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WIP Spanish translation

If it will help, a lot of "Robert Fletcher_dialog.h" is similar to "Malcolm Hatcher_dialog.h". You'll find "Malcolm Hatcher_dialog.h" in "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\ENGLISH" and "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\SPANISH". The files are in the general "PROGRAM\DIALOGS" folder because Malcolm Hatcher appears in the "standard" storyline as well as in "FreePlay", so both storylines must be able to find his files.
I finished the Spanish translation of the FreePlay story. I upload the compressed file or leave the file uncompressed? If I understood Rogers instructions well ..., I created the PROGRAM \ Storyline \ FreePlay \ DIALOGS \ SPANISH folder. If you give permission I upload it right away
Yes, that is the correct folder. The easiest way to upload the whole folder would be to compress it first. This is because the forum software will not upload an uncompressed folder, you would need to upload each file separately. If you compress the folder, it becomes a single file and the forum will be able to upload it as one attachment.

You can easily test some of your work. Start a FreePlay game as either a Gambler or Rogue. Both have a special start which is a short story in which you duel a Spanish nobleman, are arrested, escape from prison and find a new ship. Several of the FreePlay dialog files are for characters in this short story.
Thanks! :onya I've downloaded that. Next time I play, I'm going to try FreePlay as Hornblower, in Spanish - I won't be able to understand much of it but I know how the quest goes, and at least I'll be able to check if there are any errors which break dialog completely.
I'm doing something wrong. I've tried it now and there is no dialogue with fletcher. Now the game does not recognize any dialogue. If I delete Spanish, the dialog in English comes out.

I'm sorry
If you delete the file in the "SPANISH" folder, the game will look for it in the "ENGLISH" folder instead, which is why the dialog is in English.

Line 33:
"Genial! Ahora deberías equipar tus armas y tu catalejo. Para ello pulse la tecla 'Pantalla de caracteres' (f2) y luego seleccione el icono 'Inventario' en la parte superior derecha de la pantalla. Una vez dentro de su inventario, usted notará algunas categorías en la parte inferior de la pantalla, "Arma", "Medicamentos", "Artículos", "Mapas" y "Quest-items". Para equipar tu espada haz clic en el icono 'Arma' y luego busca tu espada, luego haz clic en el icono 'equip' para equiparla o en el icono 'release' para desequiparla. Haz lo mismo con tu pistola.",
The " marks around "Arma", "Medicamentos", "Artículos", "Mapas" and "Quest-items" are the problem. Each line of text begins and ends with ". If you have more of those marks in the text, they break the line. In the English version, that line is:
"Great! Now you should equip your weapons and spyglass. To do that press the 'Character Screen' (f2) key and then select the 'Inventory' icon at the top right of the screen. Once you are inside your inventory, you will notice some categories at the bottom of the screen, 'Weapon', 'Medications', 'Items', 'Maps' and 'Quest-items'. To equip your sword click the 'Weapon' icon then look for your sword, then click on the 'equip' icon to equip it or 'release' icon to un-equip it. Do the same for your pistol.",
There are ' marks around 'Weapon', 'Medications', 'Items', 'Maps' and 'Quest-items'. There are similar mistakes on some other lines.

Try this version. I think I've found all the places where " needs to be replaced by '. There may still be mistakes, though. Try it and see what happens.

And don't feel bad about it. You're not the first person to make that mistake! I've already found exactly the same sort of mistake in another Spanish file, and it's not one of yours. When you do this sort of work, there will be mistakes - I know, I've made plenty of my own!


  • Robert Fletcher_dialog.h
    38.7 KB · Views: 111
Indeed, I discovered that the error is the (") between the phrases.

I'm already solving it and doing tests and it's going great. I'm checking everything.

Thank you very much for your kindness and understanding.
In FreePlay in the Celestino Villalobos dialogue, there is this translated line:
"Go to hell, ",
"! On guard!",

It seems that in this first line there is one ,

In the second, after "! There is a space before En Guardia!",

Should we correct this ???
Thanks! :onya I've downloaded that. Next time I play, I'm going to try FreePlay as Hornblower, in Spanish - I won't be able to understand much of it but I know how the quest goes, and at least I'll be able to check if there are any errors which break dialog completely.

But Hornblower is not translated into Spanish.

Fletcher leaves on the deck of the ship at the beginning with Hornblower ?.

My departure is in FreePlay, with the appearance of Gregory Peck, but I personalized my name, my boat and I started in Jamaica. I am an English commander and I have a type 4 frigate; and the initial story tells me something about the Indies and I have full freedom to go hunting for ships.

Anyway, if this translation suits me, I plan to translate Hornblower's story next week.

To test my translation, yesterday I chose a new game with Julian McAllister, because I get Fletcher, but I would like to try another character in which I could test the translation.

The "rogue" option does not appear in the interface, I get "renegade".

I would like you to recommend me a character with his features and country, to test the work of the FreePlay translation
In FreePlay in the Celestino Villalobos dialogue, there is this translated line:
"Go to hell, ",
"! On guard!",

It seems that in this first line there is one ,

In the second, after "! There is a space before En Guardia!",
This is correct. "Celestino Villalobos_dialog.c" adds your character's last name there, so that what you'll see on screen is something like "Go to hell, Hornblower! En Garde!" Or, in Spanish, "Vete al infierno, Hornblower! En Guardia!"

There is, however, another mistake in "Celestino Villalobos_dialog.h":
"Así que ahí estás, ",
"¡Casi pensé que no tendrías el coraje de aparecer!",
Again, "Celestino Villalobos_dialog.c" adds your character's last name between those lines, so that what you see is this:

My guess is that there should be another "!" and a space before the second sentence, so that it looks like this:

Also, you seem to have used an obsolete version of "Bart Reynolds_dialog.h" for your translation. The jailer demands 999 gold from you, then you complain that this only leaves you with 1. This is because the whole duel and prison escape was originally a short storyline and you started with 1000 gold. In FreePlay, you usually start with a lot more. So I've made the jailer take all your gold except 1, then you can rightly complain that this only leaves you with 1. In "Bart Reynolds_dialog.h", "999" should be replaced by "#smoney#". This is a variable which is set by "Bart Reynolds_dialog.c" so that the dialog always shows the right amount.

These were easy enough to fix and the corrected files, plus the fixed "Robert Fletcher_dialog.h", are included in the attached file. Also included is a fixed "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\SPANISH\Hornblower_quest_minors_dialog.h". The version which is currently in the update has the mistake of using " instead of ' for quoted words in the text, so when you talk to any character who uses this file, you get a blank dialog.

But there is one mistake which you'll need to correct because, not being able to speak Spanish, I can't do it:
The reason you're speaking English on that line is in "Shipguard_dialog.h":
"Buenas noches, padres, ¿qué hacéis aquí tan tarde? ¿Veo que habéis traído al padre Gerardo con vosotros?",
"Si, we want to leave the city, it's become too dangerous for us priests. Those escaped pirates, they should be hanged.",
"Si, queremos dejar la ciudad, se ha vuelto demasiado peligroso para nosotros los sacerdotes. Esos piratas fugados, deberían ser ahorcados.",
The original English is:
"Good evening, padres, what are you doing here so late? I see you brought Padre Gerardo with you?",
"Si, we want to leave the city, it's become too dangerous for us priests. Those escaped pirates, they should be hanged.",
"Yes, all the others are trying to get them, but they can't seem to find them. So padres, get on the ship and a safe journey to you all.",
The translation of the second line seems to be on the third line, leaving the second line still in English.

Apart from that, all the files from the Rogue / Gambler start seem to be working. I've played through it, twice, as you meet different characters depending on whether you pay the jailer or wait for your crew to rescue you.


  • PROGRAM.zip
    31.6 KB · Views: 93
I think I already corrected it.

It's OK now?


  • Celestino Villalobos_dialog.h
    806 bytes · Views: 117
But Hornblower is not translated into Spanish.

Fletcher leaves on the deck of the ship at the beginning with Hornblower ?.
Yes, Fletcher is given the name and appearance of a British naval officer, says something to you, then you go straight to Kingston port. This is normal for a start as a naval officer.

The "Hornblower" storyline is not translated, but if you play as Hornblower in FreePlay, you can still trigger his special quest. However...
My departure is in FreePlay, with the appearance of Gregory Peck, but I personalized my name, my boat and I started in Jamaica. I am an English commander and I have a type 4 frigate; and the initial story tells me something about the Indies and I have full freedom to go hunting for ships.
... if you changed your name then you are no longer Hornblower and will not get that quest.

For the FreePlay version of Hornblower's special quest, the following files in "PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\DIALOGS\SPANISH" are used:
Lady Barbara Wellesley_dialog.h
Lt. William Bush_dialog.h
Sir Edward Pellew_freeplay_dialog.h

And those are what I plan to test next. ;)

To test my translation, yesterday I chose a new game with Julian McAllister, because I get Fletcher, but I would like to try another character in which I could test the translation.

The "rogue" option does not appear in the interface, I get "renegade".
Not speaking Spanish, I thought "Renegado" might be Spanish for "Rogue". You can correct it easily enough. Edit "RESOURCE\TEXTS\INI\SPANISH\common.ini". Find this line:
string = Rogue,"Renegado"
Replace "Renegado" with whatever you think is correct.

I would like you to recommend me a character with his features and country, to test the work of the FreePlay translation
Your appearance and country do not matter much. It is the background profession which decides whether you meet Malcolm Hatcher or Robert Fletcher. "Agente", "Tahúr", "Oficial naval", "Rebelde", "Contrabandista", "Maldito" and "Náufrago" should all use Robert Fletcher as they all have special starts. The officer will probably have a different name and face but the game code still calls him Robert Fletcher and he uses "Robert Fletcher_dialog.h". For my test, I chose Charles Ardent for no reason other than he's also the main character in my storyline, then chose "Renegado" to get the special start.

Try Julian McAllister again, or any other character as a "Rebelde". Try playing the full tutorial.
I uploaded the folder yesterday. But today I am reviewing everything and I think I have corrected everything, except the last paragraphs of Fletcher that I will correct them this afternoon.

I will examine your folders, thank you very much for everything
I think I already corrected it.

It's OK now?
No, that still has the same problem:
"Así que ahí estás, ",
"¡Casi pensé que no tendrías el coraje de aparecer!",
It should probably be:
"Así que ahí estás, ",
"! ¡Casi pensé que no tendrías el coraje de aparecer!",
You'll find that version in the folder which I uploaded. As far as I can tell, everything needed for the Tahúr / Renegado start is fine, apart from "Shipguard_dialog.h".
Yes, Fletcher is given the name and appearance of a British naval officer, says something to you, then you go straight to Kingston port. This is normal for a start as a naval officer.

The "Hornblower" storyline is not translated, but if you play as Hornblower in FreePlay, you can still trigger his special quest. However...
... if you changed your name then you are no longer Hornblower and will not get that quest.

For the FreePlay version of Hornblower's special quest, the following files in "PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\DIALOGS\SPANISH" are used:
Lady Barbara Wellesley_dialog.h
Lt. William Bush_dialog.h
Sir Edward Pellew_freeplay_dialog.h

And those are what I plan to test next. ;)

Not speaking Spanish, I thought "Renegado" might be Spanish for "Rogue". You can correct it easily enough. Edit "RESOURCE\TEXTS\INI\SPANISH\common.ini". Find this line:
string = Rogue,"Renegado"
Replace "Renegado" with whatever you think is correct.

Your appearance and country do not matter much. It is the background profession which decides whether you meet Malcolm Hatcher or Robert Fletcher. "Agente", "Tahúr", "Oficial naval", "Rebelde", "Contrabandista", "Maldito" and "Náufrago" should all use Robert Fletcher as they all have special starts. The officer will probably have a different name and face but the game code still calls him Robert Fletcher and he uses "Robert Fletcher_dialog.h". For my test, I chose Charles Ardent for no reason other than he's also the main character in my storyline, then chose "Renegado" to get the special start.

Try Julian McAllister again, or any other character as a "Rebelde". Try playing the full tutorial.

I don't like "rebel" because all the Caribbean is against you
No, that still has the same problem:
"Así que ahí estás, ",
"¡Casi pensé que no tendrías el coraje de aparecer!",
It should probably be:
"Así que ahí estás, ",
"! ¡Casi pensé que no tendrías el coraje de aparecer!",
You'll find that version in the folder which I uploaded. As far as I can tell, everything needed for the Tahúr / Renegado start is fine, apart from "Shipguard_dialog.h".

You do not need to play "Rebel" for very long. Talk to the officer, do the tutorial, check that all the tutorial dialog looks right, and then quit the game. You don't even need to leave the cabin for this test!

The same is true for all the other backgrounds which I listed. They all use different parts of "Robert Fletcher_dialog.h" for their introductions, so you can try each of them to check what the officer says. Once the officer has left or you have been sent ashore, you can quit the game.