Ok so lets talk ship upcost keeps, i have found the code for it and i have increased the cost to hire crew (now each crewmen costs 60 coin and can be increased more if needed). What should the ship upkeep cost be, bare in mind that your rank, comerce skill, leadership etc is all taken into account. In my testing i have got a class 5 ship (Schooner) with 96 crew which will cost me 12k per month (fresh start). With both commercve perks, trade skill at 100 and leadership at 100 the cost drops to 6k (so halves the cost). This can be set higher or lower, now for the problem. This was with 100 for, navigation, leadership and trade and both commerce perks, A MOW with 1002 crew.
I have got the ship upkeep costs for the MOW, both commerce perks, max skill for leadership, trade and navigation, down to 122k per month. I can lower this more if you wish?

I have got the ship upkeep costs for the MOW, both commerce perks, max skill for leadership, trade and navigation, down to 122k per month. I can lower this more if you wish?