Sadly, it doesn't work. Oh well, it's not a big deal
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Storyline dialogs maybe? That's the part I haven't started with yet, so there's no danger that we would end up translating the same thing twice.
Or if you prefer to take your pick in the rest of the dialogs, here is my latest upload, so you know what's translated and what isn't. It's from March but it's pretty much up to date in the dialog part, I've been focusing on the storyline texts since then.
Ask @Homo eructus; I haven't seen his files yet.@Pieter Boelen , How can I try to see if the translations worked on the game? Just with replacing the old text archive with the spanish one?
If you just copy the files I linked into your PotC directory, it should be all set up to work, you can select Spanish as the game language in the options (just don't switch languages mid-game, it gets weird) and translate the files in the SPANISH folders.@Pieter Boelen , How can I try to see if the translations worked on the game? Just with replacing the old text archive with the spanish one?
Also, some of them, although with correct spelling, were obviously taken from lists of modern ship names and bear the names of historical characters who weren't even born in the time-frame of the mod or who, even if they are contemporary to any of the periods of the mod, would never have a a ship named after them at the time. I know is very nitpicky on my part, and I like some of them as easter eggs, but I wouldn't mind changing some of them for more accurate names, if that's ok.If I wanted to do some spell-checking on the random Spanish ship names, it would be just changing them in ship_name.c, right?
Yep.If I wanted to do some spell-checking on the random Spanish ship names, it would be just changing them in ship_name.c, right?
The Pearl should use preprocessor "cursed_ship", but for the others you can count on multiple instances.What about translatingthe names of some special ships, particularly the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman? Their names were translated in the Spanish version of the films, so most Spanish speakers would know them by their Spanish names. There are so many functions that deal with those ships that I don't know if there's just one that I should change for the names to be translated, or if I'll have to chase after multiple instances of the names.
if (PreprocessText("#scursed_ship#") == "Black Pearl")
GiveShip2Character(pchar,"BlackPearl", PreprocessText("#scursed_ship#"),-1,PIRATE,TRUE,TRUE);
pchar.EmblemedSails.normalTex = "Ships\Sails\sail_Petros_black_red.tga"; // PB
pchar.EmblemedSails.nationFileName = "Ships\Sails\sail_Petros_black_red.tga"; // PB
SetFormatedText("NATIONALDESIGN", XI_ConvertString("2"+Nations[tempnation].desc) + " " + XI_ConvertString("design"));
SetFormatedText("NATIONALDESIGN", "Made in Singapore"); // PB: Was XI_ConvertString("Individual design")
string = 2English,"English"
string = 2French,"French"
string = 2Spanish,"Spanish"
string = 2Pirates,"Pirates"
string = 2Pirate,"Pirate"
string = 2Dutch,"Dutch"
string = 2Portuguese,"Portuguese"
string = 2British,"British"
string = 2American,"American"
Oh, I see the problem. For some reason, in my Spanish version of the file I had the nations mixed up wirth the nationalities, as in 2England instead of 2English. I have no clue how that happened, maybe I messed up copying and pasting somewhere (againDo you have the equivalent of these in the Spanish version of "common.ini"?Note the prefix "2" on each label. There are several blocks in that part of "common.ini", with different number prefixes. The "2" set are the ones which "shipyard.c" and "ship.c" are looking for.Code:string = 2English,"English" string = 2French,"French" string = 2Spanish,"Spanish" string = 2Pirates,"Pirates" string = 2Pirate,"Pirate" string = 2Dutch,"Dutch" string = 2Portuguese,"Portuguese" string = 2British,"British" string = 2American,"American"
Yeah, that was my idea, but I'm not sure if it was left like that for a reason so I wanted to ask first.As for "Individual design", it does seem to make sense to put back 'XI_ConvertString("Individual design")' and then change "common.ini" to translate it to "Made in Singapore". Either that, or put an entry into "common.ini" for "Made in Singapore", then use 'XI_ConvertString("Made in Singapore")'.
While testing, I saw it in a couple of caravels being sold in the Havana shipyard (I had Shipyard Ship Availability set to "Stock PotC")"Made in Singapore" was mainly just a joke of mine.
I think it's virtually never used, except perhaps for some quest ships.
Odd; I don't think it should be doing that.While testing, I saw it in a couple of caravels being sold in the Havana shipyard (I had Shipyard Ship Availability set to "Stock PotC")
SetNodeUsing("NATION", true); // PB
if (tempnation >= 0 && tempnation < NATIONS_QUANTITY) {
SetNewPicture("NATION", "interfaces\flags\Crest_" + GetNationFlagImage(tempnation) + ".tga");
SetFormatedText("NATIONALDESIGN", XI_ConvertString("2"+Nations[tempnation].desc) + " " + XI_ConvertString("design"));
if (LanguageGetLanguage() == "Spanish")
return SetFormatedText("NATIONALDESIGN", XI_ConvertString("design") + " " + XI_ConvertString("2"+Nations[tempnation].desc));
if(tempnation == PERSONAL_NATION)
SetNewPicture("NATION", "interfaces\flags\Crest_" + GetNationFlagImage(tempnation) + ".tga");
SetFormatedText("NATIONALDESIGN", XI_ConvertString("Personal") + " " + XI_ConvertString("design"));