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JRH quest

Talisman, sorry for the bad programming. I have to test again & again until i find what's wrong
It's only when we go direct from Cook to Rogers in the library all is ok :modding

The gunpowder storage: try open it by the (timed) steplock & jump over the counter like
the very first time.

I come back when I found something.
Talisman, sorry for the bad programming. I have to test again & again until i find what's wrong

That's no problem the amount of work you have put in is tremendous - I had a quick look at the quest_reactions.c and was amazed :bow

It's only when we go direct from Cook to Rogers in the library all is ok :modding

Yes - :yes

The gunpowder storage: try open it by the (timed) steplock & jump over the counter like
the very first time.

I should have thought of that :eek:ops -- Tried it --- it works. :onya

Onward I go

Talisman, I followed your route and got an ok dialog with Rogers in the Library! :wacko:
But on the other hand I found 4 bugs myself. Minor & major. :ng
I'll work with this tomorrow as I am free on Fridays. :nk
I have finished The Medicine Chest without any more problems :dance

Have now started The Last Reward - about to start the Alchemy Tutorial - no problems so far.

Two Small Things:-

1) The quest book headers - Woodes Rogers Reward & Woodes Rogers Second Reward are still in my quest book - ( both closed - faded & green tick ) -- all the other closed quest book headers have disappeared.

2) In the Storehouse / Military Office in the dockyard-- there is a sword lying on the desk that has no texture ( only noticable missing texture I have seen so far in the story ) -- see image. The texture is probably one of the ones in the attached System file ( I used a save in the office to get this. )



  • PotC_WR_Sword.JPG
    74.3 KB · Views: 86
Talisman, I have uploaded a bugfix pack with all fixes so far, on the ftp under Jack Rackham.

The 2 q-book "rewards" are now deleted and YES it was a texture file missing for that blade. :onya

Medicine Chest part: I have fixed apothecary, Dover and Rogers bad dialog behaviour.

Unfortuneately I have NOT got any empty or wrong dialog from Rogers in the library. :(
One time I didn't get the collection from Cook!

There is a quest check reporting every 10 seconds the status of "wr_quest1" and "med_Cook".

"wr_quest1" = "medicine_chest" just before you talk to Rogers in the library.
"med_Cook" = "collection" just before you want to pick up the collection from Cook.

When you start getting crazy open quest_reaction and // line 17 772. :modding
I'm renaming all your added ship types to start with "obj_" to group them all together. Then I can also use this to check if they should appear at Vanderdecken like this:
if(sti(rShip.CanBuy) == true || sti(rShip.CanEncounter) == true || HasSubStr(rShip.id, "obj_")) { continue; }
I'm renaming all your added ship types to start with "obj_" to group them all together.
Ok, if you think that is what's needed, but then you have to change in TempQuestChar + all the folders too. :modding
I made the change in TempQuest.c already; is tha the only place where they are references?
I made similar changes to a LOT of other ships, trying to get the ship models folder to make more sense.
It'll probably be a pain now to get this incorporated for all players and modders, but once it is done, it should hopefully make things easier on us.
Ok, thanks for confirming. I've searched in the other files, but could find no reference there, so indeed I think that's it.
Talisman, I have uploaded a bugfix pack with all fixes so far, on the ftp under Jack Rackham.

I am going to try and complete the quest first ( since I am so close now to the end now ) - then I'll install the bug fixes and go back and look at things.

I have just completed the Last Reward section with no problems :2up - I only got blown up once :boom and gassed twice :eww with the Alchemy. :))

Being flushed down a toilet was also a new experience. :rofl

Now starting the Long Run to Vane's Hideout

From what I can tell of JRH's fixes, they should not require a new game, though some of them might now work if the attribute-adding code is executed prior in the story. Still, can't hurt to install it and maybe it'll help.
In Long Run to Vane's Hideout - I can not get the Shop attack to happen :ixi

I get out of the Shipyard over the roof - Grandma talks to me in Shop office ( tells me to throw pistols ) - then I can walk safely through the shop to the Loanshark. No one attacks me :dance

No error log generated - just system & compile as attached.


Found problem -- in Loansharks - I went up stairs to Rogers Shop exit - into shop - Crew spawned & Attacked me.

So I went & played exit from Shipyard again - Grandma talks to me -- entered shop - walked over to where exit from shop to loanshark is -- Crew Attack triggered.

Crew attack triggered at locator for exit between Shop & Loanshark's office

-- What I was originally doing was walking down the stairs from shop office then going out through the Shop Entre ( Where Dave Edna is ) & entering the loanshark from the town - I was therefore not hitting the trigger for the attack.

Perhaps the trigger for the attack should be moved to nearer bottom of the stairs to the shop office - or the exit from Shop to Shop Entre locked - so that you have to exit shop through Loanshark.

PS - In shipyard the exit back down the stairs is still open after you are attacked & Caroline K leaves.

I'm happy to hear that the Last reward part went well, Talisman.

About the shop attack: Maybe the door from the shop to the shop entre´ (stairs) is the problem!
It should be locked so the only way out is via Loanshark. (where the 'trigger' is) I'll check that. :onya

The reason for having the alarm locator fo far away is:
To give the player enough time to throw away his pistols,
he must be at some distance when the attackers arrive.

PS - In shipyard the exit back down the stairs is still open after you are attacked & Caroline K leaves.
I don't know if this is a problem or even if it was by purpose... I'll check that too. :onya

About the bugfix files pack on the ftp: It was for when doing a jump start "9" (Med. chest) and check the problems with Rogers in the Library.

since I am so close now to the end now
I wouldn't say that: about 25% left. :cheeky
About the shop attack: Maybe the door from the shop to the shop entre´ (stairs) is the problem!
It should be locked so the only way out is via Loanshark. (where the 'trigger' is) I'll check that. :onya

Making the only way out via the Loanshark - should fix it :onya

The reason for having the alarm locator fo far away is:
To give the player enough time to throw away his pistols,
he must be at some distance when the attackers arrive.

Having played the shop attack a couple of times I agree - you need to be there in order to have a chance of surviving until reinforcements arrive. :yes

In the shop attack - is it correct that you only get to throw 1 pistol - not 6.

When I throw a pistol all the bullets above my icon at bottom left disappear except one - I can then fire 1 shot.

When I throw a pistol all the bullets above my icon at bottom left disappear except one - I can then fire 1 shot.
That is very, very wrong. :ng Your supposed to be able to throw 5 of them. (One is always left to use a club)
BY throwing them, the bullets disappear one by one.

When Grandma has spoken to you, you should have 5 bullets above your icon. :2guns
This is based on the fact that your gunpowder = 0, which it should be at this point of the game. (to motivate the throw-pistol feature)
I have to check this carefully. (tomororow)

What is your ammo status just before the shop fight? Hopefully the problem is there. :huh