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WIP Spanish translation

I activated the secondary mission "Aid to the Chief Master," but when I spoke at Martinique Beach with Fred Bob, there was no dialogue in the locker; It was empty. Then I tried the file in English and it worked fine.

I reviewed Fred Bob's file in Spanish of the game in general and detected several errors that prevented the dialogue, corrected the errors and tried it a bit in the game and now it works.

I upload the corrected file. I insist, I only corrected the errors that prevented the dialogue, because, as you can see, the question and exclamation marks are wrong, among other things.

Go to the path: PROGRAM \ DIALOGS \ SPANISH, copy and replace inside the SPANISH folder


  • Fred Bob_dialog.h
    19.8 KB · Views: 125
The slang and phonetic spelling used by the character really did a number on the autotranslation. Half of it isn't even translated at all and it's mostly ininteligible in both English and Spanish. I don't have the game installed now and can't get the file myself, but if you can upload the original file in English, I can try and translate those parts.
The slang and phonetic spelling used by the character really did a number on the autotranslation. Half of it isn't even translated at all and it's mostly inintelligible in both English and Spanish. I don't have the game installed now and can't get the file myself, but if you can upload the original file in English, I can try and translate those parts.
Here's the English version.


  • Fred Bob_dialog.h
    19.5 KB · Views: 108
The slang and phonetic spelling used by the character really did a number on the autotranslation. Half of it isn't even translated at all and it's mostly ininteligible in both English and Spanish.
Ah, yes; that's the Fred Bob special. :rofl
And here's my attempt at improving the Spanish version, with inverted question marks and exclamation marks added or replacing normal marks at the beginning of sentences.

The autotranslation also translated "Old Fart". That will probably need to remain in English as it is a joke on the name of the captain of the guard, Aufort. Unless there is a Spanish phrase, preferably insulting, which sounds like Aufort?


  • Fred Bob_dialog.h
    19.8 KB · Views: 113
Ah, yes; that's the Fred Bob special. :rofl
Sadly, I don't think I can make justice to such... colorful language. I could give him a silly accent and some wierd turns of phrase, but there's not such thing as a readily recognizable "pirate talk" in Spanish, so it wouldn't have the same effect. It'll be pretty neutral other than he speaking in the third person.
It's his way of saying that he's stuck on this beach, walking around in circles. Two circles, joined together.
It is clear that the conversation with Fred Bob has to be very interesting, curious and friendly, full of irony and sarcasm in the colloquial dialogue of that pirate era. Which is more difficult to achieve a translation into Spanish as accurate as possible. It reminds me a little of the classic Western movies, whose enemies were almost always the Indians and spoke using and combining the first person and the infinitive of the verbs. However, in this conversation within the pirate context, the third person of the verb seems to be employed, within a sarcastic and picaresque content. The documented history of Port Royal at that time, for example, is a faithful witness of that picaresque life, full of riches and much fun.
What comes after these strings? Reputations ranks? Career type (privateer, pirate, merchant, officer)?
"What manner of pirate be ye, Captain? Right now ye be known as ",
"An ",
"A ",
"an ",
"a ",
Difficulty. "Fred Bob_dialog.c" checks to see if the difficulty name begins with "a", which none of the English difficlty names do at the moment. The current difficulty names are "Landlubber", "Mariner", "Seadog", "Swashbuckler". But they used to be different and one of them was "Adventurer". In English, if the next word begins with a vowel then you'd use "an" in front of it, otherwise you'd use "a". So, "a Mariner" but "an Adventurer".

Does Spanish do something similar, bearing in mind that in "common.ini", "Swashbuckler" translates to "Aventurero de leyenda"? If not, after feeding that first line to Google Translate, I'd suggest this:
"¿Qué clase de pirata eres, capitán? En este momento seréis conocidos como ",
"Un ",
"Un ",
"un ",
"un ",
So it will always use "un " where Fred Bob tells you your current difficulty, and "Un " where you tell him what you want your difficulty to be. It doesn't matter what you put in place of "a" or if you leave it as it is, because that's the line which "Fred Bob_dialog.c" checks against the first letter of the difficulty name. By replacing "An " and "A " with the same word, the Spanish translation will give that word regardless of what the check does. Fred Bob will say "un Lobo de mar" or "un Aventurero de leyenda", those being the translations of "Seadog" and "Swashbuckler".
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I can't translate the last line of Mrs. Mason_dialog.h's file into Spanish in a certain sense.

"Hey, you! Not you, Horatio - YOU, the person on the other side of this screen! Give a newly married couple some peace, will you? You'll see them again tomorrow"

I need help.
Hey, you! Not you, Horatio - YOU, the person on the other side of this screen!
Mrs. Mason is not talking to the character Horatio Hornblower. She is talking to the player directly - the person on the other side of the monitor screen, the person sitting by a PC. That is you. :p

Give a newly married couple some peace, will you?
Horatio Hornblower and Maria Mason have just got married and are about to enjoy their first night together. The player is not invited to watch!

You don't need to translate it literally. If you can get the idea that Mrs. Mason is telling the player to give Horatio and Maria some privacy for the night, and that the game will continue the following morning, that should be fine.