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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 3 Progress

I went to Martinique in the main story line and found this guy. I think he is in the wrong uniform, No?


  • Martinique Soldier.png
    Martinique Soldier.png
    1.3 MB · Views: 174
3 questions:
is it safe to download/play the beta 3? I mean, still lots of CTDs? if so, can I you guys with something?

btw, I think this is the best mod about the age of piracy ever to exist!
nice work, mates!

sheers from Brazil
Beta 3 WIP 12 is the most stable version we have. Least CTDs of any version and least other bugs too.

You can definitely help out! Best way to start is just by testing. :doff
It seems that there might be a WIP 13 or 14. If so where do I DL it for testing.
Arr! You know you've hit rock bottom when ya get kicked outta Tortuga......:rumgone

Crickey! Just because the French don't like me neither. Or was it the smokey stuff?
sailing into Tortuga.jpg

Also, should this port not have a name? There is one on Cuba also.
Arr! You know you've hit rock bottom when ya get kicked outta Tortuga......:rumgone

Crickey! Just because the French don't like me neither. Or was it the smokey stuff?
The curse doesn't make you hated by all at sea.

Also, should this port not have a name? There is one on Cuba also.
Just to be sure, which modpack version are you using? The Hispaniola one should be the Buccaneers Camp and I definitely fixed that one.

No problem! :doff But how does the game call the flags, coordinates? Would be helpful for me to know, how "tall" each flag may be. There must also be a reason why only one free row, now that there's so much new space.
Each one should be 64 pixels tall.
On the LOM issue, I have run thorough it twice in WIP both times I get the LOM sink some ships go back for my promotion and the only dialogue is I am looking for an LOM, I have now done it three times in the same game and still no promotion. Pieter, you asked my if it worked after getting 2 LOMs. My experience is it doesn't work at all. :dance
64 pixels... then there's no room for an additional nation, because the other flags consume the whole space. The current ones are 32 pixels tall, so I think you meant that (or I've used a wrong word, that's quite likely).
Oops, yes I did mean 32 pixels tall. Oops. :facepalm

On the LOM issue, I have run thorough it twice in WIP both times I get the LOM sink some ships go back for my promotion and the only dialogue is I am looking for an LOM, I have now done it three times in the same game and still no promotion. Pieter, you asked my if it worked after getting 2 LOMs. My experience is it doesn't work at all. :dance
You're absolutely right. I fixed it earlier today. See here: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/freeplay.20858/#post-456687
Ahh! Thank you.

BTW I played the cursed coin through today. GREAT JOB. I loved it and great effects. :cheers
Wow, that is high praise coming from someone who isn't a fan of fantasy stuff. Thanks a lot! :woot
Have you tried making the curse WORSE yet by taking MORE coins from Isla de Muerta?
How does one turn off the STUPID COIN CURSE!!! :rumgone I just got rid of one stupid copin and got another stupid coin. :rumgone

Ya can't see to sail or fight or pick up stuff outta the water. :rumgone Ya can't do anything until ya get rid of the stupid coin! :rumgone

stupid fog-1.jpgstupid fog-2.jpgstupid fog-3.jpg
You put one cursed coin back in the chest? So now there are 882 coins in there?
Should be no curse anymore then. :confused:

Oh wait.... The curse DOES work as long as you keep the second coin ON you. Put it in a chest, sell it, do with it whatever you please.
As long as there are 882 coins in the chest, there are no limits on what you can do with whatever other coins you find.
Wow, that is high praise coming from someone who isn't a fan of fantasy stuff. Thanks a lot! :woot
Have you tried making the curse WORSE yet by taking MORE coins from Isla de Muerta?

Not yet. I am still trying to get your fix on the LOM in. I can't seem to figure it out. I 'll just wait for fix.
Been playing the standard storyline to see how it goes now.

Escorting the Albion actually works. One time it took over 25 hours to sail to where Wilford is waiting, but no French ships showed up. Could it be that if your speed never hits 2 knots the blockade fleet does not respond?

The next time took over 7 hours and it was after 0600 and I thought I was too late, but Wilford was still there. I was going 5-6 knots and a French frigate made it there before I got there. We passed at full speed and I took heavy damage but made into the bay and dropped anchor before the frigate could get turned around. If the other ships had showed up I would have been sunk.

This was the first time in memory that I tried to steal the French frigate while I had only one ship. Usually the 2nd ship distracts the fleet long enough for me to get away. This time with no cover the frigate took heavy damage, losing masts and everything. Only the fact that I use the Open Sea mod let me escape to the world map. There will be complaints about this one.
Right, the Soleil Royal is just too big. If this ship manages to turn and gives you its broadside, it will be over :D