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JRH quest

What is your ammo status just before the shop fight? Hopefully the problem is there. :huh

Ammo Status:-

After talking to Defoe before meeting Caroline in shipyard - Before Shipyard Attack ------- Powder = 8 Balls= 8 --------- I have 6 balls above my icon ( all showing loaded )
After Shipyard Attack ( when I have Plank) ------- Powder = 5 Balls = 5 ------ I have 5 loaded balls above my icon (plus 1 ball showing empty)
After Talking to Grandma (before shop attack) -------- Powder 5 = Balls = 5 --------- In Shop-Office Before Grandma talks I have 5 loaded balls above my icon. ( plus 1 ball showing empty ). After Grandma talks I have 6. ( all showing loaded )


Could part of the problem be that very early in the Story I managed to loot a random chest :eek:ops2 - not one assigned by the story & got a good sword - plus some other things (which I sold ) -- before I realised not to do that & that the Story would give me everything I needed when I needed it .
- I may have used that Sword to kill some of the attackers at the farm so I did not need to shoot them all - which is what is assumed in the Story - this means I am carrying more Powder & Shot than I should have according to the Story.
Yes, the problem is that you have ammo at all when meeting Grandma.

The idea was that you could possibly have 12 shots at most when starting from ships the "Long run to Vane's".
6 are used in the port attack, 6 in the shipyard.

I have thought about it and I have to make 3 fixes: :hmm
1) The newly reinserted powderbarrel/ammobag (not the visible one) allow too many shots for this situation.
They will be skipped in Woodes Rogers quest.
2) An extra check before Grandma dialog: If any ammo left - remove it.

So Talisman, for now if you could fix somehow that you are without ammo when meeting Grandma
I think the trowing pistols may work. :2guns In Defoe's cabin for example: keep 6 shots for the shipyard
attack. (and use all 6 there)

How can I prevent anyone from getting a good blade on his own? :|
3) Maybe the quartermaster on the prize ships can take it from you... :d:

It would also be very good if you could throw away that fine blade already on the prize ships. :cry
I just noticed face_489 is only in the 64 portrait folder, but not the others. Is that intentional?
Edit: Seems there is a LOT more files in the 64 folder than the others, going all the way up to face_537.
I ran into this because Bartolomeu is also adding two character models, so there's a conflict with face numbering. :facepalm
I just noticed face_489 is only in the 64 portrait folder, but not the others. Is that intentional?
Yes it is. For many of my new characters it's enough with the 64 portrait. :yes
Maybe it's easier to change Bartolomeus 2 face numbers than mine?
I have remembered where I picked up the Sword ( Av. German Rapier - 15/26 damage - 38%pierce - 20%block ). It was after Woodes Rogers asked me to sail to Nevis & rescue Caroline K - it was lying on the right of the Port Royale Town Hall Door at the drop locator there.

I will go back to the Farm attack - use the pistols only (and drop the Sword on one of the corpses :cry - I will miss it) & play on from there.

Also I remember that I managed to loot the chests in the Nevis Brothel room ( lost most of the items in the later explosion - but I think the medicines remained ) -- >>

When Brothel mistress arrives talk to her and select one of the girls ( not Caroline K - chests are not lootable if you go to room with Caroline) go to Brothel room & chests in the room are Lootable . Then go back into Brothel & Brothel mistress appears and you can select Caroline from the dialog and quest continues OK.

If I remember I think I might have also looted the chests on my ship before settilng sail from Nevis & on Arriving at Port Royale with Caroline ( this was just the way I play the game since as a routine I normally always check the ships chests when arriving at or Leaving a Port / Shore.
I need some code help to remove all Pchar blades at one moment, but have no idea of how to do it in C++.

Some ideas:
For ex using CCC:s FindLockerItemByGroup(ref chref, string groupID), but how then delete etc

or just DeleteAttribute(Pchar,"Items."+BLADE_ITEM_TYPE); no it's never that easy :modding

or maybe use Hassubstr "blade" but how?
Ouch; that sounds complicated! I'd imagine you'd need some sort of loop going through all items in the player's inventory and removing every one that is a blade.
Not at all sure how to make that work properly though. Might be easier to remove ALL the player's items and give back only those items you want the player to have.
Maybe DeleteAttribute(pchar, "items"); would work for that?
I made some progress after all: :)

for(int j = 1; j < 100; j++)
TakeNItems(PChar, "blade"+j+"-2", -100); TakeNItems(PChar, "blade"+j+"-1", -100); TakeNItems(PChar, "blade"+j, -100);
TakeNItems(PChar, "blade"+j+"+1", -100); TakeNItems(PChar, "blade"+j+"+2", -100); TakeNItems(PChar, "blade"+j+"+3", -100);
maybe it can be compressed more & it doesn't cover the blades with other names.
Yes, the problem is that you have ammo at all when meeting Grandma.

So Talisman, for now if you could fix somehow that you are without ammo when meeting Grandma
I think the trowing pistols may work. :2guns

It would also be very good if you could throw away that fine blade already on the prize ships. :cry

I have played through from the Farm Attack again - ( got rid of the German Rapier :( )

By the end of the Shipyard Fight I had - No Powder - No Balls - 6 empty balls above icon - before meeting Grandma in Shop Office

After meeting Grandma in Shop Office - No Powder - No Balls - 5 empty balls above icon.

In Shop Fight I could throw 5 pistols. :dance

New problem:

After shop fight if you accidentally talk to Grandma while looting the corpses ( before the correct Auto -triggered dialog ) then she will tell you to see Stretton about opening the Medicine Chest - Medicine Chest quest book header will appear and entry to see Stretton about opening chest will be added.

Dave Edna is Ok if you accidentally talk to him.

Also if the correct Auto -triggered dialog with Grandma / Dave is triggered before you have looted all the corpses you can still loot the remaining corpses after the dialog is complete & Dave has removed the cutlasses from your inventory - so you can still have some cutlasses on you ( looted from corpses after the dialog ) when you leave the shop to follow Caroline ( not sure if you are supposed to have these or not).

Jack Rackham, can you please have a look at this file? http://www.pyratesahoy.com/build/b14_b2_wip/WoodesRogers.7z
It contains all my ship replacements for your approval, as well as the "sailaway" line for the beginning of the story.
There's a good chance we'll be removing Sloop3 from the game too, so do you have any thoughts on what boat to use for the storyline start ship by any chance?
We'd add a red FR_Sloop version of Sloop3 instead though, so we can put that one in place if you don't object to a red hull. :doff
Jack Rackham

Just out of interest - what level do you expect the player to have reached by the time they get to the Shipyard / Store Fights (I know the quest is not RPG - just wondering how tough you expect the player to be).

With the Auto Skill System on:-

My current Stats are:-

Level 8 (just)
121 HP


Leadership 4
Melee 5
Accuracy 3
Luck 3

All the rest are 1 or 2


Basic Defence
Advanced Defence
Improved Critical Hit
Professional Fencer
Professional Gunman
Master Gun Fighter
Iron Will

Mummies in the Catacombs:-

The model for the female mummy at the end of the catacombs goes weird when she draws her sword ( see images ) - all the others are OK.



  • PotC_WR_FemaleMummy1.JPG
    83.3 KB · Views: 85
  • PotC_WR_FemaleMummy2.JPG
    73.6 KB · Views: 89
After getting through the Catacombs - enter the temple.

Da Foe is still sitting on the bed in the sleeping area - ( perhaps he is hiding from Claire Voyant :cheeky )

The walkthrough says the Temple steps are locked & to open them by turning the Mandala Wheel. :no -- The Temple Steps are open :yes is this correct or should it be as per the walkthrough.

I'm probably wrong, but other female models have had that problem. Try using the model from the merchant at Tortuga. I forget her name.
That model is an animation thing; maybe it would work with the woman_new animation?
Mummies in the Catacombs:-

The model for the female mummy at the end of the catacombs goes weird when she draws her sword ( see images ) - all the others are OK.

I'm probably wrong, but other female models have had that problem. Try using the model from the merchant at Tortuga. I forget her name.

Do you mean this ----->>>> http://forum.piratesahoy.net/index.php?app=tracker&showissue=418&view=findpost&p=2613

I think it is the same problem - so possibly the same fix - but I am not sure.

I have made a fix to secure you have no blade when the port attack starts.
Also that you're out of ammo before the shop attack. And skipped powderbarrel/ammobag(not mine) in THIS quest. :2guns

I'll check all this new feedback late this evening - have to be in school all day. :c