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the same thing happened to me just yesterday. I took the quest to find the double-barreled musketon and after I spoke to the pirate - chief on Bermuda I encoutered a pirate ship on the world map (description said it was "gentleman of fortune") I thought it was the ship I was suppossed to track down but it wasn't the "arrow" just some other pirate ship and after I boarded them everyone was covering in fear but I couldn't proceed to the capitan so I had to slaughter them all and after that I could go to see the boss and the same thing happened there...I've noticed minor bug with ship surrender. Sometimes when I board ship which has surrendered, crew is
frightened and doesn't fight but I can't skip the fight and capture the ship. I have to kill the crew despite they don't fight back, same with captain.
Now it happens every time I try capture surrendered ship. Moreover, when start killing crew musketmans start shooting at me. Another thing: sometimes when ship rise white flag it's neutral to me, but other AI continue to shoot at it. What's moire it prevent me from fast travel or leaving battle. I have to sink it (loosing my reputation) or capture.I've noticed minor bug with ship surrender. Sometimes when I board ship which has surrendered, crew is
frightened and doesn't fight but I can't skip the fight and capture the ship. I have to kill the crew despite they don't fight back, same with captain.
//Heavy Galeoth = demasted and sunk. no ctd
i didn't notice that bug with surrender so far
but i noticed smthin else here...
i captured this ship and looted everything from it except 20 food. then i sailed off and got into another battle. after that i noticed this... how did those 2 goods appear in there? can the companion unload them from the guns or smthin?
and the officers don't use bullets for their pistols?
also if ur a pirate you don't get the "go to" option in towns other then pirate towns?
Now it happens every time I try capture surrendered ship. Moreover, when start killing crew musketmans start shooting at me. Another thing: sometimes when ship rise white flag it's neutral to me, but other AI continue to shoot at it. What's moire it prevent me from fast travel or leaving battle. I have to sink it (loosing my reputation) or capture.
It looks like surrender function it's still too bugged to play.
Links removed as all current work for patches already included in new full base mod, and don't want people messing up there game through confussion, as would most likely have been the case. New patches that are released will have links posted here (for now no patches exists).
No you made those changes so you get credited for doing them, sorry for spelling your name wrong. I will fix that for the next full mod update (that won't be for a long time now though). But i will fix it for the patches, till then.
I have continued my game with the use of the re-init function and although not everything is updated in that savegame i can still play without issue. But i have played the game on a new save aswell.