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JRH quest

Do you mean this ----->>>> http://forum.piratesahoy.net/index.php?app=tracker&showissue=418&view=findpost&p=2613

I think it is the same problem - so possibly the same fix - but I am not sure.
I'm afraid that's not going to work. The character model you show on the screenshot is not Blazie and the fix I did there would only work for Blazie. :(
Jack Rackham, can you please have a look at this file? http://www.pyratesah...WoodesRogers.7z
I see a few changed shipnames but can't find the sailaway line? :huh
No I don't mind a red hull but don't remove sloop3 completely from the game. I think she is a beauty and a very
typical pirate ship.

What about the loanshark screen, when is it missing?

Oh yes, which more files (in the WoodesRogers pack) than TempQuest & quest_reaction have you made any changes in Pieter?
The sailaway line is in StartStoryline.c .

The FR_Sloop now uses the Sloop3 model with a red hull, so the model is still there. But as part of the clean-up, I removed the sloop3 itself.
So basically we replaced the green sloop3 (AoP model) and the red FR_Sloop (PotC model) with one ref FR_Sloop (AoP model).
I hope that works. :doff

For the loanshark loading screen, I think I found why it goes missing. There's this line in quests_reaction.c:
Locations[FindLocation("Redmond_UsurerHouse")].image = "room.tga";
However, many months ago I renamed every single loading screen in the game to match with the model folder names.
As such, the one used by the loanshark is "Inside_StoreSmall.tga" and the old room.tga is no longer in the game.
Edit: I found a couple more than still used old filenames, but have changed them all. So you don't have to do anything. :doff

I can't remember what other file I made changes to, but I think it was only StartStoryline.c, TempQuest.c and quests_reaction.c .
Did some more changes today to swap all instances of sloop3 with FR_Sloop as per above.
Thanks for fixing the screen bugs Pieter. :onya

Yes the sailaway looks good :sail but I have to check all cases (when the boat should disappear, check the sailaway is not repeated etc etc)

Now to that female mummy - I'll see if I have some spare mummies somewhere 328_skull:
or skip that one.
To be sure the sailaway doesn't repeat, just do a DeleteAttribute at some point after the sailaway and then it won't happen again.
At the moment I didn't do that yet, because I wasn't sure if that character's ship is reused at all at some point.
But it can't hurt to put a safeguard in there just in case.
I have decided to skip the boat. It was sort of left behind when the sloop sailed.
The sloop is removed when the tree is pushed the first time (to avoid a sailaway repeat), but could of course be out of sight earlier.
Pyle's shouting is changed after different delays: dont leave me to rot - help - scream. :shock:

Tomorrow I'll go for the bugs you found, if I bother to carry my heavy computer with me in the snow... :nk
Sounds great, Jack Rackham! As for the boat that's left behind, I originally figured that was the boat I rowed ashore with me on my own, which is why I thought it odd that you used the one with crewmembers in it.
Of course that doesn't actually make much sense, since you wouldn't need the tree trunk then. Unless you add in some dialog indicating that they deliberately gave you a leaking boat to row ashore in.
It might have been near sinking when you arrived at the island and wouldn't get you to the next island, which would force you to use the tree trunk instead and would also explain why the boat is left behind.
What do you say? :wp
Sure, anything is possible...A leaking boat should have been an empty one.
Now the loading screen shows Pyle rowed ashore by some crew men
so let's say they just have left.
I think the sailaway sloop is worth more than the visible old boat. :onya
Another thought might be to have the boat with crew there, then have it removed and the sailaway line added and then if the player returns to look at it, they'll be leaving.

Anyway, I agree you shouldn't worry about it too much. Anything is fine. And I do like the sailaway. :cheeky
We didn't code in that possibility for nothing! In the Jack Sparrow storyline, we've used it for the HMS Interceptor approaching the HMS Dauntless too.
Since it's possible to make a ship START sailing on command, I wonder if it's also possible to STOP it from doing so.
What definitely IS possible is to have the ship set sail without requiring a location reload, which would allow you to do it with a set delay.
Managed to play the Collection Box and get back out to the shore from Vane's hideout all OK :onya

But I am getting CTD's when I try and raise the Pirate Flag at the top of the wooden tower :sad
- when I try and go up to the Flagpole then CTD. ( Once I managed to raise the Flag & see the ship fire the cannon before the CTD happened.)

Attached logs are from seeing Phineas Bunce in the boat & going down tower to wake him up - to CTD at top of wooden tower as I attempt to go to Flagpole.

Another thought might be to have the boat with crew there, then have it removed and the sailaway line added and then if the player returns to look at it, they'll be leaving.
Indeed this would be the best. :yes
What definitely IS possible is to have the ship set sail without requiring a location reload
I tried that (with Charles Vane's ship) but couldn't make it work. :twisted:

maybe a new attempt another day... :sail
But I am getting CTD's when I try and raise the Pirate Flag at the top of the wooden tower
The truth is I get them too sometimes. :( This a very weak point. If you play the climbing to
the top and raising the flag very very slow it can help. Sometimes I can go there after
reloading a (crashed) save game.

I have reworked this whole part because of the frequent crashes. What remains is a minimum of
wood tower top/flag raising. It would be too bad if I had to cut it out. :cry Pyle has been off pist many times before
without CTD:s so I really don't know why this is such a problem for the game. :huh
I have tried to skip all ships but it made no difference.
The CTD:s didnt happen at all in Build13.
It's clearly another flag-related CTD:
procGetRiggingData: n=-3, chr.id=pir_cap21, ship.type=Tartane3, nation=3, ShipFlagsQuantity=4, bShipWithoutPennants=0
CurrentFlag=4, ShipFlagsQuantity=4, FlagType=E
LandInterface DoSetFlags: 21
LandInterface DoSetFlags: 22
LandInterface DoSetFlags: 23
LandInterface DoSetFlags: 24
ERROR: unidentified condition type()
I have not managed to get this far into the story and will not do so for quite some time to come. Can you give me any more information on the situation?
Is there a jump-start that will put me right into it? I'd like to see what's going on and hopefully then we can figure out what's causing the flags to mess up. :modding
Is there a jump-start that will put me right into it? I'd like to see what's going on and hopefully then we can figure out what's causing the flags to mess up. :modding


In the Program \ Storyline \ WoodesRogers \

In the Startstoryline file there are jumpstarts.

You want to use no.16 which will put you at the beginning of the section - ( on the beach just after completing the Collection / coin box )

The CTD is right at the end of the section - just before you start the Revenge bit. - so you will have to play through the section.

From Walkthrough :-

Play through George Lowther - Thomas Cocklyn - Francis Spriggs - Christopher Winter - Phineas Bunce - CTD is halfway through John Gow

But I am getting CTD's when I try and raise the Pirate Flag at the top of the wooden tower :sad

Windows just keeps reporting errors in geometry.dll

Tried it on another machine with more memory & graphics memory ( both x2 ) - did not make any difference.

When loading a game the upper left icon is not always visible. If you walk near a character all will be ok after that.
That's why Herrick is placed in the water in this jump start "16". I think this problem only occurs with box icons
that I have manipulated.
But I am getting CTD's when I try and raise the Pirate Flag at the top of the wooden tower :sad

Here is another set of logs - just in case there is anything new in them - CTD occured just as I raised the Pirate flag on the Wooden Tower Flagpole :facepalm

Strange; there's some of those "ERROR: unidentified condition type()" lines BEFORE the CTD, then some other stuff, and then some of those again.