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Mod Release Gentlemen Of Fortune 2.0

I noticed this a while ago, but always forget to post it - every time I play it happens to me that the music gets somehow weird...as if you play a song in a program and keep pushed the button to Play/Pause. But it stoppes the moment I enter the Load game menu. After that it works fine for a while but sooner or later it comes again...does this happen to someone else?
My payroll costs with those 2 class 5 ships with both of them carrying full loads the last month were between $5-$6,000, and that total money, which is now right at $1,0980,000, is how much I have accumulated to date strictly as a merchantman. Overhead was high at first, but it has leveled off as I have not been buying new ships for a while.

After a big battle I have a new fleet consisting of the class 3 40 gun galleon Revenge and the class 5 Pinnace Berlin. They both have full crews and lots of officers.

I have started noticing strange graphic anomalies lately and suspect it is time for a good defrag.
heres a pic of that error with the game slowing down. it happened again as i was attacking this Brigantine. didnt even got to demast it. if i turned the camera away from the enemy ship things would go to normal and if i turned it back at the enemy it would start glitchin again. from the logs it looks like it might be related to that sound dll.. not sure tho


That is weird, i haven't come across this one yet. But now i no what it looks like i will no what to expect and will certainly be keeping a look out for this. As to what the cause is, i can't say but i will look through the log files and hopefully soemthing will point to a possible cause.

My payroll costs with those 2 class 5 ships with both of them carrying full loads the last month were between $5-$6,000, and that total money, which is now right at $1,0980,000, is how much I have accumulated to date strictly as a merchantman. Overhead was high at first, but it has leveled off as I have not been buying new ships for a while.

After a big battle I have a new fleet consisting of the class 3 40 gun galleon Revenge and the class 5 Pinnace Berlin. They both have full crews and lots of officers.

I have started noticing strange graphic anomalies lately and suspect it is time for a good defrag.

Ok well that is really cheap for you to run around with such ship, i can see why the upkeep costs need to be increased but it procving to be harder than i thourght it would be. Bellow is the code for the changes.

 fExp = (GetCrewExp(chref, "Sailors") + GetCrewExp(chref, "Cannoners") + GetCrewExp(chref, "Soldiers")) / 100.00; // ñðåäíèé êîýô îïûòà 0..3
 nPaymentQ += makeint( fExp * stf((0.5 + MOD_SKILL_ENEMY_RATE/5.0)*200*GetCrewQuantity(chref))/stf(shClass) * (1.05 - (nLeaderShip + nCommerce)/ 40.0) );

makeint( fExp * stf((0.5 = This is for the experience of the crew, the higher this is the more experienced the crew are the more they cost.

MOD_SKILL_ENEMY_RATE/5.0 = I can't understand where this fits in with crew experience, ship rate and crew quantity.

300*GetCrewQuantity = This is for the quantity of crew onboard, the higher it is the higher the upkeep costs are.

shClass) * (1.05 = This is for the ship class, the higher it is the more higher the upkeep costs are.

nCommerce)/ 40.0) ); = This one is weird, i would have thourght the higher it was the more effect commerce skill would have on the overall upkeep costs, but it doesn't work that well. If you lower it to 10.0 then the upkeep cost is negative showing the crew owe you money (but they never pay you (go figure).

Anyway, my point is in truth this code should work even without the changes i have made yet it doesn't. You pay low money for high class of ship. What i was trying to do was make it so that the ships class has the biggest effect on the upkeep costs, but for some reason the experience of the crew still play a huge role in those costs, even with "makeint( fExp * stf((0.5" set to "makeint( fExp * stf((0.01". I just don't get it all, well i get it but its not how i expect it to work. Does anyone have any idea's on how it works?
MOD_SKILL_ENEMY_RATE is the game difficulty u set at the start from a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is sailor(easiest)

ur modification there would have little effect because it is part of the "(0.5 + MOD_SKILL_ENEMY_RATE/5.0)" game difficulty equation

further more on "(1.05 - (nLeaderShip + nCommerce)/ 40.0)" i'm guessing that sum should at most be 40 coz anything bigger then that would result in the overall equation being a negative number
therefore since both nLeaderShip and nCommerce should have the same value range(all skills stop at 100 afaik) then my guess is that the value range would be 0-20
That code stuff is all Greek to me. :sick So I'll just post some screenies to illustrate what I'm trying to say. Basically I have to buy all new crews after every battle, so they are always very low skilled. These 2 show what they look like after 1 long voyage and where my skills are.
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gpalg0tpyyfcivy/ubD0zG_XSL/COAS stuff/COAS screenies/crew-1.jpg
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gpalg0tpyyfcivy/p9vgcGV8dg/COAS stuff/COAS screenies/crew-2.jpg

Also, the sails don't work the same in COAS as the do in POTC. I just imported the Revenge and am still working on her. More testing is needed but I see no reason we can't have as many versions of a ship as we want in COAS.
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gpalg0tpyyfcivy/JRNu7wLWxk/COAS stuff/COAS screenies/Revenge-1.jpg
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gpalg0tpyyfcivy/x3gcGiXC8g/COAS stuff/COAS screenies/Revenge-2.jpg
You scare me a bit, Luke :) Modding all by yourself, just making GoF better and better singlehanded! :eek:

Well, no crashes for me - so far (12 hours of playing beta2.0).

I am not sure if it was mentioned in a previous post by someone else, but please take a look on the shipyards buying ships for 0 pieces of eight, if you can find the time for it one day.

Once again, impressive workload, well done and thx a lot :)
MOD_SKILL_ENEMY_RATE is the game difficulty u set at the start from a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is sailor(easiest)

ur modification there would have little effect because it is part of the "(0.5 + MOD_SKILL_ENEMY_RATE/5.0)" game difficulty equation

further more on "(1.05 - (nLeaderShip + nCommerce)/ 40.0)" i'm guessing that sum should at most be 40 coz anything bigger then that would result in the overall equation being a negative number
therefore since both nLeaderShip and nCommerce should have the same value range(all skills stop at 100 afaik) then my guess is that the value range would be 0-20

Ok so not the code i was looking for, where would i find the code for this? because i have looked in the most obvious files and there is nothing in them that i could see.:shrug

That code stuff is all Greek to me. :sick So I'll just post some screenies to illustrate what I'm trying to say. Basically I have to buy all new crews after every battle, so they are always very low skilled. These 2 show what they look like after 1 long voyage and where my skills are.
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gpalg0tpyyfcivy/ubD0zG_XSL/COAS stuff/COAS screenies/crew-1.jpg
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gpalg0tpyyfcivy/p9vgcGV8dg/COAS stuff/COAS screenies/crew-2.jpg

Also, the sails don't work the same in COAS as the do in POTC. I just imported the Revenge and am still working on her. More testing is needed but I see no reason we can't have as many versions of a ship as we want in COAS.
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gpalg0tpyyfcivy/JRNu7wLWxk/COAS stuff/COAS screenies/Revenge-1.jpg
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gpalg0tpyyfcivy/x3gcGiXC8g/COAS stuff/COAS screenies/Revenge-2.jpg

I have never tried to have multiple ships of the same model, i guess it can be done with a little hex editor and name change ie Revenge1, Revenge21, Revenge31 etc. But i wouldn't want to do that because the idea with GOF2 was to remove most of the same model ships making all ships unique in there own way. I got bored seeing a Fluet and then finding the exact same model but with a larger cargohold a few more guns and more crew, now it feels so much more better with few ships sharing looking like another ship.:dance

You scare me a bit, Luke :) Modding all by yourself, just making GoF better and better singlehanded! :eek:

Well, no crashes for me - so far (12 hours of playing beta2.0).

I am not sure if it was mentioned in a previous post by someone else, but please take a look on the shipyards buying ships for 0 pieces of eight, if you can find the time for it one day.

Once again, impressive workload, well done and thx a lot :)

Thanks bud.:cheers :onya

Yes i believe this or something similar was mentioned a while back, when you see the ships for "0" coin, are you purchasing them in which replaces yours or a companions ship?

The reason i ask is because the sell price for yours or your companions ship could be covering the cost of the ship you are purchasding meansing you owe the shipyard nothing, or even the shipyard paying you on the odd occasion.

Which version of GOF2 are you playing bud?

Never mind i didn't
I've been following this mod since the beginning and I love. It makes my favorite pirate game THE BEST. :D

I joined the forum so I could report a could be bug.
I was going through the SAILORPOINTS because some seemed a little off and I don't know how they are made but there are false numbers of POINTS and/or LINKS in hebek1, Bermsloop1, Sloop_Cutter_181, Shnyava1 and; Tartane1, WarTartane1 and Gunboat1 have wrong POINTS number and a typo in the link0 line.

Don't know if it makes a difference or not but it's still a bug so I had to report it.
Ahoy there bud, welcome to PA.:onya

Glad you like the mod bud, i hope its proving to be more stable than GOF 1.2 was?

I don't know how they work all i know is that its a pain trying to convert them from POTC's walk files to sailor points files. If you wish to fix these that would be of great use.:yes
I also don't know how they work but since in the original game files and all other files except those that I listed the "points" and "links" numbers represent the actual number of them listed after those two lines it wasn't that hard to fix.

Here are the files:


  • Gunboat1.ini
    417 bytes · Views: 170
  • Bermsloop1.ini
    1.9 KB · Views: 164
  • hebek1.ini
    1.1 KB · Views: 155
  • Shnyava1.ini
    1.9 KB · Views: 172
  • Sloop_Cutter1_181.ini
    1.7 KB · Views: 133
  • Tartane1.ini
    417 bytes · Views: 170
  • WarTartane1.ini
    417 bytes · Views: 179
Ok so not the code i was looking for, where would i find the code for this? because i have looked in the most obvious files and there is nothing in them that i could see.:shrug

oh no.. that IS the right code for salary
nPaymentQ += makeint( fExp * stf((0.5 + MOD_SKILL_ENEMY_RATE/5.0)*200*GetCrewQuantity(chref))/stf(shClass) * (1.05 - (nLeaderShip + nCommerce)/ 40.0) );
ill try to make it look simpler: P = nPaymentQ M = makeint
Experience = fExp
Difficulty = (0.5 + MOD_SKILL_ENEMY_RATE/5.0)
Crew = GetCrewQuantity(chref)
ShipClass = (shClass)
Skills = (1.05 - (nLeaderShip + nCommerce)/ 40.0)
that would make it overall: P = P + M
now everything after the parenthesis: M = Experience * [ ( Difficulty * 200 * Crew ) / ShipClass ] * Skill

I have never tried to have multiple ships of the same model, i guess it can be done with a little hex editor and name change ie Revenge1, Revenge21, Revenge31 etc. But i wouldn't want to do that because the idea with GOF2 was to remove most of the same model ships making all ships unique in there own way. I got bored seeing a Fluet and then finding the exact same model but with a larger cargohold a few more guns and more crew, now it feels so much more better with few ships sharing looking like another ship.:dance

i agree on this one. also the fewer they are the less likely the crashes will appear
btw what do u know of the stability of fleet battles, when u own more then 1 ship? think POTC had problems here
oh no.. that IS the right code for salary
nPaymentQ += makeint( fExp * stf((0.5 + MOD_SKILL_ENEMY_RATE/5.0)*200*GetCrewQuantity(chref))/stf(shClass) * (1.05 - (nLeaderShip + nCommerce)/ 40.0) );
ill try to make it look simpler: P = nPaymentQ M = makeint
Experience = fExp
Difficulty = (0.5 + MOD_SKILL_ENEMY_RATE/5.0)
Crew = GetCrewQuantity(chref)
ShipClass = (shClass)
Skills = (1.05 - (nLeaderShip + nCommerce)/ 40.0)
that would make it overall: P = P + M
now everything after the parenthesis: M = Experience * [ ( Difficulty * 200 * Crew ) / ShipClass ] * Skill
So let me try to understand this more then, increasing "Skills = 1.05" would mean that your chatacters skills will effect the amount you pay, so very low skills = higher upkeep costs, while the higher your commerce and leadership skills will lower the overall upkeep costs. So this doesn't need to be changed at all.

*200* on the other hand increases the upkeep costs per crew member without changing the effect of skills and experience, tis is the value i should be changing and none of the other's.

I thourght the 1.05 for skills was actually for the ship class.

i agree on this one. also the fewer they are the less likely the crashes will appear
btw what do u know of the stability of fleet battles, when u own more then 1 ship? think POTC had problems here

We haven't reached the large fleet battles yet, but i do expect that this is where problems will start to be seen. This is why focusing on demasting all ships now is important so that in the larger ship battles we will know if it was a mast problem (perhaps due to more mast locators than the ship needs or texture issue's) and can get these ships replaced on till a modeler has the time to look into the ship, if its a texture issue then we can replace the ships textures with those from a earlier version of CM (if the ship is in that version of the mod). This is why i will mostly add more smaller ships in the final version of the beta (class 5 and 6 ships and maybe class 7). But i think class 1 and 2 have enough ships in them.
I have now seperated the compass from the spyglass, so you can use the realistic spyglass with the default or more realistic compass. If at sea and you switch the compass to the other one then you must go into the cabin and back onto deck for the compass to switch over to the other one onscreen. However there is a catch, this change to the switch for spyglass and compass does require a new game for some reason. So if anyone is going to be starting a new game let me know and i will pass you the latest patch update (it has some more class 5, 6 and 7 ships included in it) "Lyon, Light Schooner" and other similar ships.

For now though here is the ship upkeep prices mod with a mod switch, this shouldn't require a new game.


  • Ship Upkeep V1.0.7z
    14.1 KB · Views: 125
I have now seperated the compass from the spyglass, so you can use the realistic spyglass with the default or more realistic compass. If at sea and you switch the compass to the other one then you must go into the cabin and back onto deck for the compass to switch over to the other one onscreen. However there is a catch, this change to the switch for spyglass and compass does require a new game for some reason. So if anyone is going to be starting a new game let me know and i will pass you the latest patch update (it has some more class 5, 6 and 7 ships included in it) "Lyon, Light Schooner" and other similar ships.

For now though here is the ship upkeep prices mod with a mod switch, this shouldn't require a new game.

don't forget to change the descriptions this time :p

i see u doubled the upkeep costs. for hardest game difficulty with maxed skills a MOW with 1000 crew should look like:
Experience * (2.5 * 400 * 1000)/1 * 0.05 = Experience * 50000
wish i knew what values fExp can have so i can calculate all of it
Can you see what you can do with the upkeep costs?

I have never took any leasons, read a book or page on C+ and C++ etc so i have no idea what P = P + M, all what i have learned has been from trial and error with COAS. To be honest i never once imagined myself modding a game, i had often wished for changes in games i played but never actually looked into it myself. Before COAS i had been working on a mod for Rome Total War, but it was nothing compared to what i was trying to achieve with COAS.
oh lol
i am no programmer either. my experience comes from high school and POTC back in the day. it was the first game i saw that had the code laid out for you like that and it was a lot more fun and interesting to play around with it then learning some ancient pascal code in computer classes :D but since then i followed a totally different path.
it would take a lot of time for me to look through all that code in order to understand everything. i barely have time to test the mod.

P=P+M is basically what the += operator means in "nPaymentQ += makeint(...". rest is just simple math.
No problem bud, this is why i'm very limited in what i can actually do. I'm alway's up for a challenge and willing to learn (damn sounds like i'm applying for a job here) although i find a lot of things hard to get my head around i try to understand what it is i'm looking/editing. As you can see i know what to look for (or most of the time know what i need to look for) but its understanding what it is i'm looking at when i have found it.
A few pages back it was mentioned that it would be nice to have ships attached to a nation. It can be done by simply renaming a ship and giving it different textures, if it could be made nation specific elsewhere. BTW only 1 hull folder is needed. I have kept hull1 and removed hull2 and hull3 and the game runs fine.

Stability problems in POTC are directly related to your hardware. I presume the same is true here. The largest battle I got into in POTC was 22 ships with no ctd, and I posted a video on MODB of a 16 ship battle. The largest battle I have been in in GOF2 so far was 7 ships. 2 pirates, 3 French, and my 2 ships.

Looking at code make my vision go blurry. No can do. Much respect to those who can do. :bow