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WIP Spanish translation

I upload the update of the file translated into Spanish from Fletcher. The lines were trimmed enough so that they do not divide between lines. The game may not be crashed now. I can't try it until tomorrow.

I may still have special character errors that I will review


  • Robert Fletcher_dialogSPANISH.h
    38.3 KB · Views: 106
Presumably English "You" would translate to something else in Spanish, the exact word depending on context. But the point is, whatever automatic translator was used does not recognise "\n" as a line break, so it assumes the "n" is part of the next word and then can't translate that next word.

Meanwhile, I found a few more errors. In "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\SPANISH\blaze_dialog.h", line 319:
- ........",
The leading " is missing, which breaks the dialog entirely. You can not talk to yourself! This can also break quests.

Line 327 in English ends:
Captain is - or rather, was - Alférez de Navío Esteban Rovapera.
In Spanish, it's:
El capitan es - o mejor dicho, era-alfa Malta Malta
Google says it should be:
El capitán es, o más bien era, Alférez de Navío Esteban Rovapera.
It certainly should not involve Malta!

In "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\SPANISH\Jose Hernandez_dialog.h", line 4:
"Yo soy ",
In English:
", I am ",
The reason the line starts with a comma and space is that "Jose Hernandez_dialog.c" builds the start of the sentence using your rank and last name:
dialog.text = your_rank_name + " " + GetMyLastName(PChar) + DLG_TEXT[2] + GetMyFullName(NPChar) + DLG_TEXT[3];
So in English, he says "Captain Hornblower, I am Jose Hernandez, admiral in the service of El Supremo." In Spanish, he says "Captain HornblowerYo soy Jose Hernandez, Almirante al Servicio del Supremo." I'm not sure whether the "yo" should be there, but the comma and space certainly should.

"PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\DIALOGS\SPANISH\Lt. William Bush_dialog.h", line 4:
"Parece mucho ron, ¿no, señor?",
In English:
"A rum looking lot, eh, sir?",
"Rum" can refer to the drink. But in English it can also mean "strange" or "peculiar". Bush is not referring to large quantities of alcohol, he's commenting that Jose Hernandez and his men look a bit suspicious.

Do you mean a dialogue error of the game in general? I didn't modify that.
Use this version of "PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\DIALOGS\Robert Fletcher_dialog.c". The existing one is wrong; it contains a lot of links to "Moralee", which does not exist because it should be "Morale". Without that correction, the dialog will break whenever you ask the officer to tell you about crew morale.


  • Robert Fletcher_dialog.c
    37.7 KB · Views: 121
Do you mean a dialogue error of the game in general? I didn't modify that.
Yes, "blaze_dialog.h" and "Jose Hernandez_dialog.h" are both in the general "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\SPANISH" folder. I wasn't blaming you! They are, however, part of the Spanish translation.

"blaze_dialog.h" is used for self-dialog in various parts of the game. "Jose Hernandez_dialog.h" is for Hornblower's "Natividad Incident" quest, which works both in FreePlay and in the "Hornblower" storyline. As Jose Hernandez does not have any lines which are different in FreePlay, I put the file into the general "PROGRAM\DIALOGS" folder so that both FreePlay and the storyline can find it.
I upload the final file of Fletcher's Spanish translation.

Corrected the extensive lines to avoid crasheos - corrected all the special characters - includes several improvements in the translation into Spanish, for a better understanding of the language.

I have tried this file in my test game and it is going great. I have completed the entire Fletcher tutorial without any crashing.

In any case, all my words of thanks to 'Grey Roger', for his excellent help, patience, understanding and kindness to me; Without it, I would not be able to solve the crasheo. Thanks also to 'Homo eructus' for his collaboration.

The path: PROGRAM \ Storyline \ FreePlay \ DIALOGS \ SPANISH ", there copy and replace the Fletcher file

Soon I will translate Horatio and review Roger's mentioned files.

Best regards to all


  • Robert Fletcher_dialog.h
    38.2 KB · Views: 98
Presumably English "You" would translate to something else in Spanish, the exact word depending on context. But the point is, whatever automatic translator was used does not recognise "\n" as a line break, so it assumes the "n" is part of the next word and then can't translate that next word.

Meanwhile, I found a few more errors. In "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\SPANISH\blaze_dialog.h", line 319:
- ........",
The leading " is missing, which breaks the dialog entirely. You can not talk to yourself! This can also break quests.

Line 327 in English ends:
Captain is - or rather, was - Alférez de Navío Esteban Rovapera.
In Spanish, it's:
El capitan es - o mejor dicho, era-alfa Malta Malta
Google says it should be:
El capitán es, o más bien era, Alférez de Navío Esteban Rovapera.
It certainly should not involve Malta!

In "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\SPANISH\Jose Hernandez_dialog.h", line 4:
"Yo soy ",
In English:
", I am ",
The reason the line starts with a comma and space is that "Jose Hernandez_dialog.c" builds the start of the sentence using your rank and last name:
dialog.text = your_rank_name + " " + GetMyLastName(PChar) + DLG_TEXT[2] + GetMyFullName(NPChar) + DLG_TEXT[3];
So in English, he says "Captain Hornblower, I am Jose Hernandez, admiral in the service of El Supremo." In Spanish, he says "Captain HornblowerYo soy Jose Hernandez, Almirante al Servicio del Supremo." I'm not sure whether the "yo" should be there, but the comma and space certainly should.

"PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\DIALOGS\SPANISH\Lt. William Bush_dialog.h", line 4:
"Parece mucho ron, ¿no, señor?",
In English:
"A rum looking lot, eh, sir?",
"Rum" can refer to the drink. But in English it can also mean "strange" or "peculiar". Bush is not referring to large quantities of alcohol, he's commenting that Jose Hernandez and his men look a bit suspicious.

As I said at the time, there are no workarounds for a quality translation, and autotranslators mess things up in ways that often are more trouble to fix than the time it would cost to translate manually from scratch.
And thanks for your own translation work, @Perro Negro!

The tutorial lines in "Robert Fletcher_dialog.h" are near enough identical to those in "Malcolm Hatcher_dialog.h", so I'll copy your shortened lines into "Malcolm Hatcher_dialog.h". That ought to prevent the more commonly used tutorial from crashing at the same places.
I have tried this file in my test game and it is going great. I have completed the entire Fletcher tutorial without any crashing.
So have I. I also copied some of your lines from "Robert Fletcher_dialog.h" into "Malcolom Hatcher_dialog.h", then played a tutorial as a corsair, and completed that without any crashing as well. I've attached the corrected Spanish version of "Malcolm Hatcher_dialog.h", which probably still needs further correction for "¡" and "¿" marks, accents, and Spanish grammar in general.

However, we're not quite finished with "Robert Fletcher_dialog.h". Attached is the newest English version, which is not in the current update but which will go into the next one. It has some new text for a special cursed character who will also be going into the next update. You won't be able to test this because the new character also needs several other files to be updated, which are not related to dialogs. But if you can translate the new material at the end of the file, I'll try it out.


  • Malcolm Hatcher_dialog.h
    37.6 KB · Views: 117
  • Robert Fletcher_dialog.h
    36.6 KB · Views: 115
So have I. I also copied some of your lines from "Robert Fletcher_dialog.h" into "Malcolom Hatcher_dialog.h", then played a tutorial as a corsair, and completed that without any crashing as well. I've attached the corrected Spanish version of "Malcolm Hatcher_dialog.h", which probably still needs further correction for "¡" and "¿" marks, accents, and Spanish grammar in general.

However, we're not quite finished with "Robert Fletcher_dialog.h". Attached is the newest English version, which is not in the current update but which will go into the next one. It has some new text for a special cursed character who will also be going into the next update. You won't be able to test this because the new character also needs several other files to be updated, which are not related to dialogs. But if you can translate the new material at the end of the file, I'll try it out.

In the Fletcher file I only have to translate from the Good evening line ..... until the end?. If so, would you add it to Fletcher's already made translation?
Yes, "Good evening, my #schild#." is the first line of the new text. The previous line, "The gentleman knew what he was doing. If his brother cannot deal with that, then he can deal with ME!", is already translated as "El caballero sabía lo que estaba haciendo. Si su hermano no puede lidiar con eso, entonces él puede tratar conmigo!".

I will indeed add it to the translation. Or, if you upload the new version of "Robert Fletcher_dialog.h" with the new text translated, I'll put that into the next update.
Thanks! This is the full version with your new lines added to the end of your previous Spanish translation.


  • Robert Fletcher_dialog.h
    39.2 KB · Views: 80
Correct, there are several other files needed for the cursed character who uses that piece of dialog. The whole lot will be going into the update.
Update: the Spanish dialog for the cursed character appears to work perfectly .

So does "Lady Barbara Wellesley_dialog.h" - I've been playing a FreePlay in Spanish as Horatio Hornblower, got the "Natividad Incident" quest, and finally progressed it far enough to meet Lady Barbara.

There were some more problems with files in "PROGRAM\DIALOGS". Sometimes the start of a sentence is filled in by the "dialog.c", e.g. in "Spanish lugger captain_dialog.c":
       case "adios":
           dialog.text = "";
           link.l1 = GetMyLastName(CharacterFromID(PChar.quest.Hornblower_officer)) + DLG_TEXT[20];
           link.l1.go = "exit";
In English, DLG_TEXT[20] is:
"! ... If I am to overtake 'Natividad' I must ask you to leave at once. Adios, Señores. Mr. Bush, will you show these gentlemen over the side?",
PChar.quest.Hornblower_officer is either Midshipman Longley or Lieutenant Gerard. If it's Longley then what you will see on screen is "Longley!... If I am to overtake 'Natividad' I must ask you to leave at once. Adios, Señores. Mr. Bush, will you show these gentlemen over the side?"

The question then becomes, how to put a ¡ at the start of that line in Spanish but not in any other language? The answer is preprocessed variables. The code in "Spanish lugger captain_dialog.c" becomes:
       case "adios":
           Preprocessor_Add("name", GetMyLastName(CharacterFromID(PChar.quest.Hornblower_officer)));
           dialog.text = "";
           link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[20];
           link.l1.go = "exit";
English "Spanish lugger captain_dialog.h" then has:
"#sname#! ... If I am to overtake 'Natividad' I must ask you to leave at once. Adios, Señores. Mr. Bush, will you show these gentlemen over the side?",
And Spanish has:
"¡#sname#! ... Si voy a adelantar a Natividad, debo pedirle que se vaya de inmediato. Adios, Señores. ¿Sr. Bush, quiere acompanar a estos Caballeros?",
Also, the automatic translator which produced the Spanish text got confused when it found a Spanish word in the English text, e.g. "Good day, Señor." became "Buenos dias, seecher."

I've corrected a few files which are used by the "Natividad Incident" quest. The rest of "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\SPANISH" will probably need to be checked.
Last edited:
I detected an error in my translated file of Lady Barbara Wellesley in the history of FreePlay. The \n character on line 18 is missing.

In English:
"Because, sir, the British packet I was sailing in was captured months ago by the Spaniards. I was their prisoner until the alliance.\nAnd

In my translation into Spanish:
"Because, sir, the English packet in which I was sailing was captured months ago by the Spaniards. I was their prisoner until the alliance. Y

I have added and corrected the missing character and added minor improvements to the file translation.


  • Lady Barbara Wellesley_dialog.h
    2.8 KB · Views: 108
Even though, I don't speak or read Spanish, I want to thank everyone that has been working on the translation to any language.
Because you make this amazing game available to more people.

So thank you! :bow:cheers