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JRH quest

Cheers, Thagarr! I intend to use Jack Rackham's write-up for a full article, which I'll post on the ModDB and the main PA! page as soon as I posted the third set of pictures publicly.

Note though that your download link points back to the main PiratesAhoy! site; it should be: http://www.pyratesahoy.com/potc/Jack%20Rackham/
Also, if you want to get it to work, you need the three files from this folder first: http://www.pyratesahoy.com/build/b14_b2_wip/
I figured I would point to the FTP thread Pieter, I am not sure if I can hot link the individual files. I'll try later after I have had some sleep. :modding


It does actually point to the FTP thread now ... :rolleyes: :facepalm
I'll be interested to see how you handled that one!
Not so fancy at all: Just another dialog round with the mutineer leaders.

Did you manage to get the sailaway working for your second instance where you want to do it?
Have not tried that yet.

About the write-up: It would be nice with some of the screenshots placed in the text.
Especially between the 3 parts I think.
Is this something you can fix Pieter? :huh

If you want a good laugh press the "translate" button in the upper right corner of the forum interface.
That way I can see the modders talk a very very strange swedish... :rofl
About the write-up: It would be nice with some of the screenshots placed in the text.
Especially between the 3 parts I think.
Is this something you can fix Pieter? :huh
Absolutely; that was my intention anyway, otherwise people would find it to look too boring and wouldn't read it - you know what they're like? :razz

If you want a good laugh press the "translate" button in the upper right corner of the forum interface.
That way I can see the modders talk a very very strange swedish... :rofl
Haha; I know what you mean! Back in the days when I had a website for Virtual Sailor, I once translated it to Dutch and then back to English.
That must've been one of the most surreal things I ever saw; you get the weirdest translations. Too bad I can't remember any examples.
When rescuing Caroline K from Nevis -- Player looses all their inventory e.g the map , compass & spyglass given earlier. --- is this correct.
Yes indeed, I want Pyle to start the main part (reward part) with absolutely nothing. Even his outfit is spoiled. The idea was to bit by bit build him up again
in terms of items, outfit, weapons, rank, goods reputation. At the end of the quest he has a rather fancy costume etc etc. :2guns

OK - :onya I won't add any hint to the walkthrough. - Will it affect a player using Realistic mode having to sail back to Port Royale from Nevis without a compass :keith

( I am using arcade mode at the moment to play through the story - don't want to make things too difficult for myself :rofl

The Reward - when you find the 4th pistol in Grandma's room:-

1) -- The steplock in Grandma's room (which opens something while you stand on it ) - I can't get it to open anything - I assume it should open the chest beside you - I just get the sound but nothing happens.

2) -- Edward Cook (After Grandma's room) -- lets you pick a sword - Walkthrough says take sword 3 BUT sword 2 has the best stats 27/37; 32% pierce; 27% block. - all the others have the same stats 10/12 15%pierce 10% block -- Is this just an error in the walkthrough? :?

Another small question

Does the Brothel mod need to be switched on - in advanced options - before starting the quest - or does the quest do this automatically ? :?

( I always play with it On - but the default is Off )

The brothel mod is off in my game version, but the storyline worked regardless.
This was not the case with Jack Rackham's interim release, where I ran into a black screen upon entering the brothel instead.
Seems he figured out something to make it work anyway.
Will it affect a player using Realistic mode having to sail back to Port Royale from Nevis without a compass
To be honest I don't know, maybe Pieter can help us here. :sail

The steplock in Grandma's room...
It opens something but not the chest, you'll see later on. (in the next reward)

Edward Cook -- lets you pick a sword ...
No it shall be nr 3. You are not allowed to take any other blade with you.
Maybe I should make the stats all different? What do you think?

Does the Brothel mod need to be switched on?
No, I have worked around it.
Will it affect a player using Realistic mode having to sail back to Port Royale from Nevis without a compass
To be honest I don't know, maybe Pieter can help us here. :sail
I've been playing with Realistic Game Mode and you can always use the worldmap, of course. On the other hand, if you DO want to use DirectSail, being forced to play without a compass can be a bit tricky.
You can try to use the direction of sunrise/sunset. Why would you have lost your compass though? You had one when you boarded your ship in Jamaica...
I think it sounds good enough to be able using the worldmap.
The compass and all other things such as map etc are lost in the gunpowder explosion at QC gates.

And YES! Charles Vane sails away alright now. :onya
You can try to use the direction of sunrise/sunset. Why would you have lost your compass though? You had one when you boarded your ship in Jamaica...

In the Pirate Settlement on Nevis rescuing Catherine K -- all the items in your inventory are removed :yes

Edward Cook -- lets you pick a sword ...
No it shall be nr 3. You are not allowed to take any other blade with you.
Maybe I should make the stats all different? What do you think?

Oops-- This is what happens when I ask questions before I have played through the task completely -- sorry ---- :walkplank

Different stats for the other swords - perhaps slightly :shrug
I have finished posting all pictures to the ModDB and the Facebook profile and have written the article.
Your story now adorns our main page at http://www.piratesahoy.net/ and is awaiting authorization on the ModDB. :woot

Jack Rackham, please have a look at it and let me know if you want anything changed or added! :doff
It all looks very good and special thanks to you Pieter for the fine text - much better than mine. :bow

I found some small bugs in the Walktrough:
Cave shore 2 blocks with strange font
Revenge 1
The End 1

From Reward 6 and forward the references to the next part are missing.
I found some small bugs in the Walktrough:
Cave shore 2 blocks with strange font
Revenge 1
The End 1

From Reward 6 and forward the references to the next part are missing.


Will be fixed soon - I just have to finish the formatting.

Hope you don't mind that I split it over several pages - as a single page it was a bit long and took ages to scroll through.

It all looks very good and special thanks to you Pieter for the fine text - much better than mine. :bow
I've maintained pretty much everything of your text, just rewrote some small things and added some more.
Wasn't my intention to completely redo what you already wrote. :wp

Hope you don't mind that I split it over several pages - as a single page it was a bit long and took ages to scroll through.
Good thinking. I saw that page earlier today and thought the index was pretty huge, but it's much better now I reckon. :doff
Hope you don't mind that I split it over several pages - as a single page it was a bit long and took ages to scroll through.
Not at all, looks very good to me. :onya
Perfect Talisman. Many thanks. :bow

It's even better than before. Now with references both back and forward! :onya
The article is now posted on the ModDB too: http://www.moddb.com/mods/new-horizons/features/woodes-rogers-completely-new-storyline
And I've advertised it on our Facebook profile: http://www.facebook.com/PiratesAhoyCommunity