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Mod Release Gentlemen Of Fortune 2.0


looks like me and Hylie were thinkin the same thing..
was afraid it was buried somewhere in the dlls. that sux
It could be in a dll file, but i would have thourght it would be hardcoded. I hope it isn't and some day it can be done where each faction has a folder dedicated to them (wouldn't even need to be called "Hull 1, 2 etc" "Spanish, French, Hollan" etc would work. I bet the overall size of the mod would drop a few GB's aswell.
yea dunno if that day may ever come. everyone here seems to enjoy granpa POTC more even after 9 friggin years.
common ppl let him rest a bit.. play with COAS a bit wile he's still middle-aged :p
That sucks. I thought there could be 3 versions of each ship. Hmm. If those 2 extra hull folders could be empty that would save file size. Then maybe we could create national versions with a simple name change. Is it possible to limit what ships are sold in a shipyard so that a Spanish shipyard only sells generic and Spanish ships, for instance?

POTC is working better than ever now. GOF2 has better graphics but has a very unfinished "feel" to it while POTC, while less advanced, has a very polished "feel" to it. Also, you can have as many versions of a ship as you want. We usually limit ourselves to only 6 paint versions there.
Also, POTC has the movie tie in so that there is a steady stream of people wanting to play as Jack Sparrow.
There's a bug in the quest "Blue Bird" - when you board the ship and sink it, the quest - book still says that the ship got away and you failed :-/

I was sailing ship - Brigatine Heavy "Providence" - after they took down my mast (the one in the back) the game crashed...but it happened only once...
yea dunno if that day may ever come. everyone here seems to enjoy granpa POTC more even after 9 friggin years.
That's because we've had nine years to work on a mod of epic proportions that has completely transformed the game.
Don't worry, it's almost finished. We think. :wp
There's a bug in the quest "Blue Bird" - when you board the ship and sink it, the quest - book still says that the ship got away and you failed :-/

I was sailing ship - Brigatine Heavy "Providence" - after they took down my mast (the one in the back) the game crashed...but it happened only once...

Hmmm, do you have to capture the ship in that quest (then its up to you if you store the ship claiming she was sunk or give her to the store owner).

When the game crashed how long had you been playing it?

@ All
The money from store owners has now been changed and the realistic costs switch added for those who like to play with the stock settings. Those who wish to test the changes out, download the file bellow and install to "Program\DIALOGS\russian" overwrite when asked. Doesn't require a new game.


  • Common_Store.c
    40.9 KB · Views: 167
//Nightmare = main mast down and captured. no ctd. it also took my main mast down so u can add the Arabella to the list as well
//Sloop of war = as i took the last mast down the game started to slow down, models goin purple; looked like it was gonna crash
but i moved in to board her and afterwards it was fine again
//Frigate Berlin = demasted and sunk. no ctd
//Brigantine = demasted and sunk. no ctd

my game actually crashed in the tavern in Bridgetown. purchased a room for the night and after i entered it the game crashed

i got a chance to use direct sail feature. not coz i wanted but coz i had to since my ship was overweight with gooooold! :D
noticed that on one transition the screen goes black for a few seconds

still didn't have a problem with surrendering.

finally got that letter of marque for the english. i noticed that its like with the price hagglin for the officer.. if u pester the diplomat enough times he might have the documents. most of the times he says he hasn't got them

and to end my report here's a few spam errors for your enjoyment
- compile.log:

ship 29, have invalid cannons on bort. cannonf 0, but need: 2
ship 29, have invalid cannons on bort. cannonb 0, but need: 2

- system.log:

ERROR: SetCurrentBlock: unknown technique <> first character is <(null)>
ERROR: SetCurrentBlock: unknown technique <> first character is <(null)>
Character animation: not set idle action: "Poklon"

ERROR: SetCurrentBlock: unknown technique <> first character is <(null)>
ERROR: SetCurrentBlock: unknown technique <> first character is <(null)>
Character animation: not set idle action: "knicksen"

ERROR: SetCurrentBlock: unknown technique <> first character is <(null)>
ERROR: SetCurrentBlock: unknown technique <> first character is <(null)>
Character animation: not set idle action: "Sit_Dialog2"

Undefined error

FMOD_SOUND:set3DAttributes error! (47) Tried to call a command on a 2d sound when the command was meant for 3d sound.

The method call is invalid For example, a method's parameter may have an invalid value

Leak: '.\xiutil.cpp' line 77, size 11
Leak: 'e:\workspace\slib\k3_source_addon\xinterface\questfilereader\..\..\common_h\templates\string.h' line 38, size 16

and ofc the occasional bad rope data

- the error.log is attached


  • error.log
    15.3 KB · Views: 133
Hmmm, do you have to capture the ship in that quest (then its up to you if you store the ship claiming she was sunk or give her to the store owner).
the deal with the store owner is to sink the ship - there are four possible outcomes:
a) sink the ship without boarding - quest completed (didn't test this option)

b) board the ship and let it sink - quest should be completed the same way as above but in the quest book shows up a new entry saying that you have failed (this worked normaly in vanila game) - when you come back to the store owner, he says that you're not the first to fail this quest and gives you nothing (quest finished)

c) board the ship and keep it - quest still active - the store owner won't give you promised money because the deal was to sink it - you can hunt merchant vessels and after some time the store owner offers you a lot of money to leave the merchants alone (quest finished)

d) during the naval battle the shipsails away a you won't catch it because your ship is too slow - the same result as in b)

When the game crashed how long had you been playing it?
about 90 minutes...
Ok something obviously got changed with the Blue Bird quest then, i will see if i can find what was changed and change it back.

90 minutes, that isn't long and if you demasted the same exact ship (same texture i mean) then it can't be a texture issue.If it was a different texture then we could be on to something and be able to fix all ships that cause the game to crash.
Cool, i have updated the ships list and the latest work for the next patch (this will be released once all current ships have been tested).

Hopefully the surrender feature fully works now, its good to know that its working currectly so far.:dance
I found another guest bug. On Guadelupe I took a quest in the local church to kill skeletons in a cave near the city. After I cleared the cave I came back to the church and talked to the priest and told him I finished the quest, my reputation with France went up but the conversation line is still there and active so I can keep using this all the time and by this way increase my reputation with France to maximum...haven't tested it on other islands yet so I don't know if this happens only on this island or everywhere...
I just now finally got around to dling the beta mod. When I extracted it using 7Zip 7,777 files were reported as having "Unsupported compression method". Could it be installed anyway? 7Zip has always worked fine before this.
is the file complete (2,21GB)? isn't it corrupted somehow? I downloaded it too and everything was OK...
Nevermind.............. :wp I updated 7Zip from version 4.65 to 9.22 and all went well. :pirate07:
This is how I find out it's time to update. It has been a few years.

I might have to turn off the surrender mod as ships are surrendering before they lose any masts now. Also, they are getting smarter and either staying out of range of the forts or just sailing away. I had 2 3rd rates just turn away on me yesterday. :rumgone
//Nightmare = main mast down and captured. no ctd. it also took my main mast down so u can add the Arabella to the list as well
//Sloop of war = as i took the last mast down the game started to slow down, models goin purple; looked like it was gonna crash
but i moved in to board her and afterwards it was fine again
//Frigate Berlin = demasted and sunk. no ctd
//Brigantine = demasted and sunk. no ctd

my game actually crashed in the tavern in Bridgetown. purchased a room for the night and after i entered it the game crashed

i got a chance to use direct sail feature. not coz i wanted but coz i had to since my ship was overweight with gooooold! :D
noticed that on one transition the screen goes black for a few seconds

still didn't have a problem with surrendering.

finally got that letter of marque for the english. i noticed that its like with the price hagglin for the officer.. if u pester the diplomat enough times he might have the documents. most of the times he says he hasn't got them

and to end my report here's a few spam errors for your enjoyment
- compile.log:

ship 29, have invalid cannons on bort. cannonf 0, but need: 2
ship 29, have invalid cannons on bort. cannonb 0, but need: 2

- system.log:

ERROR: SetCurrentBlock: unknown technique <> first character is <(null)>
ERROR: SetCurrentBlock: unknown technique <> first character is <(null)>
Character animation: not set idle action: "Poklon"

ERROR: SetCurrentBlock: unknown technique <> first character is <(null)>
ERROR: SetCurrentBlock: unknown technique <> first character is <(null)>
Character animation: not set idle action: "knicksen"

ERROR: SetCurrentBlock: unknown technique <> first character is <(null)>
ERROR: SetCurrentBlock: unknown technique <> first character is <(null)>
Character animation: not set idle action: "Sit_Dialog2"

Undefined error

FMOD_SOUND:set3DAttributes error! (47) Tried to call a command on a 2d sound when the command was meant for 3d sound.

The method call is invalid For example, a method's parameter may have an invalid value

Leak: '.\xiutil.cpp' line 77, size 11
Leak: 'e:\workspace\slib\k3_source_addon\xinterface\questfilereader\..\..\common_h\templates\string.h' line 38, size 16

and ofc the occasional bad rope data

- the error.log is attached

Thanks for the error report, ship list has been updated now.:onya

Somke of the errors i have seen in GOF 1.2, i have no idea about how the character editing is done so i have asked OP if he can look into it when he has chance (might be a while though, because he's busy with RL).

This is how I find out it's time to update. It has been a few years.

I might have to turn off the surrender mod as ships are surrendering before they lose any masts now. Also, they are getting smarter and either staying out of range of the forts or just sailing away. I had 2 3rd rates just turn away on me yesterday. :rumgone

Lol, the AI getting smartero_O is that possible. I alway's thourght that AI stood for artificial ignorance, because they are so dumb. Its sounds like you got Skynet going on in your house.:eek::rolleyes: