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Mod Release Gentlemen Of Fortune 2.0

I don't know if all the code for the nations mod is ported over, but if it is then its a simple case of chaaging a 0 to a 1 or the other way around.

        refShip.england = 1.0; //
        refShip.france = 1.0; //
        refShip.holland = 1.0; //
        refShip.pirate = 1.0; //
        refShip.spain = 1.0; //

This can be found at the end of each ship entery in "ships_init", change the 1 to a 0 to stop that nation generating that ship durring engagements (ship can still be purchased at shiptards for all nations though.

Are you getting errors because at some point the game will call for Hull2, or 3 and those ships that don't have them will throw errors. What this does mean though is if a ship is found to be causing problems when been demasted we can simply remove the Hull 2 and 3 folders and test each texture out 1 by 1 till we either elliminate texture issue's or the ship continue's to crash the game. Come to think about it, you could actually remove all textures from the ships texture folders and the game would still work (although all the ships would show as plain white).

Oh for those who are starting a new game the new patch has been released (see first page for link) if however you do not want to start over, do not download and install the new patch because it will render your savegame unplayable. For some reason when switching the compass to its own mod switch it broke the games compatability and when i went to load my savegame game (tested 5 times with same resaults for all 5 tests) the game would flickers on the splash screen after selecting a save game from the profil and then the screen would turn black. Task manager would show the game as still responding, but the game wouldn't respond to anything i did apart from closing the game via task manager.
I never noticed any errors in that install. The new version that I installed also put all three hulls back in. I have only seen hull1 versions of all ships.
Sorry i didn't word it correctly, the gain will search for the textures for hull 2 and 3 and report errors in the system log, but you can actually run the game fine without the need for texture files at all (just everything will look very white and boring).

I don't exactly know how the game calls for hull 1, 2 and 3 but i'm guessing that hull 1 has a higher chance of been the texture generated with hull 2 and 3 been a 50/50 if hull 1 is not been used.
Every time I sink a ship, from that moment on when I fire a salvo I get this message:
"ERROR: Incorrect index for a character! Wrong index is -1.
ERROR: Group_GetGroupByIndex (then comes a bunch of Russian)"

While I was playing with hull2&3 deleted in the ships I had been working on I never saw any ships with missing textures.
Yeah i get that message aswell, i have asked 2 people if they can look into this character thing because i have never edited or added characters before so i don't know what needs to be checked.

Ok weird but you should get texture missing messages, maybe someone who understands how the texures in COAS work can explain this in more detail because i'm confussed by you not recieving any missing texture messages.
There are so many errors in the system log that it would be really easy to miss a missing texture alert.

What is "Poklon"?

EDIT: The tartane and war tartane were sunk multiple times without getting dismasted. I guess they are too small.
The Bermuda Sloop was dismasted with no ctd.
The merchant schooner was dismasted with no ctd.
The Ketch was completely dismated with no ctd.
The Bounty was dismasted with no ctd.
After repeated attempts the Empress Junk never lost a mast.
This should be all of the class 7 ships.

The heavy galeoth has invisible cannons. The fire but can not be seen. The problem is that the cannons were never placed in the hull GM.
// 40 gun Galeone = demasted. no ctd
// 24 gun privateer schooner = well this one's strange. first time demasted no problems. encountering it the second time i decided no to demast it so just as i finished boarding it a mast fell(sometimes guns still fire even after a ship isn't an enemy anymore) and i got engine stopped working message. reloaded and boarded again and got no crash this time. here's a pic of it:


it that normal how the sails look after loosin a mast?

ahhh.. nothing like sailin into Port Royal after a hard day's privateerin :D


EDIT:added logs


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  • error.7z
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it that normal how the sails look after loosin a mast?
Looks like a mistake in the way the sail's locators were assigned. Normally it should fall with whichever of the two masts falls.
The remaining ropes, however, are modelled to the mast that still stands, so will always remain attached to it. Usually there would be rope locators between the two masts, but the modeller chose not to use them.

Note to Luke: That ship's masts should be yellow, not white. In PotC we just hex-edit the model to use the right mast texture, but I know the system in CoAS is different. Would it work if you put dcRN.tga into the same Hull folder as the yellow hull texture?
Similarly, if there's a red hull version, it should have black masts (using dcFR.tga).
The staysl locators assignment is a guessing game. One has to decide which mast is most likely to drop first. This ship is the PDN1 and whoever did it decided that the foremast would be most likely to drop. That is the one I would shoot for as it has the most sails attached to it. But things don't always go according to plan..... :wp

For this ship, hull1 is English yellow, hull2 is American white, and hull3 is French red. There is no mast tga's in those folders so all masts are white. There are a lot of white masts in GOF2. Methinks someone just likes white masts as there really aren't any nation specific ships here.

The PDN1 was dismasted a couple of times in my game, always the main mast like here, and there was no ctd.
The staysl locators assignment is a guessing game. One has to decide which mast is most likely to drop first.
I don't think it actually matters. If done properly, the stays'l will fall regardless of which mast falls. I think. :read

The point about the mast colours is that white doesn't go with yellow and red hull textures. If it's not possible to specify a mast texture for Hull1, 2 and 3, then something generic will have to be used (like deck.tga).
I know I'm constantly ranting about quest bugs but I can't help it :-D In the quest Double-barreled muskete after talking to the Pirate chief on Bermuda, you're supposed to look for a ship called "Arrow" on the sea. In the original game you got on the wide sea and quite soon you ran into a ship (it was chasing you) "Arrow" (on the world map showed with green sails) I tried this quest with two different characters and even after quite some time I haven't found "Arrow" yet. Is something wrong with the quest, or was it just tweaked so now it takes longer to find the ship or was the ship accidentaly removed or replaced by some other ship and thus bugged the quest? The officer you get for completing this quest is quite badass, it would be a pitty not to be able to hire him...
I just saw a ship with green sails for the first time, so that part still works. It is taking me some time to stumble across quest characters.

I tried to have one part of a stays'l on one mast and another on another, but that did not work for me. :shrug

I put the proper .tga's in the proper hull folders and will see what happens.

EDIT: The masts and yards use deck_constitution.tga. This means that this is the texture that needs to be changed to get different colored masts and yards. The texture dcRN.tga does nothing.
Yes i believe this or something similar was mentioned a while back, when you see the ships for "0" coin, are you purchasing them in which replaces yours or a companions ship?

The reason i ask is because the sell price for yours or your companions ship could be covering the cost of the ship you are purchasding meansing you owe the shipyard nothing, or even the shipyard paying you on the odd occasion.

Which version of GOF2 are you playing bud?

Never mind i didn't
I believe I am playing version 2.0.5 and the companion ships I try to sell are looted from the endless sea of honest, hardworking merchants ;)
I know I'm constantly ranting about quest bugs but I can't help it :-D In the quest Double-barreled muskete after talking to the Pirate chief on Bermuda, you're supposed to look for a ship called "Arrow" on the sea. In the original game you got on the wide sea and quite soon you ran into a ship (it was chasing you) "Arrow" (on the world map showed with green sails) I tried this quest with two different characters and even after quite some time I haven't found "Arrow" yet. Is something wrong with the quest, or was it just tweaked so now it takes longer to find the ship or was the ship accidentaly removed or replaced by some other ship and thus bugged the quest? The officer you get for completing this quest is quite badass, it would be a pitty not to be able to hire him...

i just did that quest. the ship on the world map had purple sails. theres smthin strange bout that officer u get.. i think he can only use muskets
the ship on the world map had purple sails
how long did it take you to find that ship? It's been forever since I took that quest and still nothing :-/
i think he can only use muskets
yes that's true - I think he's actually the only officer able to use musketons. as I remember him from the original game he was a badass fighter :-D
Last night as I was sailing South to Porto Bello I passed a ship with golden sails heading North. When I got there I found out that the treasure fleet had left just a few days ago heading for Havana. :facepalm Not that I could have done anything with my shot up merchant ships. :boom:
how long did it take you to find that ship? It's been forever since I took that quest and still nothing :-/

yes that's true - I think he's actually the only officer able to use musketons. as I remember him from the original game he was a badass fighter :-D

took a month or 2 i think since i got the quest. just sailed around doin other stuff. except his pistols skill hes kinda crappy
I picked up galeon_l1 and found it to be flickering badly. Upon looking into it it was found to have 2 hulls! Is there a reason for this? What is the reason for drawing the ship twice?