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WIP Spanish translation

How definitive and stable are the post 31 August fixes? Should I install them before starting to update the translation or it would be better to stay in the main release
How definitive and stable are the post 31 August fixes? Should I install them before starting to update the translation or it would be better to stay in the main release
@Grey Roger could confirm for sure, but as far as I understand, that archive is very stable and I would definitely recommend including them in your translation.
Especially this one would probably be very relevant for you: "Many dialogs changed to react correctly to female player characters - @DeathDaisy 21/9/17"
Good enough for me.

And, as an apetizer of things to come (hopefully), I'll upload my revised Spanish character names.


  • Characters_names.c
    99.2 KB · Views: 777
It should be as stable as the main release.

Some more dialogs are going to change when the next set of fixes is released, partly to finish off @DeathDaisy's work for female characters in general, and partly because I've been playing with the "Tales of a Sea Hawk" storyline to change Danielle Greene into Nathaniel Hawk when you play as a female character. That means a few dialogs in the main "PROGRAM\DIALOGS" folder will need to be translated again, but mainly it means you may want to wait before doing anything to "PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\DIALOGS".
Good enough for me.

And, as an apetizer of things to come (hopefully), I'll upload my revised Spanish character names.
You've left out "de Alencar"! That's not going to make the governor of San Juan very happy. ;) And I know it's a valid name because a quick Internet search turns up some real people with that name.
In 3D Sailing Mode, you mean?
Stock game model, I think.
I think he means the scene being all messy when you walk on deck in those small-ish ships. But the answer is the same: Stock game model originally used for boarding sections.

You've left out "de Alencar"! That's not going to make the governor of San Juan very happy. ;) And I know it's a valid name because a quick Internet search turns up some real people with that name.
Not all of the names I've removed were incorrect, some were just very rare, or had to go to make room for some certain names that I wanted to get in (as kind of easter eggs, there are names of several famous Spanish seafarers), as I wanted to keep the same number of entries. Don't know exactly why I removed de Alencar but here it is restored.


  • Characters_names.c
    99.3 KB · Views: 300
I've already restored de Alencar along with a few more. It seems the game is not concerned if the number of entries is the same; I didn't need to take out any of your new names to make way for the restored old ones, and the game still worked. Meanwhile, those Spanish names which I'd used from the original list in my "Ardent" storyline, which aren't in the new list, and which didn't pass the Internet search test, have been replaced with names from your new list. For example, prison commandant Argibaio Galindez will henceforth be Atanagildo Galíndez.
It seems the game is not concerned if the number of entries is the same
I think that's indeed true, but it does surprise me.
The code looks like a function with inputs, but usually the number of inputs needs to be always the same for the same function.
So I haven't a clue how they managed to make it so flexible here. o_O
The name arrays are all defined in "globals.c", initially at size 2:
string    sSpManNames[2], sSpWomenNames[2], sSpFamilies[2];
Presumably somewhere the arrays are expanded to fit the lists.
I've found this new string in common.ini

string = Barkentine,"Barquentine"

But I can't find any ship called barquentine in the game or any mention to either barkentine or barquentine in ships.init or anywhere else, only in pictures.ini where a comment says that it shares a picture with BarqueHeavy "for now". Is it an unfinished ship not yet added to the game or something?
I tried to import a barquentine from a different game, specifically the "Gentlemen of Fortune" mod for "City of Abandoned Ships". There's a snag, though. The ship model is messed up so that lighting is wrong. If the port side is facing the sun, it's the starboard side which is brightly lit and the port side which is in darkened shadow. So I took it back out again. I have an idea for a different barquentine, so I've left some of the supporting work in place. There's going to be a barquentine in the game at some point, whether someone fixes the CoAS model or whether I knock up my own based on one of PoTC's barque models with a different sail plan...
I was updating the PROGRAM files with the changes I made to them for the translation, and an error popped up when trying to start the game to test.
COMPILE ERROR - file: dialog_func.c; line: 2695
Duplicate variable name: i
The line reads
    for(int i=0; i<GetAttributesNum(cLoctr); i++)
I 've done a couple of things in dialog_func.c but I didn't touch that line.

What have I broken now?
Did you add an 'int i' definition somewhere else?
Or otherwise perhaps missed a bracket?
On the bright side, it looks like whatever it was, it was indeed in dialog_func. After reverting the changes the game works again, so I only have to check that file
Still don't know what it was but it's fixed

Also, the weekday wasn't displaying on the date in Spanish, so I tried removing the XI_ConvertString that I had added in the first place to the weekdays in calendar.c. It fixed it, so I guess there's another function somewhere in the new version that relays those instances to common.ini to be translated and it didn't like the redundance. The months still use the XI_ConvertString though. Odd.
All things considered, the merging is going more smoothly than I had feared it would, but there's still some issues here and there.

Remember this switch I made to change the word order for the morale logs in DailyCrewUpdate.c?
if (morale <= 10) KAM_Mutiny(); //MAXIMUS: new "Mutiny"
                switch (LanguageGetLanguage()) {
                case "Spanish":
                    if(LogsToggle > LOG_QUIET) Log_SetStringToLog(TranslateString("","The crew now has") + " " + XI_ConvertString("morale") + " " + XI_ConvertString(GetMoraleName(morale)) + " (" + makeint(morale) + ").");
                    // default:
        if(LogsToggle > LOG_QUIET) Log_SetStringToLog(TranslateString("","The crew now has") + " " + XI_ConvertString(GetMoraleName(morale)) + " " + XI_ConvertString("morale") + " (" + makeint(morale) + ").");

At the time it worked, but when I added it to the new file, the game doesn't start and this error happens
COMPILE ERROR - file: locations\locations_loader.c; line: 11
Invalid array (locShips) size
The line mentioned seems to be related to the maximum number of ships allowed in one location. How does that relate to a language switch for the morale logs beats me.
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Is there a } after the section of code you posted?
It looks like it needs one, but I seem to have missed it.