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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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As soon as possible. ;) Thursday at the latest, so I have time to do the usual Winmerge check before releasing the update on Friday at the latest.
I'm hoping to upload another version of the update this week. That is, unless anyone has anything in progress which isn't going to be done this week but is likely to be done next week or the week after. In particular, @Jack Rackham and @DeathDaisy, are you working on anything that's likely to be finished soon?

After the next update goes up, @Mad Jack Wolfe, would you like to use it to build the next installer?
yeah, gonna change the thing with morgen and the sword which shouldnt take too long! I had hoped to do it already, but it started snowing like crazy which messed up all my plans, Im so tired :ko and now Im in the middle of a move but Ill get to it as soon as things ve calmed somewhat xD

As soon as possible. ;) Thursday at the latest, so I have time to do the usual Winmerge check before releasing the update on Friday at the latest.
shit sorry, I missed this! Ill see if I can sqeeze it in, but no promises. could we wait with the proper installer build until next week if I cant get it done till thursday?
That is why I asked. ;) Finish when you can, then I'll put it into the update, and then I'll upload the update.
I have uploaded on dropbox "JRH files 3242 18-03-15 part A , B , C". Had to split it up.
Something with my internet connection.
Got them - thanks! :onya I've WinMerged them into the archive. Most of the files copied straight in, though I had to merge in your new bits in "initItems.c" and "initModels.c" so that the finished versions include your stuff, @Bartolomeu o Portugues' stuff and my stuff.
yeah, gonna change the thing with morgen and the sword which shouldnt take too long! I had hoped to do it already, but it started snowing like crazy which messed up all my plans, Im so tired :ko and now Im in the middle of a move but Ill get to it as soon as things ve calmed somewhat xD
On that note, if you intend to do anything with "Robert Fletcher_dialog.c/h" to make someone tell Morgen about the sword, please use these versions. The versions already in the game have a lot of text hard-coded into "Robert Fletcher_dialog.c", which works but isn't much good for anyone wanting to do a translation into a different language. So I've moved all the text into "Robert Fletcher_dialog.h" where it belongs and replaced it with "DLG_TEXT" references in "Robert Fletcher_dialog.c". These versions, plus any additions you make for Morgen, will go into the next update.


  • Robert Fletcher_dialog.c
    37.7 KB · Views: 179
  • Robert Fletcher_dialog.h
    35.5 KB · Views: 205
On that note, if you intend to do anything with "Robert Fletcher_dialog.c/h" to make someone tell Morgen about the sword, please use these versions. The versions already in the game have a lot of text hard-coded into "Robert Fletcher_dialog.c", which works but isn't much good for anyone wanting to do a translation into a different language. So I've moved all the text into "Robert Fletcher_dialog.h" where it belongs and replaced it with "DLG_TEXT" references in "Robert Fletcher_dialog.c". These versions, plus any additions you make for Morgen, will go into the next update.
great thx! xD

sorry its taking a while, cant wait for this hellish move to be over. Im semi-temporarily moving into a 15m² cottage w/o running water and currently w/o internet until I get a wifi antennae setup in the main building :ko meanwhile I got a tablet with a fairly generous data cap thankfully :p gonna have my proper gear setup at thursday tho
sorry its taking a while, cant wait for this hellish move to be over. Im semi-temporarily moving into a 15m² cottage w/o running water and currently w/o internet until I get a wifi antennae setup in the main building :ko
AGH, I hate hellish moves!
I'm in a bit of a similar bind myself, because I ended up getting 2 moves in 2 months.
No exactly ideal... So good luck with yours! :onya
I'm hoping to upload another version of the update this week. That is, unless anyone has anything in progress which isn't going to be done this week but is likely to be done next week or the week after. In particular, @Jack Rackham and @DeathDaisy, are you working on anything that's likely to be finished soon?

After the next update goes up, @Mad Jack Wolfe, would you like to use it to build the next installer?
Sorry for having seemed to drop off the face of the earth. A bit of personal drama and a book research trip gobbled up my time and attention. I'll do my best to get caught up on everything this weekend and start on the new installer.
AWOL, eh? We'll have to dock your pay!:whipa xD

More seriously: as all work on the mod is entirely voluntary (and unpaid), of course real life takes priority! Hopefully your return here means the personal drama has now been concluded successfully, and equally hopefully, the book research yielded some useful information. Welcome back! :cheers

If you're ready and willing to build a new installer then it's only proper that I should provide something for you to work with. The newest update is now up, in the usual place:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_August31_fixes.zip

We've been putting the extra time to good use. @Bartolomeu o Portugues has written a new sidequest specifically for José Joaquín Almeida as well as doing a bit of fixing of his other sidequests, while I've been doing a bit of bug-hunting in both the "Jack Sparrow" storyline and the Rogue / Gambler start quest. Pistols from the stock game have received an overhaul, and so has the cursed Flying Dutchman.
And I have worked on WoodesRogers quest as usual.
But I don't think the new stuff is visible to anyone playing the quest, so I didn't want to confuse people who might download the update and wonder what's changed in "Woodes Rogers". Besides, that was just a brief summary, not a detailed list of everything included in the update. ;)

Your stuff from 15th March is included, though.
In the tales of a chevalier, after escaping from Havana, I checked the dialogues of Padre Gerardo talking to him. He repeated the same dialogues when I met him the first time in the Havana Church. Did you fix that in your last files?
If Padre Gerardo has no more dialogues for this quest, he should have the officer dialogues.
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