Welcome back, @BathtubPirate!Will you look at the calendar, it's that time of the year again!

Same here.Nobody in the world (or at least very few people in the world) love this game more than I do. The base game, the mod and modding itself are all important parts of my life.
OK, you win.I'm planning to get a tattoo in honour of it, no joke.

I'm still using the old engine, at least for the time being. Some time I'll find time to try Storm X again. In any case, I'm hoping storylines and sidequests will just transfer over to Storm X without much, if any, modification, otherwise "Devlin Opera" isn't the only one which will need to be reworked!First reason is the question of relevance. There's always talk about moving to a different engine or creating a new game altogether, which honestly scares me, because I'm the kind who doesn't like too much change. I don't want to be left alone with it in a way.
Remember that Storm 2 dates back to 2003. PoTC plus New Horizons will probably work on that laptop, assuming you can persuade it to use its graphics card - or, if it has none, use the Intel Fix for Build 14. (Remember to not put it into "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)", which is where the stock game wants to go by default, otherwise Windows security is going to do silly things.)Second reason is how I have to re-install, set up everything new, make all the adjustements ranging from personalised controls to modding stuff I made and so on. All the files and codes and folders almost scare me off after this long break. Last year, I have learned and achieved so much, it would make it even more difficult to re-learn everything.
And an important addition to the second reason: I moved out from where the computer with everything on it is. It's all there, I'm still nearby, I often visit but I don't live there and I don't own the computer. And when I moved, I only brought a very, very old laptop with me. This means before I could even think of playing and/or modding regularly and intensely, I'd have to buy a new computer. Which is planned for this year and is not really a question of money, but a question of time and commitment and logistics and so on...
My recommendation would be to install PoTC plus New Horizons, then play it a bit to become familiar again. Probably try either some FreePlay, or for preference, a storyline. There's a nice, short storyline called "Devlin Opera" which would be perfect for this.

In any case, it's good to hear from you again!