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Mod Release Gentlemen Of Fortune 2.0

I only changed the spyglass setting. All others are untouched, so it must be on "realistic".
It happened again. I got chased to a fort by a Neptunus that was chewing up mine. The fort worked it over until it decided to leave. I chased it and "talked" to it, but it would not surrender. So I boarded it and found 1 crew and the Captain. Now I have 2 of them.

How does one give orders to your companion ship? I have not found anything about that yet.

EDIT: I just read your post DarthSCG and the "Next exp." is always blank. Every once in a while I notice a number in "abilities". Methinks most of them were for the ship and only the last one was for me.
I only changed the spyglass setting. All others are untouched, so it must be on "realistic".
It happened again. I got chased to a fort by a Neptunus that was chewing up mine. The fort worked it over until it decided to leave. I chased it and "talked" to it, but it would not surrender. So I boarded it and found 1 crew and the Captain. Now I have 2 of them.

How does one give orders to your companion ship? I have not found anything about that yet.

EDIT: I just read your post DarthSCG and the "Next exp." is always blank. Every once in a while I notice a number in "abilities". Methinks most of them were for the ship and only the last one was for me.

to give orders u have to press enter and then press the down arrow or S and u will see a menu for the companion ship when ur at sea

as for next exp. u must first click on something for a number to be shown there. in this case the "Personal 0" tab
u can click on a skill and it will show u how much u got left till the next lvl point. same with ur char rank

and another thing i wanna rant about XD...
i was demastin a pirate ship near a spanish port when suddenly an interceptor and a warship started commin at me
now naturaly i would have sent em both to davy jones but my blasted blasting powder ran out!
i mean srsly i can hardly find that stuff anymore at stores.. i liked it how it was in 1.2

EDIT: oh ya forgot..
//Brigantine Heavy demasted and captured. no ctd
//Sophie demasted and sunk. no ctd
///San Felipe demasted
///Light Corvete demasted

i did get a ctd on a unicorn (which passed the test) twice in a row so maybe some models are more susceptible than other...
@ Hylie Pistof
Ok i can modify the RTBL settings, thats easy to do and make very fine changes to the default value's so that you loose crew a little easier but not as easily as you do right now.

@ jokash
Maybe the ctd's are texture related, because each ship has 3 different textures for them.:shrug

@ All
Ship list updated.
I think there's something wrong with the food rations....because a few minutes ago I had about 30 crew on my ship (after some battle) and in the "ship" menu it said "Food for 40 days". Then in a tavern I hired about 30 new men and it keeps showing "Food for 40 days". It seems that the game correctly subtracts one unit of a food per day but no longer consideres number of the crew...Can someone else confirm it so we can know it is not just some "local" bug at my laptop?
I think there's something wrong with the food rations....because a few minutes ago I had about 30 crew on my ship (after some battle) and in the "ship" menu it said "Food for 40 days". Then in a tavern I hired about 30 new men and it keeps showing "Food for 40 days". It seems that the game correctly subtracts one unit of a food per day but no longer consideres number of the crew...Can someone else confirm it so we can know it is not just some "local" bug at my laptop?

i thought it always was like that
now with the rum.. thats a whole different story
I'll keep an eye on this, the food rationing was increased so it took less food per crew member due to the bug no one knows how to fix which seems stores without food in them, and because of how much food it would take to feed a crew of 100. I alway's carry enough food and rum to last for 100 day's, so far i haven't seem this bug you have reported. So i will carry enough for 30 day's and do a battle and see what happens then.

The question i have is before the battle how many crew did you have and after the battle when you restocked your crew, how many did you have then?
i thought it always was like that
no it wasn't. The description of "food" says that every day 1 unit of food is consumed by 10 crew members and 20 slaves. As Luke said the food rations were changed so if the description hasn't been corrected this ration no longer applyies, but still you can see that a crew of 70 sailors consumes 7 units of food per day but 100 sailors consume 10 units...so if you loose sailors in battles, the food should last for more days

The question i have is before the battle how many crew did you have and after the battle when you restocked your crew, how many did you have then?
before battle I had 69 crew, after the battle around 30. After restock in a pub it was 69 again.
and the cannon powder? its hard to demast with out it..

Cannon poweder?

1 unit of powder is used per shot, no matter what calibure you use (not historically correct, because the amount of powder used wasn't the same for all calibure guns).

no it wasn't. The description of "food" says that every day 1 unit of food is consumed by 10 crew members and 20 slaves. As Luke said the food rations were changed so if the description hasn't been corrected this ration no longer applyies, but still you can see that a crew of 70 sailors consumes 7 units of food per day but 100 sailors consume 10 units...so if you loose sailors in battles, the food should last for more days

This is how it is for me, i loose sailors and the food lasts longer. I increase the amount of sailors and the amount of day's it will cover drops.

before battle I had 69 crew, after the battle around 30. After restock in a pub it was 69 again.

And the food still said would last for 40 day's even after increasing your crew from the 30 back up to 69, seems a little weird. I think its something like 20 to 25 crew per day of food, or something like that. I can 't remember now because that was one of the very early changes to even be done.
Hey guys, yesterday I installed AoP2 again after like a year and used GoF 1.2 but it kept crashing to windows...I found GoF 2.0 and since you wrote you're trying to make the game more stable I gave it a shot...well, not much better so far...I noticed that it crashes only on world map...right now it always crashes when I sail into the area south of central Cuba but these "crash areas" differ...It hasn't happedned to me so far that the game crahed while on land or during a naval battle.
The error is always "The engine has stopped working". It is also interresting that these crashes were not so frequent when I played GoF 1.1.2 about a year ago (back then it crashed like once every hour).
I tried compatibility modes and about everything I found here (except for that DEP solution - don't know why but it is inactive and no matter what I do it won't go active).
I play on my laptop (win 7 64bit; ATi Radeon Mobility HD 4200; AMD Turion II P540 Dual-Core Processor; 4GB RAM)
Anyway thaks for the great job you are doing :)

Make sure your drivers are up to date with the latest updates and if it doesn't fix problems with running the game on laptops are common I had try it to and had lot of crashes one more thing you can do is go to your desktop open up your video driver control panel and lower the graphics settings for the game and in the game settings raise the bars to high still if it doesn't work I would suggest you buy a desktop computer if you really like the game that is ofcourse laptops always get very hot insight and crashes the game repeatly
Got GOf 2.0 installed- pretty quick :dance I will go demast some ships since it seems like the thing to do in this topic though 2 things I noticed one whenever I board a ship when " Take no prisoners!' is so supposed say it, it says it in a realy quiet voice very close to a whisper and sometimes it does not say it at all,and everything else is not like that also in the shipyard the Merchant Schooner is supposed to be small but its model pic shows a large ship o the line :shock .
Not yet, I wanted to have a go at it for a short while, then install the patches- looks like I have some more downloading to do.
DarthSCG: :dance Now if I can only remember this..............

I'm completely confused. And yes it is my natural state. :pirate07: What setting lets the crew last longest? I watched the Hannah's crew drop to 1 really fast on realistic so set it to COAS default and went after a fort.
The first pass was downwind at maybe 6 knots and while the ship was fine the crew dropped from 40 to 1. Turned around and made a slow pass into the wind and then stopped. Lost a mast and then sank a while later.
I'm used to having the crew last about as long as the ship so that after it sinks there should still be some survivors swimming around. Does that ever happen in COAS?

Tested = Hannah1 Main mast fell and then it sank. No ctd.
This is the one I've been working on and I'm satisfied it is ok. The hull was not changed, only the masts and sails. I started a COAS folder in my mods folder in the "downloads" section at the top of the page.
Here is a direct link. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gpalg0tpyyfcivy/xV1fVYnQjV/COAS stuff/COAS repaired ships/Hannah.7z
Not yet, I wanted to have a go at it for a short while, then install the patches- looks like I have some more downloading to do.

Yep, you need to install GOF 2.0 and the patch over a fresh install of COAS, because its not compatable with GOF1.2 or any of the CM mods.
DarthSCG: :dance Now if I can only remember this..............

I'm completely confused. And yes it is my natural state. :pirate07: What setting lets the crew last longest? I watched the Hannah's crew drop to 1 really fast on realistic so set it to COAS default and went after a fort.
The first pass was downwind at maybe 6 knots and while the ship was fine the crew dropped from 40 to 1. Turned around and made a slow pass into the wind and then stopped. Lost a mast and then sank a while later.
I'm used to having the crew last about as long as the ship so that after it sinks there should still be some survivors swimming around. Does that ever happen in COAS?

Tested = Hannah1 Main mast fell and then it sank. No ctd.
This is the one I've been working on and I'm satisfied it is ok. The hull was not changed, only the masts and sails. I started a COAS folder in my mods folder in the "downloads" section at the top of the page.
Here is a direct link. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gpalg0tpyyfcivy/xV1fVYnQjV/COAS stuff/COAS repaired ships/Hannah.7z

I'm working on a modified RTBL, as for crew lasting longer, realistic will make the crew last much longer than either of the other settings with COAS default been the higher damage effects. I will be making it so bombs will only be good for crew and rigging, balls will be the best for damaging the hull, kill some crew and damage the sails a little. Knipple will be for sails, damage the hull a little and kill the crew a little, Grape will be for killing the crew, damage to the hull very low and damage to the sails also very low. Personally i would rather remove bombs because they are not realistic but i feel that will take a lot of work that i don't want to do yet on till all ships have been tested. If i did remove bombs i would include the RTBL switch to them so playing with RTBL would disable them but playing with COAS default on would enable them.

Thanks i will add her to the patch and any other models you upload that have been updated in POTC.

Bellow is the new realistic (aka RTBL) settings, requires the use of the re-init function when not in a naval battle to update the game to the new settings. Install to "Program\STORE" when asked to over write say yes.


  • initGoods.c
    53.5 KB · Views: 123
DarthSCG: Now if I can only remember this..............

I'm completely confused. And yes it is my natural state. What setting lets the crew last longest? I watched the Hannah's crew drop to 1 really fast on realistic so set it to COAS default and went after a fort.
The first pass was downwind at maybe 6 knots and while the ship was fine the crew dropped from 40 to 1. Turned around and made a slow pass into the wind and then stopped. Lost a mast and then sank a while later.
I'm used to having the crew last about as long as the ship so that after it sinks there should still be some survivors swimming around. Does that ever happen in COAS?

ship skill - defense and ship perks medic, life saver. u can hire a doctor for these

yes u get survivors aka slaves :) i believe u even get a rowboat with the enemy captain sometimes
Yes i decided not to do it like that after all, bombs are ok at doing damage to more than 1 thing where as the other shot types are only good at one thing, maybe damage another thing aswell like knipples will damage the ships hull and kill crew when its main deisgn is for the rigging. But the bombs will do more damage to the hull, kill more crew but slightly damage the sails. So overall the bombs are a balance between all shot types.
Umm ok, where is the re-init function? :oops: In POTC it is F11. Couldn't find it in GOF2.