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Black Pearl and QAR Progress

At the moment, the uncursed Dutchman can do everything the cursed one can, but the cursed Pearl is the only one with additional powers.
And now officially much better-looking skeleton crew at night; cheers, Armada! :dance
Well of course. The other Pearls aren't supernatural.
Agreed. The new cursed crew looks awesome, Aramda.

Is the whole debate of whether or not the un-cursed Dutchman should have the Kraken ability still up in the air?
Since I don't imagine the uncursed Flying Dutchman would be as popular as the cursed one, I don't really want to add more reasons for her being less popular.
We DO want people to play with her, don't we?
True. Although maybe when I give her my green flash treatment people will go, "Ooooo" and play her more.

Then we'll have people asking "How do I find the green flash?" lol
I haven't had any crashes with the Pearl's crew.

Anyway, the Queen Anne's Revenge is finished. Here are some pics of her improvements. You might notice she now has the Peal's new planking.
Among other things pictured below.

[attachment=7614:Fullscreen capture 11222011 90752 AM.jpg] [attachment=7615:Fullscreen capture 11222011 90745 AM.jpg] [attachment=7616:Fullscreen capture 11222011 90731 AM.jpg]

[attachment=7617:Fullscreen capture 11222011 90518 AM.jpg] [attachment=7618:Fullscreen capture 11222011 90511 AM.jpg] [attachment=7619:Fullscreen capture 11222011 90503 AM.jpg]

[attachment=7620:Fullscreen capture 11222011 90456 AM.jpg] [attachment=7621:Fullscreen capture 11222011 90445 AM.jpg]
I've been testing out the flamethrower. Sets ships on fire nicely. Still doesn't look quite right going full speed, but I imagine a real flamethrower wouldn't work too well if you were going to fast anyway. But it looks awesome at slower speeds.

That got me thinking. If the Dutchman catches on fire, could you make it so when the Dutchman submerges, the fire goes out? I remember a while back being on fire, submerging, and still being on fire. That's just weird.
In PROGRAM\NK.c add this line:
#event_handler("UpdateDutchmanSubmersion", "SubmergeDutchman");
void SubmergeDutchman()
aref rCharacter = GetEventData();

if(CheckAttribute(rCharacter, "ship.SubmergeDutchman"))
float fX, fY, fZ, fAY, gX, gY, gZ;
fX = 0; fY = 0; fZ = 0;
if(CheckAttribute(rCharacter,"Ship.pos.x")) fX=stf(rCharacter.Ship.pos.x);
else return;
if(CheckAttribute(rCharacter,"Ship.pos.y")) fY=stf(rCharacter.Ship.pos.y);
else return;
if(CheckAttribute(rCharacter,"Ship.pos.z")) fZ=stf(rCharacter.Ship.pos.z);
else return;
if(CheckAttribute(rCharacter,"Ship.Ang.y")) fAY=stf(rCharacter.Ship.Ang.y);
else return;
rCharacter.firedrill = true; // <-- THIS LINE!
if(!CheckAttribute(rCharacter, "ship.EmergeDutchman"))
I think that should work to douse fires when submerging and have them extinguished automatically as long as you're submerged (for example if lightning decides to hit you anyway!). :whipa
Find the line:
if(!CheckAttribute(rCharacter, "ship.EmergeDutchman"))
Put this line above it:
rCharacter.firedrill = true;
Ok I think I have bump mapping figured out. Like the alpha channel thing for the sails, it looks like I'll have to do this on GIMP. But I can't figure out where to apply it. What areas of the ship did you have in mind for bump mapping exactly?
It works best for parts which were not modelled, to save polygons, but left as flat surfaces.
The stern decoration is one example that I think would look nice with this effect. It should look more "3D", rather than being a flat texture.
You might want to experiment with similar parts to see what looks good.

To apply bump-mapping to a specific feature, it must be a whole layer, at least temporarily.
The easiest way to do this is to select the feature you want, and 'Cut' and 'Paste' it without deselecting at any time.
This should make it a 'floating' layer, which can be modified alone, and then 'Anchored' to the whole thing once you're done.

In fact, just for the sake of having some subtle differences, why don't we forget about the Wicked Wench altogether and just keep Kazeite's model for her?
Though ideally without the figurehead as per the book; not that that is going to make much of a difference to anyone, who even read that book and registered that the Wench is not supposed to have a figurehead?
Easy does the trick, right? :wp
But it IS easy to remove the figurehead from the new Pearl model. :razz
Besides, I've been desperate to replace that model ever since the new Pearl was finished.
It always was the older, less up-to-date model, and has been neglected whenever the Pearl has been upgraded.
I'd say it's good enough to use the same paint scheme with the new model, rather than forget the new model altogether.

I was wondering if we could make it so you can walk into the cabin, but keep the doors closed? That would satisfy people, but keep her looking nice cosmetically. I personally think she'd look odd without any doors.
The Damaged Pearl was designed to have an open cabin, because the doors were destroyed when fighting the Kraken in DMC (right?).
However, I'm sure it would be easy enough to make the normal Pearl use the Damaged Pearl's path model, so you can walk through the door into the cabin if you wish.

Does anyone else get an error message with the new Black Pearl walk file?
RUNTIME ERROR - file: sea_ai\walk\BlackPearl_walk.c; line: 88
invalid index 78 [size:78]
RUNTIME ERROR - file: sea_ai\walk\BlackPearl_walk.c; line: 88
function 'BlackPearl_walk_init' stack error
I had a look at the file and it looks correct to me and seems to work fine ingame. But I still get that error.log entry. :facepalm
Don't ask me why. It's weird enough if you don't start a new game. The crew seem to walk half where they should do and half in mid-air! :blink:

So what's the verdict on the un-cursed Dutchman? Kraken or no Kraken? Does she submerge?
I still think she should not be allowed to use either the Kraken or the submerging ability. It doesn't make sense when you consider her purpose.
She has been freed of the curse, so the same abilities don't apply any more. Why would she submerge now that the crew are not "fish people" and the hull is not seaweed-covered?
As for the Kraken, besides the fact that it's dead, consider that Will probably wouldn't use it as a weapon anyway. He's not Davy Jones, you know.
So by keeping these abilities, you're taking away the whole identity of the ship. Whether she's popular or not is hardly that important, anyway.

And now officially much better-looking skeleton crew at night; cheers, Armada! :dance
Glad you like 'em! We can have some really spooky Cursed Pearl screenies, now! :328_skull:
As far the Dutchman, that's what I was thinking, but Pieter was concerned about her being too boring. Although I was wondering if we should let her have the underwater ability.

I'm not sure how anything on the stern could look more 3-D since I used photographs which already have shadows and highlights which give them depth and make them pop. Idk, I personally can't see where I would apply it. What do you think Pieter?
The uncursed Dutchman is seen emerging from the water, so I think that might be excuse enough to keep that at least.
Then you can recreate the shot of AWE where she emerges from the water if you feel so inclined.

I changed the code now to disallow the uncursed Dutchman to summon the Kraken.

Personally, I'm not too fussed on the bump maps. Good is good and better is better, but good enough is also good.
And in this case, good enough can't be worse than it is now, which happens to already be brilliant.
If ye catch me drift. :doff
I think I'll just go ahead and release the textures. Should I include the Ships_Init.C file? Or not?

I HAVE made a couple adjustments for the Pearl since I installed Patch 7. So let me know.
Looks like we posted at the same time.

Anyway, if you made changes to ships_init.c, you'd better post it. If you're not sure, post it anyway. WinMerge will tell me quick enough. :doff
Sweet. Well I have a class to go to right now, but I'll post those in a few hours when i get back. Later.
I'll do a quick experiement when I get back with bump mapping, but I'm probably just gonna post the textures as is.
I found something. I was watching the movie, when I noticed the QAR has rope railing at the bow, just like the Pearl does. Would there be a way to stick that on? It seems pretty simple. A few skinny cylinders and some rope between each one.

I marked where it needs to be:

[attachment=7625:Fullscreen capture 11232011 10431 AM.jpg]

It looks exactly like the Pearl's rope railing.

[attachment=7626:Fullscreen capture 11232011 10503 AM.jpg]

Would that be too hard to add?
More testing on the flamethrower. It does very well in realistic mode. Even sailing with the wind it works fine. In arcade mode, once you get up to 10 knots or more, you start losing the effect and it gets lost in the hull. Once you get up to 20, the effect is 90% hidden in the hull.
Viewing from afar, it looks like you have the distance of the fire spot on with the distance in the movie.

Setting ships on fire isn't as hard as I expected. Haven't taken off my bowspirit or rammed anyone yet.