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WIP Spanish translation

Thanks! :cheers that is the key.
If you have any suggestions on how to improve the wording of the error message to make it more clear, I'm all ears.
I wrote it in the hope that it would be self-explanatory, but it seems it still isn't.... :oops:

And don't worry; you're definitely not the first nor only person to have questions about it.
I just wished I knew how to improve it! :wp
Need help! I am translating a storyline named GoldBug and I have got problems because I don't kind of weapon is a Percussion Lock Pistol.

This is the evidece:

The ammunition to this new Percussion Lock Pistol was a little tricky but now I'm ready to join my friend William outside town.

Please give me a photo or a link with information about this weapon because don't know how I can translate it to spanish.

Doing a literal translation sound strange.
Pistola de percusión would be correct.
Llave de percusión - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

I can't remember if I translated the characters_names file for that storyline but if you found it already translated, then apparently I did. Every storyline has its own file for the names of the characters exclusive to that particular story. Those that aren't already should be translated if there are words in there beside the actual names, like ranks or surnames.

The gold-bug storyline is perhaps one of the hardest to translate. Many puzzles that need precise wording and probably some fragments of Poe's original writing, which has a fairly thick and complex style (It's easy enough to find The Gold-bug short story online, in both English and Spanish if you need to compare something and translate any textual fragments).
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I can't remember if I translated the characters_names file for that storyline but if you found it already translated, then apparently I did. Every storyline has its own file for the names of the characters exclusive to that particular story. Those that aren't already should be translated if there are words in there beside the actual names, like ranks or surnames.
Surnames should not be translated - a person's name is the same in any language. The main exception is where the name is itself already a translation. So, for my "Ardent" storyline, "character_names.txt" contains all the names of Indians, but not the names of other characters - "Charles Ardent" should be the same in any language, but "Two Dogs" would be translated.

Ranks should already be in "common.ini" unless they're obscure ranks or possibly army ranks (and on that note, some time I shall probably need to add army ranks to the "character_names.txt" file for "Hornblower").
...Every storyline has its own file for the names of the characters exclusive to that particular story. Those that aren't already should be translated if there are words in there beside the actual names, like ranks or surnames. ...

You aren't right and for this I am asking, nevertheless I am very plese you to give those advices

In short, don't I need create this file if don't exist?
Probably not. If it doesn't exist, you can check for yourself if any names need to be translated. Either search the files in the storyline's "characters" folder and look for names, or play the storyline to see if anyone appears with a name which needs to be translated.
Surnames should not be translated - a person's name is the same in any language. The main exception is where the name is itself already a translation. So, for my "Ardent" storyline, "character_names.txt" contains all the names of Indians, but not the names of other characters - "Charles Ardent" should be the same in any language, but "Two Dogs" would be translated.
Sorry, I meant to say nicknames not surnames.

About the ranks, if the rank is part of the name assigned to the character and not related to the rank mechanic, I don't think it falls under the instances covered by comons.ini which are for the ranks as a separate function (it could be arranged so it covers the names but I don't think any character name as such has the code to relay it to commons.ini and I don't think it's worth it to do it if you can just change it on the characters_names file)
I'm getting slowly back at this after a long hiatus, and I've found a couple of errors in alice citizen_dialog.h, while testing an entirely different thing. The codes for the name of the island and the town don't work, leaving a blank space in the dialog where the name should be. I thought I broke something again, but it's the same in the English version, so I guess it's a general bug. See:

The codes as they appear in the dialog file are #sAlice Town# for the town and #sisland_Elethera# for the island, which made me suspicious, as they don't seem to be correct. Didn't take me long to guess the Eleuthera one was just missing the "u", but what's the correct code for Alice Town? I tried #sAlice_Town# and a few other I can think of, but none works, and I can't find the right code looking through the files.

Now, as I'm working still with the ancient 28th july 2016 version, this may have been fixed by now, but just in case.


  • Sin título.jpg
    Sin título.jpg
    66.7 KB · Views: 148
Thanks for reporting that. I've now corrected the file and it will go into the next update archive. Here's the updated version.

Placeholders like that are defined in "PROGRAM\utils.c" in function 'Preprocessor_Init()'.


  • Alice citizen_dialog.h
    6.5 KB · Views: 100
Translating The Gold-Bug is gonna be a pain. I think I'll let the cipher in English and just add the translation of the revealed text in the mission book, because otherwise I would have to redo the entire cipher.
Translating The Gold-Bug is gonna be a pain.
I can imagine! That's proper English literature, that is. :shock

I think I'll let the cipher in English and just add the translation of the revealed text in the mission book, because otherwise I would have to redo the entire cipher.
@Jack Rackham, is there anything you could possible do to help with that?
I'm just asking because I honestly don't know....
There's no need. It could be done, it's just a pain and not worth it. Looking at the translated versions of the story itself, it looks like they had my same idea. All the fiddling with the cipher is left in the original English and they just translate the end result. If it was good enough for publishers, it is good enough for me.

Besides, the cipher being in English is a plot-point, clearly explained in the story, so it's really the best option.
The pun upon the word 'Kidd' is appreciable in no other language than the English. But for this consideration I should have begun my attempts with the Spanish and French, as the tongues in which a secret of this kind would most naturally have been written by a pirate of the Spanish main. As it was, I assumed the cryptograph to be English.
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Does the "\n" code for a line break work in the Questbook? I suppose it should but I don't think I've seen it used. I'd like to put the translated cipher in the same entry as the English text but in a different line, so it's not one big block of cluttered text.
Does the "\n" code for a line break work in the Questbook?
I honestly don't know. Sometimes "\n" works and sometimes it doesn't. I only remember it in dialogs, where it really is a "maybe yes. maybe no" situation.
My recommendation: Test it to be sure.