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WIP Spanish translation

Thanks, mate!
On behalf of everyone who worked on it, I really appreciate the compliment. :woot
OK, how did you manage to post that into the "New Language" thread after I'd moved the post to which you were replying into the "Spanish Translation" thread? :confused:
OK, how did you manage to post that into the "New Language" thread after I'd moved the post to which you were replying into the "Spanish Translation" thread? :confused:
Probably because I loaded the page where it used to be before you move it...? I suppose...
I have doubts: In the path of my mod: C: \ Games \ Bethesda Softworks \ Pirates of the Caribbean \ PROGRAM \ DIALOGUES, the language folders appear: English, Russian and Spanish. Do you mean that these 3 translations are made for common themes of the game in general? However, in the path: C: \ Games \ Bethesda Softworks \ Pirates of the Caribbean \ PROGRAM \ Storyline: only the English language folder appears in all stories, and Russian and Spanish do not appear. Then I must understand that all these stories are only translated into English ...?; For example, I examined the dialogue files in the history of the "free play" game, and checked that there is only the English language folder. If so, I would start trying to translate the dialogues of the characters of "free play" into Spanish, but please, I need you to confirm these doubts to have a good basis to start the translation. Sorry for so many words, but I would like to help ...
You are correct. Where there is an "ENGLISH" folder but no "SPANISH", that is where none of the text has been translated into Spanish.

If you want to start translating the "FreePlay" dialogs then you should create the folder "PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\DIALOGS\SPANISH", and that is where you will put your translated files. You could start by simply copying all the files from the "ENGLISH" folder into the "SPANISH" folder. Then choose a file and translate it. The most important is probably "Robert Fletcher_dialog.h" as that is the dialog for the officer who talks to you in your cabin when you choose some of the more unusual starting careers, such as smuggler, agent, rogue or gambler.

Thanks for any work you do on the translation!
When I finish a translation, can I avoid creating all those folders, by clicking on the path: "PROGRAM \ Storyline \ FreePlay \ DIALOGS \ and simply past the SPANISH folder under the ENGLISH folder?
No, "SPANISH" needs to be a separate folder. The whole idea is that all translated texts are in a folder specifically for their language. If you put your files into "PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\DIALOGS\ENGLISH" then you'll overwrite the English files, making the game useless for anyone playing in English, which is most of us. If you put them into "PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\DIALOGS\ENGLISH\SPANISH" then the game won't find them.

When you first start the game, it looks through "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS" to see which language folders are there. Provided you're using the latest update, you'll see "ENGLISH", "POLISH", "RUSSIAN" and "SPANISH" in there. The game now knows that those languages have been (at least partly) translated, so if you press F1 -> Options -> Interface Settings -> Languages, you can choose any of those four.

You'll presumably choose Spanish. So now the game will look for all text files in "SPANISH" folders. If it can't find a file in "SPANISH" then it will look in "ENGLISH", which is why you can see FreePlay dialogs in English when you're playing in Spanish. The game can not find any files in "PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\DIALOGS\SPANISH" if the folder does not exist! This also means that you don't have to translate everything at once. Suppose, for example, that you've only translated "Robert Fletcher_dialog.h". You then start a FreePlay game as a Gambler or Rogue, which leads to a short story beginning with a duel with a Spanish nobleman. The officer in your cabin will speak Spanish because he's using your translated "Robert Fletcher_dialog.h". The nobleman looks for "Celestino Villalobos_dialog.h", can't find it in "SPANISH" because you haven't translated it yet, so it uses the version in "ENGLISH", so the Spanish nobleman speaks English.
Gray, forgive me because I don't speak English, and I didn't understand what you said. What I have clear is that I have to create a new SPANISH folder already translated so as not to overwrite the English one. But I'm in trouble, because I still don't know where to put it in the game.

Following your instructions if I understand correctly, what I have to do is: create a PROGRAMS \ history \ free play \ dialogs \ SPANISH folder, then COPY AND Paste all this in the main directory of the game?

Today I will start translating the dialogues of the characters in the story "Free play" into Spanish, and I will create a new SPANISH folder, but I'm afraid to load the game if I don't copy it in the proper path.
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Your English is a lot better than my Spanish. I'm relying on Google:
Gray, forgive me because I don't speak English and I didn't understand what you said. What I have clear is that I have to create a new SPANISH folder already translated so as not to overwrite the English one. But I'm in trouble, because I still don't know where to put it in the game.

Following your instructions if I understand correctly, what I have to do is: create a PROGRAM \ Storyline \ free play \ dialogs \ SPANISH folder, then COPY AND paste all this in the main directory of the game?

Today I will begin to translate the dialogues of the characters in the story "Free Game" into Spanish, and I will create a new folder in SPANISH, but I'm afraid to load the game if I don't copy it in the correct path.
You should indeed create "PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\DIALOGS\SPANISH". Put all your Spanish translations of FreePlay dialogs there. That is where the game will look if you have chosen to play the game in Spanish.

Debería crear "PROGRAM \ Storyline \ FreePlay \ DIALOGS \ SPANISH". Ponga todas sus traducciones al español de los diálogos de FreePlay allí. Ahí es donde se verá el juego si ha elegido jugar el juego en español.
[QUOTE = "Gray Roger, publicación: 576434, miembro: 7679"] Su inglés es mucho mejor que mi español. Estoy confiando en Google:

Debería crear "PROGRAM \ Storyline \ FreePlay \ DIALOGS \ SPANISH". Ponga todas sus traducciones al español de los diálogos de FreePlay allí. Ahí es donde se verá el juego si ha elegido jugar el juego en español.

Debería crear "PROGRAMA \ Storyline \ FreePlay \ DIÁLOGOS \ ESPAÑOL". Ponga todas sus traducciones al español de los diálogos de FreePlay allí. Ahí es donde verá el juego si ha elegido jugar el juego en español. [/ QUOTE]
For a comparison, look at "PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\DIALOGS". In there, you will find folder "ENGLISH". Someone has also created the folder "POLISH" because he has started translating the "standard" storyline into Polish, so that is where he has put his translations.

Now look at "PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\DIALOGS". In there, you will find folder "ENGLISH". Create the folder "SPANISH". That is where your translations will go.
Yes, yes, right, I already examined that and saw it perfectly. So if I make a new SPANISH folder (already translated), all I would have to do is click the game path: "PROGRAM \ Storyline \ FreePlay \ DIALOGS \, where is the one of" ENGLISH ", I think that is where I have to add only the new "SPANISH" folder, so that the "ENGLISH" (without overwriting) folder is left, and the "SPANISH" folder added
Yes, yes, right, I already examined that and saw it perfectly. So if I make a new SPANISH folder (already translated), all I would have to do is click the game path: "PROGRAM \ Storyline \ FreePlay \ DIALOGS \, where is the one of" ENGLISH ", I think that is where I have to add only the new "SPANISH" folder, so that the "ENGLISH" (without overwriting) folder is left, and the "SPANISH" folder added
Yes. Inside "PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\DIALOGS", you should then have both "ENGLISH" and "SPANISH".
I upload these 2 files so that someone of you can examine them and help me if possible, to improve the Spanish translation of "Lady Barbara", because I have nothing clear. By the way, I did a translation test of Fletcher on another pc, and the game perfectly detects the translation when the character is on the deck of the ship


  • Lady Barbara Wellesley_dialog.h
    2.8 KB · Views: 115
  • Lady BarbaraSPANISH Wellesley_dialog.h
    2.8 KB · Views: 99
Unless someone else who speaks Spanish wants to correct it, that Spanish version of "Lady Barbara Wellesley_dialog.h" is going into the next update. If you upload your "Robert Fletcher_dialog.h", that can be included as well.

Now you've done "Lady Barbara Wellesley_dialog.h", you might next want to translate "Sir Edward Pellew_freeplay_dialog.h". I believe you are playing FreePlay as Horatio Hornblower. When you are promoted, you will get a special quest, and these two files are used by that quest. Your own game will provide the perfect way to test those files. :onya
It is raining here a lot and yesterday afternoon I had enough free time. I started to translate and today I only have to translate a good part of Fletcher and all the translation of Pellew.

My intention is to upload the story "FreePlay" all translated