", "my daughter", "your son" etc. can be properly translated. Also included are updates of other files to make use of the revised dialogs, plus the newer versions of text files in "RESOURCE".


  • Ardent.zip
    233.5 KB · Views: 98
Already added him to models_description

storyline_strings is entirely untranslated in the current version, but I still have my old version of those strings, so I can take most of the text for the older storylines from there, and it shouldn't take long. I'll add that one too.
There's a character missing from storyline_strings, Ricardo Orellana and "The Devil's Ship" scenario (probably because it's unfinished but that doesn't stop others from being there).

Also, unrelated to that, I've noticed the unnamed Swedish soldier and officer models don't have a portrait or a description.

EDIT: I've added Orellana at the end of the file, if that's ok
EDIT 2: And his starting log entry to shipslog_strings, right after the one for The Gold-Bug.
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The swedish soldiers and officers (16 & 18) were never meant to be for sale. From the beginning quest soldiers (18) in WoodesRogers
but later of a little more common use. They all have a icons though. Infantry, artillery or cavalry.
It's just that the lack of a portrait in the character selection screen was kind of jarring, but I always forget that I have cheats on, and those characters wouldn't be available to players that don't use cheats, so not as big of a deal.
Sin título.jpg
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I noticed the ship descriptions were untranslated in Spanish and I was about to get on with it when I remembered this old thread. Apparently I finished pretty much all of it, both English and Spanish, I had forgotten I was so far along. With a little curation to finish the few missing ships and check if any ships have been added or removed since I did it, it could be up and running in no time (and it would save me having to translate the current English descriptions:p).

But I'll do that one last, I want to finish the other main text files first, as they're more straightforward to deal with.
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I'm translating the story of "Assassin", and I hope to finish it in two weeks. The translation of the Book of Missions is not necessary, because I checked that it was already translated previously.
The questbooks may be translated but they need to be checked. A quick look at a few of them shows that they do not have the inverted exclamation mark used in Spanish. Some sentences which end with an exclamation mark also start with a normal exclamation mark. And some sentences which end with an exclamation mark have nothing at the start.

This indicates that the questbooks were translated by the same automatic translator which did not do well in other files. So, as well as checking exclamation marks, you may want to check the grammar in the questbooks.
I have the questbooks translated in my old files. Maybe outdated but the translation itself should be solid.

Usual disclaimer apply. Compare with the English files to check if there's something missing/different


    12.9 KB · Views: 106
Here are all the revised files in the main folder of INI>TEXT>SPANISH, except ShipModel_Description


  • SPANISH.zip
    176.7 KB · Views: 101
I have the questbooks translated in my old files. Maybe outdated but the translation itself should be solid.

Usual disclaimer apply. Compare with the English files to check if there's something missing/different
Thanks! :onya

Those files are all dated July or August 2017. The most recently updated English "Assassin" questbook is "Kidnapping.txt", dated 13th June 2017. So the translations should all be good.
Here are all the revised files in the main folder of INI>TEXT>SPANISH, except ShipModel_Description
In "interface_strings.txt":
Black patched sails used on Black Pearl under Captain Jack Sparrow command.{Velas negras con parches usadas en la Perla Negra bajo el mando del capitán Jack Sparrow.}
Should not "Capitán" be capitalised? It is being used as a rank, or almost a title - whenever someone calls him simply "Jack Sparrow", he corrects them "That's Captain Jack Sparrow!"
small craft{una pequeña embarcación}
The "una" should probably not be there. This is the lookout reporting sighting small craft, and he generally does not mean just one of them. ;) In English, the plural of "craft" when applied to ships or boats is still "craft". If there is a different plural word to "embarcación" in Spanish, that would be better.
Ranks and titles are only capitalized in Spanish under very specific circunstances and contexts, I don't think this is the case.

Yes, that should be "pequeñas embarcaciones", my bad. I did notice it in testing but forgot to change it.
No problem, I've changed it to "pequeñas embarcaciones" in my copy of "interface_strings.txt". And "capitán" remains lower case.
Next stop, books. A couple of them were badly autotranslated or outdated, and some others had small typos or errors


  • BOOKS.zip
    12.2 KB · Views: 91
Also also, a copule of minor fixes in common and interface_strings

I'm with the Gold-Bug storyline files and questbook. Not much seems to have changed since I translated it but I'll check everything again to make sre and catch more typos.


  • interface_strings.txt
    116.5 KB · Views: 117
  • common.ini
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