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Black Pearl and QAR Progress

I also discovered that I was indeed doing the bump map wrong. And I've discovered that some of the textures do look better with it.
Yeah, bump mapping can indeed look pretty useless if you don't use the right settings. You just have to experiment until you find a combination that works.
Glad to hear you're seeing an improvement, now, anyway! :dance
I'm wondering if the QAR's flamethrower range might need to be extended slightly. The rang at full sail is a little less than in the movie. i think a little more range would be more conventional AND look better.

Here's a pic of the fire under full sail going with the wind: [attachment=7637:SnapShot(12).jpg]

And then of course, the movie:

Note: What is pictured below is not the full range, because it goes all the way out to the long-boat and engulfs it. So what you see in the picture below is only about half its range.

And there's another problem. My ENTER menu options seems to have disappeared. I was testing the QAR, but I wasn't able to bring up SAIL TO, PORT, WORLD MAP, or even the sword of Triton. Here's a screenie of what comes up when I hit enter. It's the same in realistic or arcade mode.

[attachment=7635:moddingNGINE 2011-11-24 23-18-23-44.jpg]
Here's some shots of the Queen Anne's Revenge with bump mapping in areas I thought could benefit from it. What do you think?

[attachment=7647:Fullscreen capture 11252011 30540 AM.jpg] [attachment=7646:Fullscreen capture 11252011 30617 AM.jpg] [attachment=7645:Fullscreen capture 11252011 30628 AM.jpg]

[attachment=7644:Fullscreen capture 11252011 30640 AM.jpg] [attachment=7643:Fullscreen capture 11252011 30703 AM.jpg] [attachment=7642:moddingNGINE 2011-11-25 03-10-34-83.jpg]

[attachment=7641:moddingNGINE 2011-11-25 03-10-45-06.jpg] [attachment=7640:moddingNGINE 2011-11-25 03-10-55-54.jpg] [attachment=7639:moddingNGINE 2011-11-25 03-11-05-11.jpg]

[attachment=7638:moddingNGINE 2011-11-25 03-11-36-73.jpg]
Now that's some fine bump mapping, there! Definitely brings the textures to life a bit more. :keith
I'm wondering if the QAR's flamethrower range might need to be extended slightly. The rang at full sail is a little less than in the movie. i think a little more range would be more conventional AND look better.
The range is directly related to how high the bow chasers locators are above the water. I don't really want to move them higher up and don't really want to try to increase the range through code either.
When I tested, the range was about three ship lengths. But that's for the "cannonballs", not for the actual flame effect.
If you want to adjust just the particle effect, you can try it yourself in RESOURCE\INI\PARTICLES\ship_fire.ini - this is the effect used:
technique = particlesFire
emissiontime = 100

windeffect = 0.0025
key_windeffect = 0,0
key_windeffect = 1,50000

texture		= cannonflash.tga

particles_num	= 30
lifetime	= 3000
emitradius	= 22.0

psize_max	= 0.02
psize_min	= 0.0

ddeviation	= 0.1
gravity		= 0.0
initial_speed	= 2.0

weight		= 0.0
weight_deviation = 0.0

ptime		= 0
pscale		= 1.0

spin		= 0.0
spin_deviation	= 0.0025

speed 		= 3.0
speed_deviation	= 0

key_alpha	= 0.7,0
key_alpha	= 0.25,2000
key_alpha	= 0,3000

key_psize	= 0,0
key_psize	= 4,3000
key_psize	= 8,8000

key_pspeed	= 0.0,0
;key_pspeed	= 0.0008,500
key_pspeed	= 0.008,3000

key_spin	= 0.3,0
key_spin	= 0.1,8000
I have mainly been playing around with initial_speed and speed.
Yep. The ENTER menu seems to work fine everywhere except at sea sailing your ship around. As shown in that screen shot, the only commands available are the commands to an ally. Any clue how to fix that? I can't properly play the game like this, nor can I progress with the video.
What if you remove that "options" file again, then start a new game and see if it still does it?

At the moment, my game doesn't run at all, because I haven't had a chance to finish my work from yesterday yet, so I cannot check.
The only thing at this time that would make sense to me is that maybe somehow your [Enter] button is executing twice, so you're ending up in the next menu down or something.
What happens when you press [Esc] when you've got that menu?
What if you reinstall your game to another folder, can you check if you've got the bug too in the newly installed version? :modding
Have a look here: http://forum.piratesahoy.net/index.php/topic/18245-stock-potc-at-819-mb-compressed/page__view__findpost__p__410463
So I have to uninstall the game?
The disks won't let me install in a second location. Well that sucks. What do I do? Isn't there just a way to fix this? That file doesn't work. It says uploading, but then it goes to an hour then 4 hours.
Copy your current game version to an external HD or so to prevent losing your work, then try to reinstall. :modding
Open PROGRAM\BATTLE_INTERFACE\BattleInterface.c and find:
if(GetAttribute(mainCh, "ship.type") == "CursedDutchman")
Replace with:
GetAttribute(mainCh, "ship.type") == "CursedDutchman"
That'll solve your problem. Sorry about that, my mistake. That's what I get for not testing things. :modding
See above. I didn't have the solution ready yet, because I couldn't yet figure out what was wrong. But I had already found where the problem was. :facepalm